Saturday, September 26, 2015

The house, the house,

See where the boxes are? Up above there on the wall, you see that round circle? That's a chimney. It's a good chimney, it just needs cleaning. I've been contemplating putting the old wood stove here. I just..I'm not sure though. Becase the living room is small. It would take up so much space. Yet...damn, it would be so nice to have a wood stove when the electric goes out during a storm. That happens at least twice a Winter here. When that happens, the gas still works, but, you have no fan on the furnace to blow the warm air. It can get really cold. Plus, my wood stove is so fucking cute. That thing is the bomb and I love how it looks. Plus, I have lots of big trees. Which means I will always have fallen wood to burn. Right now, my insurance company has ordered me to remove some big limbs. And I will, they're dangerous. But, that means another month of scrimping to pay for tree limb removal. Which has to happen, so no need to bitch about it. But, there will be all that wood! I just don't know. What do you think? Should I give up the much needed space for the cool and functional wood stove or forget it and be happy there's room for a couch? Oh, you have to figure in the fact that I rarely have much company. It's not like I need a lot of sitting room. I could still get a couple of love seats in there without it looking shitty. I'm just wondering. What would you do?

ps..does anyone else hate the tag 'love seat'? Fuck that. It's just 'small couch'.


Anonymous said...

I would go for the wood stove. Especially if you like the way it looks. I grew up with wood heat, and it is messy. . . dust and dirt and spiders, occasional bee or yellow jacket, and also some soot in the house, but, it will definitely keep you warm. With the way your winters are, I would think that makes the most sense, and a couple of small couches could be just perfect. You could even curl up on one of the small couches near the stove when the electricity goes out. In a pinch, you could also warm food on it. Hands down, go with the stove. Just my opinion. Be very careful about getting wood in during the winter, though. It might be good to stack some on the back porch if it is really getting cold. I worried about my mom getting in wood for her little kitchen/dining room stove in the winter.
She never had a problem, but slipping on steps or a deck can happen.

Susan said...

I say put in the stove, it sounds awesome. I'm sure you'll be so happy you have it in the winter.

Dirty Disher said...

I had a wood stove in the country and I loved it. I think I'll do it! But, I think I'll wait on installing it, because my cousin is getting tired of doing things in that house, and I don't blame him. He just dry walled there too. I think I'll just keep my mouth shut for now and hire it done later. He's done all kinds of small things and changes that have made me so happy. He's very conservative though, so, you know, I kind of keep quiet. Like, white walls. Okay. He also washed all the pent symbols off windows. I know damn well he saw them. He's a major Christian. But, hey, I can put them back. In exchange he's rigged up an amazing shower hear and found a place for that odd French door I bought. And other things.

Dirty Disher said...

~head~ not hear. Stupid dum typos.

Angie said...

Do the stove. I wish I could have one.

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah? I'm convinced now. I'm doing the stove. But, I do know when to shut up, so I'll wait on it.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about the stove. Here it would be for decoration or pleasure.
I'm looking for little furniture. Don't care for love seats. Thinking of something I can lounge on and a chair. I'm tired of the only place being the bed.
Think I'll call a housekeeping service this week. Hate to spend the money, but I hurt too damned bad. If I have them do half the house I can do the rest. Just mainly floors, and I don't mind doing them but there's all hardwood or tile and I don't have a vac except a hand held one. And it kills my back which is already killing me. It's easy to do really since there isn't furniture for the most part, so what the hell.
I am awaiting the good things coming my way from the blood moon spells.

Dirty Disher said...

Call the housekeepers. I wish I had that option. One thing I'm worried about is how my mom will react to my move. I hope she lets me do it in my own time, but, she might get mean and demand I get out of here in two days or some shit. She's mean that way, sometimes. I just can't do a whole lot at once or I'll hurt my spine. I have to be careful. Last night, I literally tore that front room up trying to find a place I could lay down. Moved furniture and tried the recliner, tried the couch, couch with a dozen pillows, love seat, pillows, floor. Nothing worked. I finally slept here at the desk. My back is fucked top to bottom and if the old lady expects me to get all this shit packed and out in a day, I will lose my shit. She's already almost killed me with that storage room bullshit. Now all that shit is in here because she was giving it away after she promised I could use that back room! Uggg, she drives me to tears. And she isn't even using that room!

Dirty Disher said...

Also, my cousin is doing a great job on the house, and I don't want to sound like I'm dissing him, I'm not, but, he is hot to clean out the garage. The thing is, some of that stuff in there is MINE. Please don't. You know? Just leave it, I'll get it later, because he throws out stuff I love and keeps things that conservative Christians would love. No, I don't want the working tv sets. Yes, I do too want the old model T car seat. He thinks I'm weird and I know that, but, there are treasures out there for someone like me.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking on line at the leather-like futon I had before. You can have it up both sides or down both side for a full size bed, or just sleep on it as it. the 2 bottom sides bend up if you to make armrests which is really cool. I had one for the couple of weeks before the fire. It's sounding good to me again, tho I was wanting an apartment size sectional but this is cheeper. Walmart or Costco.

Anonymous said...

It kills me to spend money on cleaners. I feel useless and also poor.

Mrs. S. said...

I'm torn on the stove. Could you wait through this winter and add it next spring? You can always purchase smaller furniture with the stove in mind. As far as your mom, if you can I wouldn't even tell her when you move.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooo!!!!! That's a great idea! I don't know if you are comfortable with the idea of calling in a few favors in this way, but you could have a whole group of friends move you all at once. You could be completely moved in just a few hours. We did that for my sister a couple of times. Your mom wouldn't be able to do anything about your move, as it would happen so quickly. I hate that you have to worry about stuff like this.

Dirty Disher said...

Dollar general cleaners, the dollar aisle. Works for me, I use a lot because of the animals.

I don't want to move all at once. I will freak the fuck out if she tries to make me. I want to sort and toss at my leisure. Just getting my two huge cabinets cleaned out will be a days work. And will be two trips of boxes in my van, just from the antique cabinets! THEN I have to hire someone to move the cabinets without fucking them up. Also, my art. I have some good art and I don't want the backings fucked up. So, SHE is not going to decide who moves me. She will also go through all my garbage, take a lot of it and bitch at me for throwing stuff out. She does that weekly.

sally said...

I grew up heating with wood. It's dirty, it smells up the house, it's a lot of work. BUT, if you are just going to have this for emergencies but also keep your furnace I say go for it. The ambiance of a wood fire is unbeatable in the winter. And wood stoves keep it warm. Hot even.
Just remember, the smaller the stove the smaller your logs have to be. That's a lot of chopping and splitting.
I also see you have wood floors so you might want to install a tile or stone pad to put the stove on or the embers could burn your floor/start a fire. (it also might be code)

And before anything be sure to hire a real chimney sweep to see if your chimney is even able to handle a fire (it may need a liner), or needs to be cleaned. Chimney fires are terrible, and they can do a lot of damage.

Installing a wood stove is a big project but I would totally go for it if I were you. I'm pretty sure you will love it.