Tuesday, October 20, 2015


characterized by a slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.
Slang. stupid or foolish.
(used with a plural verb) people who are slow or limited in mental development (usually preceded by the):
new schools for the retarded.
Used in a sentence: Karen is a retarded bitch, but, mostly a bitch.


Anonymous said...

Ugh, I have a socially-conscious teenager that won't let me use that word anymore. I tell her she's the retarded one. -Susan.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of political correctness, but I don't advertise that much. I'm accountable to myself first and foremost and I want to use that word freely. It's one of my favourite words and I use it a lot. Even on myself. I also like to use 'moron'.
I'm also sick of people calling mongoloid people 'Asian', because it's PC'. Russians are Asian, but caucasoid. Indians are Asian, but caucasoid. They look nothing like mongoloid Asian people..
We used to say mongoloids were 'Oriental', an old Brit term I think. And I don't understand why the word Negro is so inflammatory now. We used it with respect back in the day but now I don't dare say it because..........well I don't know why. Why can we call people 'black' or 'white' but nobody calls mongoliods 'yellow' nor Native Americans 'red'. It's senseless political agenda, which trends all over the place, demonstrating that there's no such thing as a correct term to classify people.

Frimmy said...

It characterizes a slowing, limitation or restriction with regard to engines and braking too.

Anonymous said...

bahaha. yes. Karen is a bitch.

Anonymous said...

Check your email. Picture of me and Mikey.

Unknown said...

who is Karen?

Megan said...

The Pinkett-Smith kids are retarded! Did I use it right? :)

Dirty Disher said...

I never said a word about your imaginary daughter, 'Karen'. Aren't you just the retarded bitch?

Megan, I do believe you used it correctly. LOL.