Saturday, September 12, 2015

The house!

The house is coming along! Finally! My cousin recovered from his surgery and hired a guy to work with him and it's really starting to happen. I got the electric up to code and my friends (the pro electricians) gave me a really good deal on it. It still cost over a grand because everything was stripped out of it. But, now, you flip a light switch and the lights actually come on. It's amazing. What's also amazing is, you aren't grossed out when you go into the bathroom or back porch laundry room. I have walls and new floors. They had to tear up more floor than I thought, so we replaced a lot of it with that fake wood stuff. That like, snap together board stuff that looks like hardwood. There actually IS hardwood under most of it, but, it was so damaged it would have cost a fortune and taken forever to make it right. So, fuck it. I let him choose it, since he had to go to the city. I just told him not to get anything too dark. That's what he came back with, and installed. I think it looks fine. I'm not in love with it, but, it's nice and clean and looks good enough. It's not too shiny either.

The laundry room...omg. I love that room. That room was totally trashed by that tree limb and everyone told me to just tear it off. But, I refused and I am so glad I did. New walls, new ceiling and sturdy floors. To save money, I just left the floors in the raw wood flooring. I'll use throw rugs until I can do it better. But, really, it looks awesome to me. The washer and dryer are out there, and I'm hoping my metal closet will fit out there as a pantry. I haven't measured yet. It might be too tall. If so, I will find something else. But, storage out there is a must. I love the window out there. That old horizontal, paned window, I ask to save. It's so cute. And the old wooden door we found in the trash back there has been cut down and installed. It looks AWESOME. Plus the fancy pants old antique screen door I bought to go with it, looks so fucking cute opening up to the little deck!

In between the laundry and kitchen he installed that antique French door I found at the antique store. I was hoping it would fit my bedroom, but, it was too wide. It fits there though and looks so cute! Kitchen..done. I saved the cabinets. Everything is painted white right now. My cousin refuses to dirty up his sprayer with any other color. I am too tired of waiting to argue. 'Specially since he's done every other weird thing I have asked him to do. White is fine for now. Maybe I can do accent walls. You think? I plan on some personalized painting anyhow. I just want the fucking thing done. I want out of here!

The bathroom. You all know I wanted vintage pink. I couldn't find all of it, so I bought new stuff. I just stuck with mid-range white. I still have to get a bathroom sink, but, I want to wait until the shower goes in, to see what my size options are. He's putting the shower in the middle of a wall, just like I ask, even though it seems weird. I saved that cute old window! Yay. So, he's putting in the shower and toilet next week and giving the whole shebang another coat of fresh paint. Once I choose a sink, that's pretty much it.

I am so excited. The only thing that will slow me down now is getting the gas on. You guessed it. Everything is stripped bare. (What didn't that motherfucker steal? I'm pretty sure he took a lot of this stuff AFTER I bought the place.) The company has to come out and dig clear under the fucking street. They said it could take 3 weeks. At least I don't have to pay for that. 100 feet is free. I do have to pay someone to come out and run it from there to the house (furnace and kithen), but, I can do time payments on that (friends again). I need a hot water heater too. But, at least the stupid motherfucker forgot to steal the furnace. But, there ya go. I am almost there. I want in that house so goddamn bad, you have no idea. Living in this cabin with my 'family' is crazy shit. I can not wait until I can go into my own room, close the door and say, 'Leave me alone.'

I think I'll walk over and take some pics to go with this post..hang on.

There, that's better. Pictures. The outside still needs to be painted. If I have enough money left, I'll have it done this year. I'm hoping.
New old lawn chair I just bought yesterday at D n D's. You know, those guys I hate and never talk to (according to troll. Eye roll.) Aint that cool?

The yard (and my house) from one side. I'm turning off the main street here. And driving out back.
In back, looking towards my house. To give you some perspective, those are my trees in the semi truck photo. Walnuts at the end of my yard. Junky cars, a metal office building that's now unused, an old trailer house.

In back of my house, on the next lot. and looking beyond that...again, those trees to the right are in my yard.

Standing in the same spot, but, turning around..Across another barely used street and you see this. Then you are out of town. See, that's all that's behind me! It's just a place where the construction company parks their machinery, extra vehicles and piles extra gravel. Which, I wouldn't call scenic, BUT there is nobody to complain about chickens or coons. They can play all day and as long as they don't go out front, no one will care. They (people) are hardly ever over there. There's a good creek running through those trees. A great creek for a young Coon to go fishing in and still stay close to home. (In about a quarter of a mile, it runs into the Nodaway River and some pretty lonely country.) And amazingly, that bush in front, is an old lilac of my grandmother's. Her house used to sit on that lot. This spot is kind of ideal for me. Being the weirdo that I am. Sort of like being in the country, but, not.

Why did the chickens cross the road? Because, even though I drove, it took the fuckers seven minutes to realize where I was and come find me. Fuck me. Get back home!!


Mrs. S. said...

I read all the time, but never comment. I have to say, I love your new house and those chairs are gorgeous. Can't wait to see it all done and decorated with your things. Do you think you'll be in by winter?

Jane said...

So glad you posted pics. Everything looks great. I love the fact that you are across from where your GM lived. Didn't you live with her at one time? How about the people across the street from you, are they related to you? Do you think the cousin will be a problem?

