Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton Slams Carly Florina, Defends Planned Parenthood #DemDebates

Hillary gets seriously pissed and says she sick of the Republicans trying to take away a woman's right to choose. She seems to mean it. I've said this before, but, I'll say it as many times as I want..we can not change anything until we secure our rights as an equal citizen. Hillary is not perfect, I don't salivate at everything she says or has done, but, I believe women will be better off and more protected if we finally have someone like her in office. And THAT is where we have to start.

I like Bernie too though. He seems to have it together as far as what the people want. I don't believe he'd fuck us over. What do you think of him? Does he have a chance? Has he got any skeletons in his closets? But, the women's rights movement is the most important factor for me. If I am not equal to these men running things, if I am not even thought smart enough to make my own reproductive decisions, then I'm fucked. Nothing any woman says will matter if we don't stand up to these controlling vagina fearing fucks. Goddamn it, enough of these fucking asswipes and their bibles keeping women down.


Dan Zinski said...

I refuse to vote for any of these clowns but if someone put a gun to my head and made me vote I'd vote for Hilz.

Dan Zinski said...

It's cool that Bernie is in the discussion because he's a socialist and we need to have socialists in the discussion but I would never vote for a true socialist because I don't think socialism will ever work in America. Hilz has already made all the deals she needs to make with the capitalists and I'm fine with her being prez the same way I'm fine with Obama. The prez should be someone who can make the deals with the capitalist cocksuckers and still push their agenda forward a tiny bit. Obama pushed it a little and Hilz can push it a little more. Bernie wants to push it a lot more and that won't work.

Dan Zinski said...

Fiorina and Carson make me laugh. Cause they're the rich-white-dude idea of what a woman and a black guy are supposed to be.

Dan Zinski said...

If you want to talk about someone paying their dues in order to get their shot, nobody in American history has paid more dues than Hillary Clinton.

Dan Zinski said...

Xavier is a Trump supporter.

Dan Zinski said...

Mexicans, North Koreans and Chinese are your true enemies. Not Republican assholes. Remember that.

Dan Zinski said...

The real enemy is the nice old lady who takes your check and makes it into money.

Dan Zinski said...

My Twitter is @dan_zinski

Dan Zinski said...
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Dirty Disher said...

Melvin, I didn't know what was going on here so I deleted some things. I couldn't remember exactly how you spell the Ayatolla nic, so I didn't know if that was you or that Xavier person giving out your info. It didn't seem like you to give out personal things. I tried to call you, but, you weren't in. I'll call back later.

Dirty Disher said...

Fiorina makes me puke. That crooked bitch is a puppet for rich old whore white men who want to fuck us women into total submission. That Fiorina is their head female whore spewing filth she doesn't even believe and counting all the money the bastards have thrown at her phony ass.

Dirty Disher said...

Just went and listened to a bit of Ben Carson. Nope. Big bucket of nope. First impression is, he's a charismatic, well spoken, fucking WAR MONGER. And worse, he wants to control a woman's reproductive choices and save unborn babies. NO NO NO. I have had enough of these gutless wonders cramming their forced birth ideas on us. We women are equal goddamn citizens who can make medical and moral decisions on our goddamn own. And if this fucker thinks he knows war, let him carry and birth a full term human. THEN and only THEN will he be able to talk about handicapping women again. I HAVE HAD IT WITH THESE MEN. Women are not an opposing force to be controlled.

Dan Zinski said...

Call me back, I fell asleep.

Dirty Disher said...

Good chat. I had to put my intense listening ears on though because the kid and her buddy were being Slim Shady. I don't know what this phase is about, but, it's loud.

Anonymous said...

ERA today already for fucks sake. I completely agree with u Pat.


Dirty Disher said...

Race, I am just appalled at the young women who think feminism is about hating men. Or they're too busy to check out the candidates. Or older women for that matter. I hate politics too, but, what is happening to women's rights right now in our country is scary. We are on a precipice we haven't faced since the 60's or 70's. We have been sneakily taken backwards by the right wing while our backs were turned. We thought we had certain rights secured, but, they hammered away at them, hacking them with little insignificant sounding laws until now, to our surprise, they are in serious danger of not existing anymore. I don't want to go back. I'm afraid for the women of our nation. We have to step it up. Now. Before it's too late. And the next election after this one, might just be too late if a winger gets in there.

Anonymous said...

They're all a bunch of liars and Hillary is no better. She'll do whatever the people filling her pockets tell her to do, just like the rest of em.

Anonymous said...

Or, men could keep their tiny little peckers in their pants. Right? :::::nodding vigorously:::

Yay!!! I would like everyone to join me in a happy dance. I postponed the appraisal until the 30th. That gives me more time to take care of boxing up his crap, and setting my house right. There was simply too much stress going on, and this will help.
I just found out that my son's calls to his dad are not going through because dad is back in Hungary. Isn't that nice. I get to sit here and clean up his mess while he gets another trip to Hungary. He probably used my ticket that was not used last year. The one that he and his mom said expired. Ahhhhh. . . such fine, fragrant bullshit.
He and his mother are manipulative, lying ass-wipes.
I am loving seeing more than one woman running for president. We've come a long way, baby. . .

Anonymous said...

absolutely Pat. I remember women in the 80's saying they had as much opportunity in the work force as men, so the ERA fizzled out, no fucking vision, actually lost the future for our daughters. but it seemed women did have the same opportunity, more opportunity! graduating class of 1980 college females were getting 10x the job offers compared to white males. but they were then and still r getting paid less, that's bs. we r still second class citizens and now incubators. wtf Pat. angry dispair is were I'm at.

wade vs roe. done. as it should be. this hauling ass back into the dark ages has been happening since the religious right grabbed the balls of the republican party in the eighties. what a back slap at women.

