Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Oh, shut the fuck up, kid

You know, I realize that Jaden Smith and his sister, Willow, can't help it that they are the spawn of two ridiculously overpaid bazillionaire scientologists, but, someone in their life should have done them the favor of telling them to just shut the fuck up. I don't even give a crap if they're kids, at this point. Scientologists don't believe in childhood anyway, they don't believe in putting those labels on young people or treating anyone like a child, even if they're three. This is what you get when you raise kids like that.

Jaden, you are not a scientist ( HERE) and your great experiment with the rest of us mere mortals is shit talk from a CHILD and your dumb, rich parents have handicapped you with this nonsense they spew. You haven't even been to high school! Hell, you've never even been to elementary school! You have never worked a day in your life and you have no idea what it is to be a fellow human being. I'll bet money that you have no idea how an alarm clock works. I'll bet you can't even make yourself a piece of toast. You and your poor sister are just bumbling about, aimlessly, throwing money in every direction, like some attention deficit epileptic having a seizure in a library. Your shenanigans are embarrassing to you and everyone else on this planet. Stop it. I say this because I feel sort of bad for you, shut the fuck up, you dumb ass kid.

PS. Also, one simply does not wear a batman suit to someone else's wedding. A decent human would never, ever do something like that. It's very bad manners, because it is not your day. Not every day or every thing is about you. Do you understand that, just a tiny bit? Just a heads up there, little guy.

THIS is what the little idiot wore to Kimye's wedding. I know it was Kimye, but, it was still THIER wedding, their day and hosted by them. I can not believe the audacity, disrespect and out and out rudeness of this child. I can not believe his parents allow him to act like this. I also can not believe his parents allow him to give these ridiculous interviews after which, everyone on the planet is laughing at him. Don't they have any feelings for these kids they spawned? The Smiths get my vote for worst celebrity parents ever.


Beth said...

Am I right he dated Kylie Jenner? Is it possible Tyga is a step up compared to this idiot? Never thought I'd see a scenario where Tyga was an improvement...

Dirty Disher said...

I think so, though they say they were just friends. Who knows? The Kartrashians are all really dumb people though, from what I hear them say. Nothing of any substance there. The only one I half respect is Kendall. She actually does have a career, I think, despite the idiot family, not because of it.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't think Jaden is dumb. I think he's just uneducated and ruined. He's really never had parents when you think about it. It's one thing to be self educated, it's quite another to think you're some sort of charismatic genius world leader when you're a teenager. I asked Lissa if she knew who he was and she did. She said he was an idiot.

Anonymous said...

It's another waste by wastrel parents. They are such asshats. Leaving their children to "educate" themselves is asking for adults who have no way of taking care of themselves as adults. If the gravy train stops some day, they are useless to themselves, or anyone else. Disgusting.

Dirty Disher said...

Exactly. Worthless is exactly what they'll become. If they weren't rich, then what? Living under a bridge because not even a fast food joint would hire them.

Anonymous said...

Desperately waiting to see if you got the FB and email pictures.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen a less-than-vapid look on his face.