I am so happy for you.

Dirty Disher said...

Mrs. S, please comment more. It means a lot to me. Yeah, I think I might be in by Halloween! I don't wanna jinx it, but, water and gas are all that's really needed. Oh, and a BR sink, but, that's no biggie. That main stuff is done!

Jane, I am surrounded by cousins. I know most of them, not all of them. But, most are good people with the exception of the nitwit. I have no idea if he'll try and cause problems or not. I'll deal as I go. He's flipped out. All of Guntown now agrees he's nuts. If he ignores me, I'll ignore him though. I will not let him run me out of that house. It's my house now. Not my problem if he spent the money on booze and dope and now has nothing to show for it.

Dirty Disher said...

ps..though, I will say this, he has animals too and he loves animals. So, I don't think that will cause trouble. Unless he just really wants to be an asshole.

Dirty Disher said...

pps..and yes, that is where my granny's house sat, the house in my stories. So, it's, I dunno, like Kizmet.

eriny said...

OMG... I love that the freaking chickens followed you! lmao
It looks great!!! I am so happy that it is coming together!

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks! I guess I won't need pet carriers to move the stupid chickens. LOL.


iambriezy said...

LOVE the new house! I'm so excited for you.

bima as herself said...

Congrats on all the renovations! May your house always have clear plumbing and cool a/c.

Noelle said...


Noelle said...


Speak To Me said...


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you, and you have so much outdoor space. A stream nearby too, what more could one want. Loved the pictures of the chickens crossing the road, and love the floors in the house. This will be such an upside for you after all shit for so lone. My heart sings.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you to be in your gorgeous new home! !!! The place really does look lovely, inside and out. I'm loving the curved doorways, and your kitchen is cute as can be. You can always add color later on. It seems like everyone is jumping on the white kitchen bandwagon lately. Seriously. I have been reading about all sorts of kitchen redos, and most of them are white. You are on -trend, my friend.
I just love it that you will be living there soon .

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks everybody. I appreciate your thoughts. You've been with me through this whole thing, even from finding the dang place. I'll keep you posted, it will be a hodge podge, no doubt. I have so much crap to choose from in my collection of weird crap. I'm so tickled to have a place to put some of my crap, besides boxes. I can not wait to move in.

Anonymous said...

Can you get something to serve as a kitchen island with a bar on top that you eat on. It would have door under it giving you more storage space, and I like the kitchen bar idea so much better than a kitchen table. Storage, there is never enough.

sandy said...

Looks like it's shaping up into a really cozy comfortable nice place. Love all the property around it - no close neighbors!

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks. I know it isn't fancy, but, it will be cozy.

Vanessa - SA said...

Thanks for the dime tour DD :) Look forward to seeing the rest as it comes along

Diana said...

Congrats Pat! The house looks great! How on earth did the critters know where you were?

Kitty said...

The thing about all white is you can add all the colour you want! And white gives off better light in the day, too. No need for so much extra lighting. I'm very happy for you and wish you the best in your new home!

Frimmy said...

You're going to have so much room!! How nice is that. Really nice seeing the progress.

Jane said...

That's not hodge podge, that's called eclectic and fancy New York designers pay big bucks for that.

Angie said...

I'm so happy for you...the house is looking great! Living on the edge of town is have the convenience of town, but the quiet of the country. I am on the edge and I find that I have more wildlife in my yard now, than I ever did when I lived in the country.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, you guys! It's a small house, but, huge compared to this cabin. OMG, now I know what cabin fever is and it sucks.

Dirty Disher said...

Dianna, the house is just catty corner from here, they could see me. ALL these animals follow me everywhere.

sally said...

I love it Pat! I have that exact same cut-out between cabinets over my kitchen sink. 1929.

Anonymous said...

Very cottage-y and cozy looking. Clean and bright. The white is perfect. Just add accents with fabrics and other things. Painting is such a pain. Just add misc accents for color. The white is gorgeous. The floors are great. We just refinished a huge LR oak floor. It was a real SOB. I kept saying, this floor needs to f'g die! What a bitch that was. Even with a rented floor sander. A real bastard to get done. I wanted a gloss. To look wet. Like a basketball floor. LOL. And i like it. But not all my hardwood is shiny. It is really easy to swiffer. I'm in the middle of getting my kitchen completed too. Since April. Should be done by October 1st. Or sooner. I've waited over 5 years to get it done, so, I can wait. I put down the floating floor myself! Vinyl tiles. NOT shiny. Looks like stone. I love looking at houses being re-done. you get ideas. OH! I got drop cloths for my new LR curtains. No SEW! Get the cloths that will work, fold them over the rod if they are too long, they will be. This folded over part makes it look like a valance too. And use the clip on curtain rings and hang on a rod. Done. After you wash and dry them, they look like raw linen and are so soft. I can't wait to hang them. Your house is going to be GREAT! Congratulations. It's been a long time coming.

Dirty Disher said...

Sally, OMG< thanks for giving me a year. Most every kitchen collectible I have is from that era. I just like it for some reason.

Thanks! I have tons of old curtains. I tend to buy them and put the away in boxes. I have antique lace and linens up the ass. Now I can look through them and use them.

Unknown said...

WOW!!!!! It's A M A Z I N G! Good on you.