Hillary is a politician, anybody who enters the fray of politics is a politician, so what, it's a special breed, take that anyway u want. if anything, she will honor the future of her daughter. tho Chelsea seems quiet. christ, I hope the kid isn't a closet republican.

lawyers run the country, top to bottom, another thing that has become the norm.

as far as planned parenthood. that has been many a frightened woman's savior. I tell ppl in my day there were clinics for women to get tested for STDs, pregnancy, general health, sliding scale, five bucks if u could afford it. as a sexually active teen in the 70's, those places kept me informed, healthy and offered affordable birth control.

I swear in the south a woman will stab another woman in the back faster than a cold knife in a back ally in NYC, but that's small town politics. I've lived south 35 yrs, but I'm from Wisconsin, and my era was way back in the day when Wisconsin politics were liberal and for the ppl. this shit they have going on now, makes me ashamed of my home state.

but it's all dirty now. I've met most of the southern "gentry" running for president. ha. yeah. most of them liars and cheats. misogynistic pigs. a couple of very decent men tho, Gov Phil Bredesen of TN and Sen Jay Rockefeller of WV (WV not southern). but watch out for sen Joe Manchin WV and that stupid waste of flesh Suckabee from AK the latter should go without saying, he is a strange man.

currently I don't know who my vote will go toward, I would like to think my vote mattered. but I'm a demographic that doesn't matter, old woman. how many marches, how many speeches did we make, attend, participate in Pat! seems we were a small stone dropped in a very big pond, the ripple was short lived. there's the despair again. ugh.

hope u have moved in and things have picked up, I know I sure could use a break. damn it's been a tough 5 yrs. anyway take care Pat! and take care of ur body, u probably have a tendency to over do it. don't, experience talking.

haha Christina! right! get those swimmers under control. seems women r always to blame for unplanned pregnancy. what the fuck is that about, and damn ur ex is a POS!


sally said...

Abortion, equal rights, immigration, welfare fraud, gun ownership, these are all red herrings so the republicans can get their racist base riled up enough that they forget about the real issues. Hell, so they never even learn them in the first place.
The GOP doesn't care about any of the things they actually talk about constantly. Republican politicians ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY.

Hillary all the way.
& I'd like to see Bernie as her running mate, or at least with an influential cabinet position when the time comes.

Anonymous said...

When I saw that moment from the democratic debate. . . the one where Hillary and Bernie were shaking hands and smiling. . . I told my son "for the win". They could totally win the election.

Frimmy said...

These kinds of republicans and their fear mongering johns, can fuck themselves. They're hateful, selfish people. Four weeks ago my sister found a lump. It's been ultrasound'd (where they found another lump) mri'd and biopsied. She is having a mastectomy on the 30th of this month. She will likely have to have the other breast removed. Time period from discovery to surgery will be six weeks. Multiple diagnostic and imaging tests, over night in a hospital and a week of daily home visit aftercare (times two). Total cost: $0.00.

Workers in my country get one year of federally paid maternity leave. If dad wants to take time off parents can split the 12 months between them.

It can be, and is being done.

These people need to let go and bring their citizens' BASIC standard of living up where the rest of first world countries are. They are distracting people from the truth with all the smoke and mirrors about socialist programs causing the downfall of business owners. They want to continue turning their profit standing on the backs of the little guy. The biggest joke of an argument is the "loss of American rights and freedom blah blah communism" and I don't know what's worse, that other countries are managing paid healthcare just fine and that isn't being recognized, or that the right wing republican sheeple actually think Americans are free.

iambriezy said...

Slow clap, Frimm.

Frimmy said...

The sad truth is nobody is really free but don't pretend to advocate for rights and freedoms while willfully allowing your minds to be imprisoned. They give thinking Americans a bad name. It's sickening.

Jane said...

I think that is the most I've ever seen Crabbie comment on anything.

Anonymous said...

Hillary is the worst choice in my opinion. F that bitch. The way she treats our military and the secret service people that protect her and would give their life for her....fuck her.

Dirty Disher said...

I will not entertain idiots wanting to start a gender war on here. My blood pressure is high enough. Delete.

I have read these all carefully. I am aware and afraid of things like N. Korea, but, I still maintain that the most important issue is women's rights. If we aren't treated as equals, what does that make us? You should cry thinking about it. Think about there any law, anywhere, which tells any man he can't have a reproductive choice? Of course not, because that would be wrong. Make us equal. We are not breeding stock.

By the way, I do not and never have believed that our vote counts. What counts is our open stand. Both parties are bought by those with special interests. The money is thrown where the people seem to stand publicly. Get on the train. Shout it any way you can. We have made it a major issue in the decision of candidates. That is huge. We can not allow anyone to take us backwards.

Dirty Disher said...

Frimmy, I am really sorry about your sister. Can you keep us posted on her?

Race, it's been such a long fight and I feel like it's finally coming to a head. Have you ever followed that Roe/Wade case? The outcome is sickening.

Christina, your husband is an asshole who was born from another asshole.

Frimmy said...

Stage three. This is the rating for the aggressiveness, so it's aggressive but the caught it -She caught it - very early. Tested positive for the gene so will have to have a double which she already decided she was doing. Can't be treated with hormones. Will need chemo. Ducts to the lymph nodes are clear. There's a whole lot of medical words to describe this. I might be able to sort through it for the official diagnosis but that's it in a nut shell. Kinda roller coaster-y