I think my definition of irony is..I not only live in Guntown, but, I live between the stock yard and where the junior high band practice is held. Every morning. Mooo, bellow, eye of the tiger, moo, bellow.
Well I located my cordless vacs in the stuff the storage company brought a couple of weeks ago. Didn't find the chargers tho they may be someplace. Screw it, I throw them in the car and take them to a listed vacuum guy on the way to the dog park. Drove up and down and around and I swear that shop is not there. So left the vacs in the car and went to the dog park. Monday I go to an appt about 35 mi away and Tues Mikey gets a haircut while I go see his pictures and select something. Then I'm going to get a haircut. Actually I have doubt about Mikey getting done as I saw on line today the owner of the place is hiring full/pt time groomer immediately. Sounds desperate. Hell if she is there I can do him myself at the shop. Lungs are better than last week but back hurts and am weak. I don't think so too pretty good! Eyes are for shit too. Missed my last eye dr appt cuz I had pneumonia last week. Hell, everything sucks. Except Mikey still brings me joy. Well, as long as I please him. Oh I know I could order on line for chargers but don't want to. There something I want to ask about one of them. Been watching Dr Pol and I'm so glad I'm not a cow. They always seem to have some vet's arm up their hoohah except for when they have problems giving birth so they use chains and pulleys on them.
Mikey sounds like he's saving you. You live for him, which I totally get. The world needs more Mikeys. I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Me and vacuums do not co exist. I break them faster than I can plug one in and I should just rake the goddamn place at this point. I swept today, which is hard on crutches. The new house has NO carpets, thank goodness I could choose that option. I am pleased to tell everyone that I have found a wild life sanctuary that will take you know who. The one who shall not be named. LOL. I'll post on it though. I'm gonna miss my animals, but, I'm happy for them.
No more carpets for me. I have plug in vacs I can't use because the back and forth motion is one I can't do. What I have is a cordless one that I got just before the fire so don't know much about it. And the little hand held job that is cordless. I can bend forward at the waist to nab dog hair and stuff with the vac. I pick up poop with bags rather than rake it because again, no side motion stuff or disc grabs a nerve or something. Yes Mikey keeps me alive, and he doesn't want me to die because he doesn't like my sister's year and a half year old 120 lb bouvier, full of energy. But it knocks him around and licks his weiner. Hell I'd be pissed too. The other bouvier and Mikey get along great. The other one is the mean one but she adores Mikey and me.
I am so happy about your news, really, really happy. That's great. There is some sanctuary near San Francisco that takes parrots. I've known a couple of people who have arranged for their birds to go there. That's a big problem with a bird that lives for 60 years. It's why I don't have an African grey or an ecclectus.
LMAO @ licks his weiner. That dog sounds like your sister raised it. Man, you're as bad off physically as I am. It just suck, doesn't it? I have something catching on my right hip and shoulder this week and I can't even get in my damn van. Well, I did, but, it took forever and hurt like a bitch. I can't do regular chores that involve bending or lifting at all. So, I'm really glad not to have the chickens right now. I miss 'em, but, I have updates already and I know they're fine. Yesterday morning, no matter how hard I tried, I could not bend to turn on the hose. I was so pissed. They had to drink dirty water. When you can't take care of a pet right, it needs someone else. I faced that. The town rules can suck MY weiner, but, my spine won that battle.
That would be my definition of hell.
Yet, let a chicken crow..hey, CHAOS!
Well I located my cordless vacs in the stuff the storage company brought a couple of weeks ago. Didn't find the chargers tho they may be someplace. Screw it, I throw them in the car and take them to a listed vacuum guy on the way to the dog park. Drove up and down and around and I swear that shop is not there. So left the vacs in the car and went to the dog park. Monday I go to an appt about 35 mi away and Tues Mikey gets a haircut while I go see his pictures and select something. Then I'm going to get a haircut. Actually I have doubt about Mikey getting done as I saw on line today the owner of the place is hiring full/pt time groomer immediately. Sounds desperate. Hell if she is there I can do him myself at the shop.
Lungs are better than last week but back hurts and am weak. I don't think so too pretty good! Eyes are for shit too. Missed my last eye dr appt cuz I had pneumonia last week. Hell, everything sucks. Except Mikey still brings me joy. Well, as long as I please him.
Oh I know I could order on line for chargers but don't want to. There something I want to ask about one of them. Been watching Dr Pol and I'm so glad I'm not a cow. They always seem to have some vet's arm up their hoohah except for when they have problems giving birth so they use chains and pulleys on them.
Mikey sounds like he's saving you. You live for him, which I totally get. The world needs more Mikeys. I'm glad you're feeling a little better. Me and vacuums do not co exist. I break them faster than I can plug one in and I should just rake the goddamn place at this point. I swept today, which is hard on crutches. The new house has NO carpets, thank goodness I could choose that option. I am pleased to tell everyone that I have found a wild life sanctuary that will take you know who. The one who shall not be named. LOL. I'll post on it though. I'm gonna miss my animals, but, I'm happy for them.
No more carpets for me. I have plug in vacs I can't use because the back and forth motion is one I can't do. What I have is a cordless one that I got just before the fire so don't know much about it. And the little hand held job that is cordless. I can bend forward at the waist to nab dog hair and stuff with the vac. I pick up poop with bags rather than rake it because again, no side motion stuff or disc grabs a nerve or something. Yes Mikey keeps me alive, and he doesn't want me to die because he doesn't like my sister's year and a half year old 120 lb bouvier, full of energy. But it knocks him around and licks his weiner. Hell I'd be pissed too. The other bouvier and Mikey get along great. The other one is the mean one but she adores Mikey and me.
I am so happy about your news, really, really happy. That's great. There is some sanctuary near San Francisco that takes parrots. I've known a couple of people who have arranged for their birds to go there. That's a big problem with a bird that lives for 60 years. It's why I don't have an African grey or an ecclectus.
LMAO @ licks his weiner. That dog sounds like your sister raised it. Man, you're as bad off physically as I am. It just suck, doesn't it? I have something catching on my right hip and shoulder this week and I can't even get in my damn van. Well, I did, but, it took forever and hurt like a bitch. I can't do regular chores that involve bending or lifting at all. So, I'm really glad not to have the chickens right now. I miss 'em, but, I have updates already and I know they're fine. Yesterday morning, no matter how hard I tried, I could not bend to turn on the hose. I was so pissed. They had to drink dirty water. When you can't take care of a pet right, it needs someone else. I faced that. The town rules can suck MY weiner, but, my spine won that battle.
ps. lissa just laughed her ass off at the weiner things too.
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