Oh Oklahoma City, what a shame that this piece of shit slab of modern granite is being called a 'historic' monument and the poor Republicans are crying because it has been removed from their courthouse grounds. It was either remove the ugly damn thing or allow Satanists and The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster to erect and display their own, cough, historical monuments. It was removed. Awww. Bummer. Republican lawmakers have threatened to sue and impeach the judge who ordered it removed. Yeah, good luck with that, you big cry babies.
We are witnessing the downfall of the wrong wing. You do realize the significance of this event? It just keeps happening all over our land. Someday, all this religious nonsense will be part of our past and as unbelievable as that time when it was illegal for a white person and a black person to get married. I suppose a mature person wouldn't be so gleeful about a decision which makes so many people upset, but, fuck them. They've been making our lives miserable for ages. They are finally running out of air in their death throes. It is a beautiful thing.
Hi Pat! I read here regularly but only lurk. I have found your little piece of heaven along time back but I never feel quite as witty as you or the folks who post here. Most of the time I agree so why repeat? ;)
You all have gotten me through some dark and unexpected times as of late. So for that I 'thank you'
The reason I'm posting today is simply that I came across this article while making my morning internet rounds & although it has nothing to do with the topic at hand I just wanted to drop it off to you. I think you will appreciate it. I thought of you immediately after reading. Please forgive for going off topic...
Wishing all good things to each of you & thanks for letting me 'drive by'
Ahhh ha ha! Toon went nuts when that vid came on, so I let him sit on my lap and watch it. We both loved it. Toon is bigger than Pumpkin and a lot more hyper. He watched it twice then I lugged him to his sleep area. He flipped around on me and shoved both his hands down my shirt. I swear, if he doesn't stop copping feels I am going to rename him 'Perv Boy'. It sounds weirder than it is, he has no balls yet. It must be a baby/mommy thing, but, he's getting BIG. It looks peculiar.
BTW, Diane, stop fucking lurking and join in. This is a family here and I only blog to have someone to talk to!
Oh, and I gave him a bath, sort of like Pumpkin, yesterday. He pulled me into the water and I was soaked head to feet. Pumpkin was so sweet. Toon is sweet, but, not all the time.
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