Saturday, October 10, 2015

Out takes

I think of them, the same way they think of each other, as three brothers. I call to them, 'Come on inside, boys.' Or, 'Hey, little guys!' I often find myself telling Indie, 'You have to take care of your little brothers!' He does his best to keep an eye on them. I have a weird family.


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. I love the header and the ones with the big, fat, striped kitty. He is adorable. The one with him clinging to the trunk of the tree is especially cute.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I need a pep talk. . . desperately. The house is going to be appraised on Friday, and it is a wreck, with crap everywhere. If I am going to get it cleaned up at all, I will have to pack up my ex's clothes,(and junk) which he left lying all over upstairs. I am having trouble facing any of it, and just can't motivate myself to get anything done. It is making me a little crazy.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, you sound like me. You know you can usually get things done when the schedule is tight. Like me, you might wait until the last possible second, then go at it like whirl wind. You will get it done. I am not worried. BUT, if you have a few spare bucks to call in some it. Do it right now.

Dirty Disher said...

PS, I like the last pic because you have to look to see what he's holding.

Jane said...

Christina, get a couple of big boxes and just throw the stuff in. To hell with carefully placing or packing it. Pretend the box is a basketball goal and play a game of b-ball. Tape that box up and roll it down the stairs. If a couple of things break---oh well! Get more boxes if you need them and to hell with it. Wouldn't it be to your advantage to have it appraised at a low price? Junk the place up!

Jane said...

What pretty babies! Ouija looks like my Bitty Baby.

Anonymous said...

This appraisal is actually for the refinance, so I want to make sure that it looks good enough to be appraised for a good price. I want to be able to get a loan for the remainder of the mortgage, the rest of the payoff for my husband, and cash out to make the repairs this place needs. My husband quit taking care of things here a long time ago. Every once in awhile he would surprise me by actually doing something, but not that often. As part of our arbitration meeting on September 4th, I listed things that needed repair. One of those items was that the front door lock was not working properly. He leaned across the table, and said that he would fix the lock for me if I wanted him to. I said that would be very nice. He never did anything about it to this date. Since then he has come over to go through the house, but he didn't do anything with the lock. Typical for him. Slacker-pants.
I need to have the house appraise well. I know I am not going to be able to do it all, but hopefully I will be able to do enough, as I do not want the appraiser to tell the bank not to loan on this property.
It is overwhelming.

Dirty Disher said...

Aww, Jane. I just love them so much. I love waking up with them all over me..even with fleas.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, believe me, I know how you feel. My house is done. I look around and have no idea how to move and no motivation. It's a bad feeling.

Jane said...

Christina, again I say big boxes. Tell the appraiser that you are waiting for your ex to come get his stuff. They can't fault you for that. Have you asked your son and his girlfriend to help? They may be busy but I'm sure they can spare an hour. Three people can get a lot done in 1 hour.

Anonymous said...

I love your boys. The new cat is so cute. Love the markings.

Karen il

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, Karen. The new cat, Ouija is so nice. He doesn't destroy things like Indie did. I knew Indie was weird!

eriny said...

Christina, remind me again where you live?

DD.....I LOVE your three kitty brothers. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin,
I live in Oregon. Up near Portland.
I was just boxing up some of my husband's stuff. It was a good idea and a bad idea. I found a picture of a woman he used to work with, in his tux pocket. A selfie she took of herself in a mirror. She was on a bed, hands and knees, with her bare butt to the mirror, and boobs hanging out. I think I recognize her, though I have certainly never seen her from this angle. I feel heartsick.

Jane said...

Christina, what a horrible thing to find. Although I wouldn't know how to do it, I'd put it on facebook. Can it be done anonymously? Too bad you didn't have it when you went for your meetings. The fuckhead. I'm so sorry this happened to you. XOXOXO

Jane said...

Oh, and I'd cut the crotch out of his tux and all his favorite clothes.

Anonymous said...

Christina, does she still work there? I would find out where she works and blow the pic up and plaster it everywhere including putting one under the windshield wipers of every fucking car in the employee parking lot.

Then I'd go cut his dick off and shove it down his throat wrapped in a copy of the pic. Then I'd beat the shit out of his enabling mommy for raising such a prick.


Anonymous said...

The shop they worked at closed after both of them left. I liked her well enough. Now I feel betrayed by both of them, though I haven't heard anything from her in years. She was married, but they got divorced a couple of years after he and then they, moved to Seattle when he became a Microsoft consultant.
I may sometimes say semi-violent things, but I am not a violent person in real life. I don't think I could ever do anything to him, in any way. I can't even damage his clothes. I thought that maybe I would stop folding his clothes as I pack them, but I just don't think I can do that, either.
I appreciate the imagery you presented, though, Pan.

Anonymous said...

I love ur family pics! the boys r adorable and I know they look out for each other. animals do form families! I also very much appreciate the the white chair back in an unexpected place and the in foreground of one pic, the upside down pink stemmed glass attached to one of ur creative works of yard art. great pics Pat.

as far as overwhelming life events filled with lotsa and lotsa stuff. u r not alone. pick one area/room and dig in. I find having a new box of large black trash bags next to me exhilarating, throw it out or give it away, take what u really value, and remember one's sanity is extremely valuable. change is an adjustment, even change u want. be kind and forgive ur self, that's hard for me to do, I'm hardest on myself, I'm sending out strength for us all :)

Christina u sure have been thru it. u don't deserve any of the shit life is tossing at u. ur ex needs to be totally ex'd out of ur life. throw his shit into bags and tell him it's available to pick up at the curb. the picture of the woman, make copies and bury a copy in each bag. let him unearth them over and over again. that's not being violent or nasty, that's him getting what he deserves.

take care and hugs!


Jane said...

Christina, throw the stuff in the box. To hell with folding it. You're too nice to him. Don't sit there and remember what life was like long ago. I think you might be doing that as you pick up each piece. Are you grieving? I know you probably feel like there has been a death. Go back to the anger stage and ball that shit up and throw it in a box.
You haven't said why your son can't help you. Is there a reason?

Maybe you could cut the crotch out of just the tux. Yes, I am vengeful. Especially with someone who knows that they are or have hurt me. He doesn't deserve your kindness in any form. I'd ball his stuff up in a minute. Folding it is taking too much of YOUR time. I wouldn't even bother taking it off the hanger. I'd just throw all of it in the box.

Christina, my heart is hurting for you.

Pan, I like your thinking.

Kitty said...

I'm with you there, Christina. I couldn't bring myself to cut up clothes, or to post pics on facebook. But I might be able to ball up clothes, depends if I feeling mean or not. I've never been vengeful either. I remorse every little mean thing I've done, intentional or not. I know you will be able to get the house done, though. You totally have it in you.

Anonymous said...

I love the pics! Love the fat belleh on the kitteh.

However, I also have to add that Pan needs to be my new best friend.
Perfect and appropriate response. You are the friend every woman needs while going through a break up.
