Monday, September 14, 2015

Portrait of a TWAT HOLE

I knew about that baby Sherri Shepherd dumped. She paid a surrogate $25 grand to have a baby with a doner egg and her ex's sperm, then they broke up and she dumped that baby like a hot potato. There was that big court battle where the judge finally righted it and made Sherri pay up. That's bad enough.  But, I did not know that fucking Sherri Cunt Shepherd also dumped the surrogate's name on the birth certificate. Sherri's ex went on welfare to get medical insurance for the baby (he's raising the kid alone) and Child Support Recovery went after the surrogate!! Not only was the surrogate not even related to the baby, but, then she had to pay child support! She was a single mom raising her own kids! That fucking Sherri Shepherd is not only the stupidest woman ever, but, she's a downright cunt. Can you imagine, not only dumping a baby YOU planned and paid for, but, also fucking over the surrogate who carried your child for you?? It doesn't get much lower than that. How does this horrible woman stay employed on television??

This kid is better off without her ass. I wish the judge would triple her child support payments.


Unknown said...

How can she legally put another womans name on the birth certificate?!

Anonymous said...

I hope to hell the surrogate is no longer paying support. Sherri is a lawyer IIRC. No honor among show biz types, I'd never hire her for another job and turn my back on her every time I saw her if I was a powerful person in her wannabe profession of being on teepee by any means necessary. Like Dr. Drew. Dr I'll do anything to be the center of attention and be on tv, radio, as many hours in a day as possible. Puke.

Jane said...

I heard about this when the baby was born but I have not kept up with it. I can't believe the people she works with could stand to be around her. Poor little baby. I hope the dad is a good man.

sally said...

In Sheri's defense, her ex Lamar SALLY (no relation ;) scammed her and he got away with it because she is a moron. That said, how could she turn her back on that kid?
I despise Sheri Shephard because of her loud-mouthed belief in that assbackward Jehovah's Witness nonsense. She's a screeching ignorant boob and deserves all the adversity that comes her way because of it.

And the bottom line is, if not for Sheri's $$$ & fame, this baby would not have had the remotest possibility of existing. So logically speaking, the child's financial well-being should be 100% Sheri's responsibility.
& If there is any justice at all, Lamar should have a free ride for the next 18 years. haHAH! :-)

Anonymous said...

How can something like this happen? The person who carried the baby, only did so because she and her husband contracted with the surrogate to do so. She should be financially responsible for this child. There shouldn't be any question.
I really don't know her from a hole in the wall, but it doesn't matter who it is, responsibility for a life brought into this world should be automatic in a case where surrogacy is arranged.

Anonymous said...

That baby looks like her father.