Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Our second FUCK OFF post, please join in

FUCK THE FUCKING FUCK OFF Naomi Judd, you weird, ugly old hag with the cheapest Halloween store wig I have ever laid eyes on. FUCK OFF talentless annoying bitch who rides her Goddess daughter's coat tails into a fame she never deserved. FUCK OFF with your dying of hep C fucking farewell tour that's lasted fourteen fucked up fucking years. Get off the stage so I can hear your kid, you talentless fuck and what the fuck are you wearing? Are you going as a giant feathered cunt for Halloween? Because you fucking nailed it. Hand me a fucking feather, bitch, so we can both be fucking tickled. FUCK YOU AND FUCK OFF. Also, don't forget to FUCK OFF with that other daughter you have who annoys me with her fucking snot face and lack of talent. That actress one. FUCK OFF generic daughter of annoying old talentless dime store faux country hag. FUCK OFF! Fuck your eyebrows too. Both of them. Fuck the fucking fuck off!!

FUCK OFF Lena Dunham, don't speak for me as a woman, you gross me out. Shut up and keep your clothes on. FUCK OFF Carrie Underwood, you snotty twat, I hate you. Why are you still here?? You don't DO anything. FUCK OFF Cindy Crawford, you look like shit and you always did. You make me puke and you ARE SO photo shopped, stop lying. You overrated hag. FUCK OFF with your lying infomercials too. FUCK OFF Christina Hendrix's boobs. You suck boobs. You are just blobs of sucky fat. FUCK OFF Nicki Minaj, your music sucks dick and you're a nasty bitch who never says anything that isn't stupid or mean. FUCK OFF Taylor Swift and your entire entitled little cheerleading squad from hell. You nasty, mean, jealous, little snotty white privileged overrated mediocre pile of dorky fluff who's daddy bought your career. FUCK OFF ALL the housewives, you are all ugly, mean and ignorant. Every single one of you. (Except Teresa, she's just ignorant.) FUCK OFF Homeland Security and shove Hilary's emails up your fucking republican rectums until you bleed, no one cares. You have nothing and you know it and we know it. FUCK OFF Bella Cruise's one gives one shit about a flabby, fug, brain washed, scientologist kid's nuptials. FUCK OFF Gwyneth Paltrow for complaining that you got paid less than Robert Downey Jr. in Ironman. He was the fucking Ironman, you dumb cunt! You have no idea how fare wage works and you made millions and MILLIONS for doing nothing and bitched about the hours. I hope you fall into your outdoor pizza oven and burn yourself bald, you dim bulb shit talker. FUCK OFF Blake Lively, I'm glad Preserve bit the dust. No sane person would pay $1,200 dollars for a set of four 'artisan' fucking macrame' coasters. That's what I paid for my goddamn house you wanna be Goop slut. Martha Stewart should spit on your designer shoes and you should feel lucky to lick it off. FUCK OFF Bill Cosby, you raped half of America, you dirty, nasty old man. I hope you die in prison and your dick gets bitten by a rat and rots off your ugly, disgusting body. FUCK OFF Caitlyn Jenner, you are not a nice person anymore. Maybe you never were. You give trannys a bad name. FUCK OFF ALL OF YOU. FUCK THE FUCK OFF!

AND a special FUCK OFF to the fleas in my house and FUCK THE FUCK OFF to the vet who charged me over a hundred bucks last month for flea treatment that barely slowed the fuckers down. FUCK OFF to THIS article and FUCK OFF to my furnace.

Please join me in out weekly (when I remember) FUCK OFF FEST. It feels good.


Anonymous said...

Erm. . . I am at work, and pretty darn sure they keep tabs on us,so I will be joining the festival tonight.

Jane said...

That seemed like a pretty good FUCK OFF fest. I'm finally getting the flea thing under control---I hope. I've had to use the exterminator and an ass of bug bombs. And I have another round of bombs coming up in 10 days. I may be over using these bombs and they're probably killing me, but they seem to be doing the trick. I hate to say this but some rain would help. I hate to say that because it never stops once it starts. And then I bitch about the swamp I call my yard. I planted 3 Japanese Plum trees and I have been watering the heck out of them.

Frimmy said...

I can't believe that's um...I already forgot her name... Wynonna Judd's mother. I thought it was Tammy Faye Bakker-gone-redhead at first. She looks as bad as a person would hope!

Anonymous said...

Fuck ex - husbands who are complete assholes. Fuck appeal dates for arbitration, passing without my noticing until they are past. Fuck attorney bills. Fuck hindsight. Fuck 12 hour shifts. Fuck separation anxiety that turns my sweet little girl doggie into a wild and crazy jumper. Fuck the asshole who bonded with her and then left without a thought. Fuck area rugs. Fuck piles of scrapbooking and crafting items. why won't you sprout legs and move your damn selves! ? Fuck nazis. Fuck strokes. Fuck car accidents. Fuck appraisers. Fuck refinancing. Fuck guys who abuse young women and scar them for life. Fuck dirt. Do not fuck hostess snowballs. Fuck having to box up someone else's crap. Fuck needing to find an old receipt for the back storm door. Fuck the old fart who gave me the wrong number to call. Fuck the ceiling fan light in the dining room. Fuck the windows upstairs and their hillbilly cousins downstairs. Fuck guys who cruise for chicks at family reunions. Fuck mono. Fuck vet bills. Fuck bedtime, and yet, no. Fuck gross garbage cans. Fuck people who mean harm to animals. Fuck the kitchen sink. Fuck the washer. Fuck Hungary.

just wondering said...

And fuck the Kardashians for taking up so much media space. I have to scroll past countless articles about them before I can read anything interesting. Until I come here, that is...