Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Marco Rubio, a stupid little man

When a Presidential campaign hopeful starts out all his ads with the very first sentence being something about god blessing us, god creating us, or god watching us, then I know. I know I don't have to look any further into anything that person said or did, because the sonofabitch doesn't know how government should work. How our forefathers meant for it to work. Or how people feel now. Period.

Our government is supposed to separate church from state. This man really believes we are all christian or should be christian. Lesson? This man is stupid. No, thank you, I do not want another stupid President. Marco Rubio has no respect for the law or the people he governs. Personal spiritual beliefs should never enter into a government campaign. If he were Pagan, I would say the same thing. You keep that shit at home or in your church, mosque, synagogue, or coven. You never bring it into a government job. We are all Americans, that is our relatable tie, not his personal religion. His ignorance of this fact is both astounding and infuriating. A man (let alone a woman) like him will never be President again because even christians are now understanding how singular, exclusive and prejudiced he is. He is a dangerous, stupid little man. I believe this country is finally done with dangerous, stupid little men. I suppose this makes him and this post irrelevant. He is done before he even starts simply because he's stupid. I guess it just amazes me that such stupid people can think they can lead an entire country. (Though, in all fairness...George Bush.) ~Massive eye roll~

I am so thrilled that I am alive to see the breakdown of the christian right wing. Legalizing gay marriage has done something good and strange to America. It has changed the way people accept differences. It is not a small thing. The religious right wingers have finally taken a real blow and many of them are finally changing..a little. That religion is losing it's hold in our government in a way that has never happened before. We will be a better, stronger country for it. And it's all happening right in front of us, right now. It's an amazing time in history.


Dan Zinski said...

His name is almost Narco Boobio, notice that?

iambriezy said...

I've had the same thought. I think we're witnessing the death throes from the religious right. At least that's what I tell myself when I read about dumbasses like Kentucky Kim or Rick Santorum. It helps keep me from being terrified because I remember that they're losing the fight.

Dirty Disher said...

Narco Boobico, got it.

Yep, Kentucky Kim, who lied about the Pope. The fucking Pope! And Peru, but, the Pope! Bitch is called out, not supported, made a joke. Because, yes, they are losing the fight. It's happening and it's fucking amazing.