Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fer cripes sake

Hi. Sorry I've been absent. I have some kind of flu bug that the kids had going around. I fucking tell this kid over and over not to bring her friends here if anyone in their family is sick with this thing. Because, it is ten times worse for me with all my health problems. She deliberately brought a kid over here who was sick and didn't tell me. She also lied and said she didn't know the kid was sick. But, I can tell when she's up to no good. That kid's temp was so high, I took her home myself. Of course I got it. Man, it wiped me out. I couldn't take any meds including my diabetes meds and blood pressure, ect. It brought on a two day migraine that actually made me cry. To top it the fuck off, the school nurse called yesterday and said Lissa has to go to the ER. That's all I knew.

I flew there, using every stop sign to puke. My head was pounding and I could hardly hear anyone speak. But, after being there about two fucking hours, the doctor decided Lis had a slightly increased heartrate due to temporary anemia from having her period. I shit you not. By the time we got home I thought I'd just lay down and die. The pain finally got manageable around 3 am.

I had made sure all the animals were well cared for, but, poor Toon was stuck in that cage for two days straight. To his credit, he hibernated. He could have paced and been crazy, but, he wasn't. He understood that I was sick. He even went potty on the newspapers, which he hates doing. He's housetrained himself and hates messing in the house. I let him go out about 3 am this morning and he was so happy. He's still out there, I can hear him and the cats playing on the roof. He never leaves the yard, but, I like to be up and awake when he's out, I'm always afraid someone will spot him and act stupid. People are really stupid sometimes.

There are my rat friends. Don't ask me which one is which, I have no idea. One has a weird head/neck deformity, but, other than that, they are healthy and huge. They stink though. One rat is manageable, but, three big rats get stinky fast. Ukkk, it's gross pee smelling. I can't lift that big cage thing, it's like a rat condo. I have to call their owner and ask for some help here. Jesus. Rats are the last thing I need in this stinky little fucking house. Indie took one look at them and got pissed and he won't come in anymore at all. Little cat, Ouija likes them though. They like him too. He sleeps on their cage and they play through the bars. He's a sweet, gentle little thing now, all his anger issues went away when he figured out that this was his forever home. You couldn't ask for a nicer cat. He's made me realize how awful Indie really was. Much as I love Indie, he is a killer and a real dick sometimes. So, yeah, rats. Sigh. If I hadn't taken them they would have gone back to Earl May and they'd have been sold for snake food. I couldn't let that happen and I'm glad I didn't because they are the sweetest, friendliest little animals. They just love attention. Even from the cat. Tooney is a bit afraid of them for some reason. He has to come right past them to get in the door and it freaks him out a little. I'll be glad when their owner finds a rat friendly apartment, because it's getting crowded here. And obviously, I haven't moved yet. Feeling like death didn't help and the fucking gas company still hasn't been back since they flagged the dig areas. WTF? I had to actually hire a plumber to help me fill out their goddamn forms. It's like they want your whole fucking life for a fucking utility. Fuck them so hard. It's cold here too. There is no way I can take that kid over to the other house with the nights as cold as they are now. I'm just pissed off at life.

Plus, I found out some guy I used to go out with is working for the building supply company and he keeps calling telling me that stupid re-ordered medicine cabinet came in. I have this weird feeling he's just calling me and I'm not only not interested, I don't like him. I only went out with him a few times and he treated me like shit and he can go fuck himself. He's one of these that thinks he's all that. In fact, I don't even know why he's working there, he owns half this crappy town. Maybe he bought the place, hell if I know. Anyway, now he wants to know if he can drop it off. Umm, how about, no thank you. I'll get it when I feel like it. I don't know why the fuck he keeps calling me, the damn thing is paid for. It's a pretty cabinet though, it has little wicker drawer things. I'll show you if I ever get well enough to go get it. This post is just a bunch of crap, isn't it? Sorry. Your turn to bitch now. I'll read them all after my nap. Which I will get as soon as Tooney decides to come in. He runs my whole life now. You know, I don't really mind. I've rarely been this close to any animal. He's like my child almost. Almost. I still have a bit of a brain left. Not much, but, a little.

PS..Now, I remember why I hate that guy. He was shitty about my animals. He hated that I lived with Raccoons, they freaked him out. He said it wasn't normal and that HE would never allow them in the house. I said, I never ask you to let them in your house, this is MY house. Bossy fucker. Also, he said my dog needed a bath. (She hated baths and lived outside.) I told him, 'She weighs 300 pounds, you give her a fucking bath.' Fuck that guy. My Raccoon is worth a hundred of his ass. I wish he HAD given my St. Bernard a bath. He'd be hamburger now. Oh, also he sort of dumped me for a whore. He was seeing her at the same time, until I found out and stopped talking to him. And when I say whore, I don't mean stupid slut. I mean stupid actual prostitute. The known town pump. He had a weird sex thing that I wasn't down with. (If you want to know, ask me in comments. It's gross.) I guess he must have gotten tired of paying her. Too fucking bad, weirdo.

