David Azerrad's anti abortion speech included this thought.."Well, what about adoption? Why is it always framed in such terms: abortion or a ruined life? Why can’t you give the baby up for adoption? Yes, it is an imposition on the woman, but her whole life isn’t ruined."
It is an imposition on women? Forced birth is 'an imposition' on women?? AN IMPOSITION??? Is it okay that I want him to have an ass baby? I want him to have nine full months of cramps, stretch marks, breathing problems, morning sickness, blood clots, sore, leaking nipples, incontinence, back pain, feet fire, sleep deprivation and...fear. I want him to be terrified and rightfully so. I want him to face his horror with a full term human coming out of his butt and tearing him open. I want the pain of labor to engulf his entire being until he screams in agony for, oh, say, twelve full hours. Could it be breech too? I want the birth to change his body permanently and not for the better.
THEN, I want him to look at that tiny being, hold it and decide if he will give it to strangers or spend the next two decades raising it. I want him to be living on minimum wage too, with no partner. Am I just a terrible person?
Yes, it is completely OK that you want him to have an ass baby.
I want him to have a dick baby.
Our first (and my ONLY) pregnancies sound pretty identical.
My mom made my life much harder than it ever had to be, right
up until the day she died. My son was 21 then. She loved him,
but never was through punishing me.
You go through that life sentence, you right wing pos.
Right. I am not a campbell's soup can. I don't care to have barnacles hanging on me when I didn't invite them. If you want a child, it's wonderful. Otherwise you avoid if you possibly can. If you can't you make a decision. It's my body, asshole. MINE.
Life sentence. Yep. I was told what to do and I had no choices. I was scared shitless, my body was not developed enough to birth and adoption was nixed in an almost violent manner. I was not a good girl, therefore I had to be punished. Forever. Lucky for my kid that I am the way I am. I never resented him. I didn't even know you could. I actually believed her bullshit at 17-18.
Border, I love LOVE the way you said that.
Oh, and I was told, flat out, that my life was over. I didn't even know my life had started and I was told it was over. No decent man would ever marry me. I was used goods. And of course, education was laughed at. Even finishing high school. I was to never, ever have a babysitter and I was to hang my head in shame forever. Period. Done.
Right on
Right on to the post
Me too, Pat. I did and still do love my son more than anything.
I was 10 times, no, 100 times the mother she ever was. My son
and I are still close, but he has no idea what she put me through.
I'm 50, and still have a very hard time buying anything for myself,
relationships, you name it. She's dead. All of that shit should've died
with her. Still, I am haunted everyday with one reminder or another
of how undeserving I am. I have every reason to be happy now, and
I really am, parents words, actions, abuse, neglect,etc. haunt
me on the daily. It shows up everywhere. There is just so much.
My mother gave herself an abortion with a coat hanger after she had me.
She said a few times, both in my childhood and my adult life, that she
wished she would have aborted me instead of the one that came after me.
Also, that MY pregnancy was God's way of forgiving her for having/giving herself an abortion.
So many mind fucks.
Sorry this is long.
My yearly post.
Sorry to be such a downer. I didn't get to see the moon last night; it was raining.
Also, I have to say:
The check here to prove you're not a robot thing
is new. Well, new to me, I haven't commented in a long time.
I hesitate when I check that. I hate to lie, and I cannot be
entirely sure of what I am.....♥O:-)
Never, ever be sorry for a long post. I am here to read, to learn, to be with friends. I read ever comment. Yours will haunt me. You had it worse than I did, it sounds. I was out of HER house back when I was 14 or younger, yet, my life was still controlled by her because of the brain washing. It is so difficult to get over it. It took me decades and I now I just find myself resenting all the pain I didn't even need to go through because I was 'not a good girl'.
I feel so bad for your mom that she had to resort to a coat hanger. My god, she could have easily died from a perforated uterous, any bacteria that coat hanger held or any number of other things resulting from such a hideous and terribly painful procedure. Yet, the bitch was still so brain washed herself that she made her own daughter's life miserable. I don't even know if my daughter know about my termination. She is anti abortion and I love her to pieces, but, one of these days, I may sit her down and demand that she read my stories. Or maybe she will read them when I'm gone and understand how horrible an unwanted pregnancy can be. She wants a child desperately, but, fate has decided to screw her and her husband over. She can't reason, in her mind, why everyone in the word wouldn't jump for joy at a positive preg test. Perhaps she will someday, explore these comments. I hope she does. I love her to much to leave her ignorant of other views. She was not a planned pregnancy, but, she was a joyous one to both her parents from day one. She was wanted, we were older, we both had awesome jobs, we had a home. But, man, that first birth, her brother, I was alone, a teen, no money, no one to help. I even birthed him alone, in shame, far from home. In a shame filled unwed mother's home. Troll will tell you that's a lie because troll somehow found his birth certificate and it says 'Iowa City', the hospital. Troll does not realize that 'The Westlawn Maternity Home' was an affiliate of that hospital back in the 70's. Unwed girls were sent to that facility weeks or months in advance of the birth and made to work off their bill. I was there for about two months. I worked in the hot, steamy hospital laundry until I collapsed. I was allowed to call home one a week. I was terrified of the birth, the staff and some of the other girls. It was a prison where we were forced to worship someone else's god and be in close company with psychotics and criminals. It was a horrible place. I'm almost finished with that story and it has been the hardest to write. I came home in a blizzard with my newborn, on a bus. I was dropped up on the square. Alone. In a fucking blizzard.
Yeah, I loved that baby just as much and as fiercely as any mother has loved her baby, but, not all births are joyous. I was forced to birth and I am still hurt and mad over it. No one, NO ONE, should ever be forced to birth. It is the wrongest of the wrongs the so called 'right' people have ever done.
Sorry about the 'robot thing'. Is is NOT mine. Blogger put it on all our blogger blogs. I have no control over it. However, we've found that if you fill it out a few times, blogger will start to recognize you as a real poster and stop fucking with you.
Sorry about the typos too, but, your post made me cry for both of us.
So, you're ok with killing the unborn fetus, but would NOT be able to give it up, once you gave birth? That makes NO sense. It's the same human being. Start to finish. I am not going to argue either. So, don't try. *Peace*
Anon, you obviously have some kind of reading comprehension deficiency.
Our choice was taken away. We didn't even explore it.
You get it or you don't.
Oh, and fuck the fuck right off, you fucking fuck.
See ya next year, Pat.
Anon why don't YOU get pregnant and adopt it out if you think that's the right thing to do. I have met many relinquishing mothers in my time and NOT ONE escaped a lifetime of loss and pain. Don't be such a hating hard arse.
See me next year?
Lia, hi ya!
Anon, shut the fuck up, you moron. Yeah, I would scrape and toss cellular matter. I will love a real child. Also, I had no choice in keeping. Reading is a challenge for you, I know. Oh, cunt, you really are stupid.
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