Monday, September 21, 2015

Rescue Me!

Rescue Me! is an organization which matches up needy wild animals with licensed rescuers all over the US. This is pretty amazing, what I've read so far. I'm trying to learn about the DNR rescue programs and the people. I have a feeling this organization is nothing but good, but, it's just a feeling. I'll link it over to the side so we can watch and read there. I have met two more animal re-habbers and I am learning so much about laws and the DNR community. Some of the rescuers are as nutty as a box of squirrels, but, in a good way. They absolutely know their rights, the laws and how to save animals with minimum trouble from the naysayers. Not to mention all the fucking paper work! They work with everything, and I am not kidding! Bats, skunks, snakes, any animal you can think of. It's damn amazing!

Yep. Even them. (I want them, I want them!)

HERE is the link to Rescue Me! Any of you might need it someday. (I'll also keep it on DD links.) If anyone has dealt with Rescue Me, please comment. There is a map on there that showed the number of rescuers in each state and I was surprised there are so few! So many needy animals, so few people to take them, omg. So, here I am and I'm learning and there is a lot to learn. I didn't even know you're supposed to carry your laminated card on you when picking up any animal. I haven't even gotten a card yet in the mail! I have raised about every animal that lives in Iowa, but, there's so much legal stuff I never knew.

You guys, I think I'd like to learn to work with bats next year. I don't know a whole lot about bats.


Frimmy said...

I love bats.

Anonymous said...

Glad you put the link up, not that I find much wildlife here. Got my 2014 taxes done today. Cost me a lot of money. Had to have my sister drive me and she left her dog here again, the one Mikey loves. He was so happy he was all over me for an hour afterwards licking me and whining telling me how happy he was to have his best pal over. Those 2 get along so well together.

We have a trash picker. He comes by and goes thru the cans using a flashlight while he is browsing. He's a 3 shopping cart picker. It bothers me he goes through so thoroughly. Hope he enjoys the poop. It's legal for him to do so when the can is put out for pickup. I'm a late night person or I'd get up at 5 am to take it out to prevent the problem.

Well if it's not one thing it's another, right.

Dirty Disher said...

Frim, I think I do too. I used to be a little afraid of them, I had a bad experience in our attic once. But, then I learned more and bats are awesome. I just have no clue on their care and the state needs more bat orphan raisers. There's a real shortage of ppl who do it here. DNR told me there is no one in our area who does bats. Plus, they have special needs which could be fun to learn about. Plus they're small.

Dirty Disher said...

Border, I do not like the trash picker. Picking up furniture or items on the curb is fine, hell, I do that, but, going through your garbage is weird and stalker like.

Dirty Disher said...

ps, you guys have no idea the longing I feel when looking at that box of baby Squirrells. LOL. I want to dive in there.

Dan Zinski said...

I don't care for bats.

Dirty Disher said...

But, I'm sure they like you. They want to kiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssss you.