PPS..I hate it when people have that attitude that living with Raccoons is filthy. This whole place is filthy right now, except the coon's area. He's the cleanest thing in this awful place. And I'd way rather sleep with him than some know it all man.

Oh, Tooney's home. I can go to sleep now.


Anonymous said...

Welfare check.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, you think? Warrant. Bitch.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I am so glad to see a post from you. I was sitting on my hands, trying not to post randomly because I missed you. The move was what I thought was going on. I am sorry that it is temporarily postponed because I know you need to be in that new space. It will make a huge difference in your life.
It was very kind of you to take those rats in. I hope their owner finds a new apartment today. When I was leaving food out, and had fresh food in the chicken pen, I began to see rats at twilight. They were out in the pen, and the surrounding area. I think there have always been a few, but these were pretty darn bold. There was one that would climb to the top of one of the internal supports and just sit up there and watch me. It was quiet, and we just watched each other on a number of occasions. Weird, and interesting.
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick. Why would Lissa bring someone over that she knew wasn't well? Boo to her. The best place in the world for her, is with you. She shouldn't jeopardize her home. You can tell me off if you want, but that's my opinion.
My husband is coming home from Hungary today. Isn't that marvelous? (sarcasm) He doesn't make much money, and he said that MY plane ticket expired, when I asked for a refund on the $1,365 I paid for it, but, magically, within one year, he gets a second trip to Europe. Asshole. Correction. . . LYING asshole. I get to hang out here, no trip to Europe, despite the fact that I earn most of the money, and sort out and pack his things. I would love to do things (bad things) to his clothes, but I am worried there would be repercussions. I may do things anyway. We shall see.
I hope you're feeling better very soon, Pat.

Dirty Disher said...

Don't do anything to his stuff, resist that urge. Legally it would be a bad move. Think of something more underhanded like putting shrimp into his pockets. Oh, that's a good one. He's be chasing down that horrible smell for ages. Can't blame it on you if he's a buffet thief. Dumb bastard never could eat all you want without pocketing something. Ha.

Lis brought that kid because she wanted to play and fuck me. She's basically a good kid and sometimes a sneaky asshole. Most kids her age ARE sneaky assholes, if you ask me. She's a doozy. It takes a stron will to raise this one.

Beware the wild rats..they are smart and mean. They can kill chickens. That is one animal I could live without. They are nothing like domestic rats.

Dirty Disher said...

PS..that one watching you...eww, no. That creeps me out and you know how I am about animals. It was gathering information on you. They are creepy smart. Watch out.

Angie said...

Sorry to hear you've been sick. The flu is a mother effing bitch. Damn kids...they are just cesspools of germs. I'm just getting over a head cold, myself. Probably contracted from one of my grandkids. This time of year, they all seem to have a runny nose.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL @ cesspool, oh hell yeah.

Anonymous said...

I pictured you moving, too. The Gas company pisses me off. As usual it's too much to provide a service they are paid to do.

I had another X-ray of lungs. This is the third. I had 2 the week a few weeks ago that I had the infection. This is a follow up and I refuse to worry about it. Probably get a CT scan soon but just won't worry now.

I found a couple of possible cabinet for my bathroom. One has drawers and one has shelves. The one with drawers would probably require a basket on top with hairspray and similar tall bottles like shampoo, soap and so on that are too tall for the drawers. The one with shelves, well I haven't seen it so don't need if there is shelf that is high enough.

Ordered a charger for my cordless vac. Hasn't come yet. I simply can't use a pusher. Pain isn't worth it. Went to a little dog show Saturday where they had a raffle table and Mikey recognizes a raffle table when he sees one. He intently stares at it and knows when they are getting ready to pick He knows there is something there for him. Just has to be. So I buy tickets and write his name on them. When they yell out Mikey he runs up all excited. He got some stuff he can't use this time but a couple of years ago got an elevated food and water bowl, really nice one. Good stand. But it burned in the fire and I haven't seen one like it to replace it. He really liked it, knew he won it, and it was his. I mean he really does know these things. I don't encourage him, he just is very observant and laser focused.

Dirty Disher said...

Awwww, Mikey needs another dish..that is so fucking cute, I can't stand it. Man, he's a bright one, isn't he?

Anonymous said...

He is very smart, very observant, very friendly, very easy to get along with. There is a picture on my FB page of him looking at the raffle table table. Back of his head but you can see he is absolutely focused on it. I have a bunch of other pix of him that people sent to my gmail but I don't know how to get them from gmail to FB. There has to be a way. My access is kind of screwed up.

Anonymous said...

thank u for the post and update on ur very complicated life, u r a master juggler Pat, amazing. I hate that u r sick and hope u'r on the other side of it. u'r not in ur new house! ugh!

when I'm sick I do the same thing, take care of those that can't take care of themselves animals or kids and then me. I tell u this all the time and I always mean it with fondness. u r a good egg Pat. hugs


Anonymous said...

Sent one email. If you get it and want more, I'll send. Picture.

Anonymous said...

What was his weird sex thing you weren't down with? So curious -- Elizabeth