I used three different spots on my body to draw blood and got three different results. This was within the space of about one minute. I had just eaten breakfast (I do every other day on a fast test), it was my eat and test day. I ate a terrible breakfast. Jealous of fat cat eating pie, I ate some of his cherry pie and had two cups of coffee with creamer. It was delicious and I regret nothing. Anyway, first I did the arm. The reading was 181. Then I did the finger. The reading was 141. I then tried my earlobe and got 128. What do you guys say to that? I'm taking it that the finger is the proper place to read it. They probably tell you finger for a reason. I'll ask my doctor. I have to go back soon.
Personally, I think it's all boring as shit and not even necessary, because when something's wrong, I know it. I can feel it. I usually eat right too. I like proper food. Today was just a pie day. Everyone needs a pie day and even with all that sugar, I tested pretty good in all spots. A tiny bit high, but, fuck it..pie. I have a shit load of trouble making myself bleed. Those stupid little needle poppers don't penetrate enough for me. I must have thick skin or I'm just not a bleeder. They also say the area must be very clean, but, just for the fuck of it, I arm tested in a regular manner yesterday and got a good 80. Then I played with fat cat and tested the arm blood he drew (he always draws my blood, he can't help it, and I don't feel it), I got 80 again. Maybe I'll toss the dumb needles and just play with my fat cat. It's more fun and hurts less.
I'd throw the whole testing kit out, but, my doctor demands to see the damn thing. I fucking hate those needles in the sides of my fingers. It fucking stings for a long time. I would much rather flop around with a hissing fat cat. When he gets too rough, I don't even feel it. I don't know why. The only point I have here is, I think they say test through the finger for some specific reason. I just don't know what that reason is.
Diabetes testing doesn't have to come from fingers anymore, but it's still the most reliable. Blood circulation is different in different parts of the body. The capillary blood from the fingers usually shows changes the fastest. The reason that alternate testing is becoming more popular is meter technology has improved immensely and require much less blood. Even still, the most accurate results come from the fingers. Blood from alternate testing sites can be 10-15 minutes behind what the finger tip test reads. when glucose levels are rapidly changing, like after eating, exercising or taking medications an alternate site is likely inaccurate. The best time to use alternate testing sites is for fasting and before meal testing. ALWAYS use fingers to test when the results are going to be used to make corrections or when concerned about hypoglycemia.
Found this on the internet.
Im almost 7 months into this whole diabetes thing and still learning alot. I HATE when Im forced to learn new things! I read the same thing Lauren posted above here. I alternate fingers - index and middle but always my left hand because thats what the lab guy (who is Type 1 and on an insulin pump) told me to do since Im left handed. I do wash my hands with the hottest water I can stand first and wipe away the initial blood droplet and then test on the blood after that.
I too have retested immediately and got a difference of as much as 10 points. For the past several months Ive been testing fasting in the morning (always under 90) and 2 hrs post meal - always under 80 and last night it was 68. I've worked very hard at eating correctly - which is very restrictive and lots and lots of daily aerobic activity with weight lifting and floor work. Friday before last I got my latest A1c blood test results and it's at 5.2! Im aiming for lower because I need a goal to keep me motivated.
Really this whole thing sucks ass. But I've lost over 3 pants sizes - so it does work.
The absolute downside is the major hair loss Im having. Started in July. Iam convinced it is the Metformin. I did alot of research. All I've been doing is crying. Leaves me so depressed. I called my Dr. 5 weeks ago and said "THats it! Im not taking it anymore!" And so far it has not made a bit of difference in my blood glucose results.
Now I've got to go do my daily 3 miles.
Metformin is a terrible drug. But you know what, I feel no sorrow for people with Type 2 diabetes. Get your damn weight under control or take medication. Seems like a logical choice, but you fat people can't stop eating.
Piss off, Jean. Go tell your scraggly assed mother your pampers are wet.
Having a difficult day and I will rabbit punch you in the throat for a comment like that. Hose bag.
Go head Christina!!!! You go, girl!!!
I was just getting ready to tell ms. thing that I have known 3 people who had full blown, unable to control, diabetes and none of them were over weight. In fact, quit the opposite. But all of them had a parent who was diabetic. And one had a parent and a grandparent. Kind of hard to dodge it with those odds.
Now on to something good. We had the most beautiful weather. A very cool morning and a cool, breezy dad. I hope this will last.
Jean huh....Sure thats not your full name. More like Jean the Glue Sniffer. Or. Paint Cip Eating Jean. Was your sorry ass tirade suppose to make me cry?
That the best you got?
I hate the sting and the subsequent waves of pain goosebumps that result. Haven't had to pop my fingers in a while but remembering the sting, I get those shivers all over again.
Sometimes its better to listen to your body to know what to eat, but you knew that :D
Like even though I'm not diabetic, some days I need less food, and some days I can't stop eating junk!
Hey sloth,
Type 1 is a completely different disease. One can't cause Type 1 and I feel truly sorrow for those who have to endure. It's you fatties with metabolic syndrome that can be controlled by food intake. You people are the drain on healthcare and healthcare providers. No one wants to help your fat asses out of a chair or off an exam table. If a doctor tells you your weight is the problem, stop eating.
Jean, I hope you are never choking and the only person around is a FAT person. I'm sure you would rather die than be touched by a FAT person. I hope the person doesn't know the Heimlich maneuver. Do you hate everyone who is not a cookie cutter image of your perfect self? What a sad life!
It takes all kinds of people to make a world, but I'm pretty sure we could do without your kind.
Oh, ignore the ignorant troll. She doesn't have a fucking clue. I've had diabetes all my life. And always have been skinny as a rail, except after my second pregnancy. I weigh 125 now. It went undetected until I got what they call 'gestational diabetes'. Now, I realize it never went away after I gave birth and all my life I've had sugar lows and highs. Lots of people are born this way. So fuck troll. Medical license much? You can't even get a GED, trolly. Go watch some more Dr. Phil.
BTW Mary Tyler Moore is diabetic. Yeah, she's a real load.
Wow Jean! So judgemental. Are you really that perfect? Go easy on the rest of us, we are but mere mortals.
Also diabetic..Bret Michaels, Ann Rice, Billy Jean King, Carol Channing, Dale Evans, Dick Clark, Liz Taylor, and fucking ELVIS. Life long, not a young fatty in there. So, you are STUPID.
Throw off these mortal coils for they give us pause, said fucking Hamlet. That there is from one of them books that Troll can't be bothered with.
Elvis was diabetic? You learn all kinds of things here.
Wow. I had no idea. Elvis was a diabetic?
The troll pushed all my buttons at once on the day after I got very little sleep because of my latest attorney bill. For. $5,700 plus dollars. This is after the previous $1,000, and after he said he discounted it. And, we are not done yet. Also when I was sick and working anyway, and was still stewing about comcast, which still isn't right. The new remote still doesn't turn on the TV or control the volume. This is after they implied (a man, of course )that maybe I didn't really understand how to use a remote, and insisted on scheduling a "guaranteed window " appointment. Which no-one ever showed up for.
I apologize to my friends here, but not to the gutter -dwelling, mouth- breather who pissed me off in the first place. We have a couple diabetics in our family, . My late aunt (whom I really loved ) was a type 2,and didn't become a diabetic until she was maybe in her 60's or 70's. My nephew got a bad virus when he was probably about 6 and became a diabetic. My testing so far has not shown any evidence of any issues. But, somewhere in the family tree, it lurks. Neither my parents, nor my grandparents, nor my brother or sister have or had any issues. You can't hold someone responsible for their genetic makeup.
That's how my mother got it. Gestational, after one of us kids were born she developed it.
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