Got yer nose!
Now that's attractive. That should be my FB profile pic. Not.
Pretty boy, Jerry Lee.
Awesome spider web way up in the tree. An Orb Weaver. Click that one to see how perfect it is.
I've decided to let Tooney run, pretty much on his own. At night at least. I still keep an eye on him in the day time. But, he's basically free. If he doesn't want to come back, he doesn't have to. We'll see how this works out. I guess I just can't stand the thought of us being separated right now. He seems to feel the same. He's found out where the real Coons hang out and has been spending time out there. I don't know if he's met other Raccoons yet. That will be interesting to see.
i can understand your separation anxiety - kind of like kids. I sure will be interested to read how it goes. Ouch on the nose thing, lol.
It's his hello, I love you thang.
The wild coons live in your area and come and go. Is there a reason why he couldn't do that. The only downside I can think of is that he might be too friendly to some people who don't know him and find him to be a danger. Maybe you could put some "Beware of Coon" signs around or "This House is Protected by a Coon"! This is why I never wanted to breed any of my animals. I would never let the babies go. Has he been to the new house?
Yeah, he's walked to the new house with me many times. Even this morning. It's almost done!! And it's a nicer more remote place for him to play. I just wanted to release him away from these dogs and people, but, if he can stay safe and out of trouble for just a few more weeks, we'll be gone soon. I think maybe, maybe by Halloween! He loves it over there too. All those BIG trees.
If something tried to eat my face off I'd kick its ass out too.
He wasn't eating my face, him wubs me. You need a kitten.
Crabbie has 'kitty butler' written all over him.
He does, doesn't he?
Got my fingers and toes crossed that this works. I really, really hope it does.
After terrible day yesterday I got a call from dr to come back for 2nd chest X-ray. I went and almost couldn't stand it tho it was close by and no problem. Not breathing right means you have 0 energy and can't think. Finally this evening went out in front with Mikey. He was so happy, ran and ran like a maniac around the yard. He can go out anytime but needs his mommy to show off for. I feel so bad that I can't care for him right.
Did I say I went to dr Wed and got first X-ray and neighbor went and got meds for me? I need to arrange for people to take over my business/paper work and keep me organized if I have any ability at all. I have low oxygen now, don't know how to deal with people when I can't deal with people. Right now am better, at least can walk to front yard. Dear sweet Mikey. You'd love him Pat. Haven't contacted photographer to select his pictures I want cuz can't get there or think.
Dear Border,
I worry for you, and hope you can find some comfort, and that rest helps you recover what energy you can.
I also hope that you have good people around you who are trustworthy, and able to help you with any paperwork or arrangements you need made.
Your doggy friend sounds very cute. It's so sweet when they are happy to see you and want to show off.
I am sending my prayers and healing/comfort energy your way.
I'm sure you take care of Mikey just fine, don't even think about that. Just get better.
Border, would oxygen help? Take care of yourself. Sending warm hugs.
Thank you. I've had oxygen before that I used at night after a bout with pneumonia but then came the fire so I seemed to get along without it. Now it's bad again. Got to get rid of the main problems so oxygen would help, at that point, not enough.
Breathe. I am sending you good energy.
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