Friday, November 6, 2015

By the Sea - A look Inside Featurette (Universal Pictures)

Call me a Bangeloonie or whatever that nic is, but, I can't wait to see this film. I happen to like sparse, elegant, European films and really, I just love films about people and relationships and realness. I care nothing about car chases, gun fights and explosions. This seems like my kind of film. And I find it really interesting that in the first scene of the trailer, (which Angie wrote) Angie's character tosses her glasses on to the dresser with no care, lens side down. Then you see Brad's hand uprighting the shades to a lens safe position. In a recent interview she was asked, what does Brad hate? She responded, 'He hates that I scratch my glasses.' I think this film is probably a lot more personal than just the telling of her mother's life and death. Maybe we all need a relatable film about grief, to understand that everyone DOES deal with real grief differently. I am still dealing with the letting go part, it's very hard to do when you have a small clone of the lost one asking you questions about him on a regular basis. Questions she deserves an honest answer to. Some make me laugh out loud, but, some still make me cry.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather chew my leg off than sit through this self-indulgent pile of crap!

Unknown said...

Love you Pat. Take care and be good for yourself xoxo

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks, Lia, you too. I know you're doing better. I don't FB often, but, I see your positive posts and new adventures and your photos look years younger and wonderful.

Dirty Disher said...

Anon, you can sign your nic. You are not required to like the same movies I do.

Unknown said...

Thanks Pat! It's spring here, time for renewal and regeneration. xoxoxo

mary_mary said...

I hope you enjoy this flicker, but every review I've read says it's self-indulgent and gratuitous. A real yawn-fest. Very lukewarm response at the film festivals. Just relaying info for your consideration.

sally said...

I'm looking forward to seeing it also.
So many people, I think, are foaming at the mouth--waiting to hate this ultimate pretty couple. but I like them. I think they have something in common, they recognized their strengths early enough in life that it actually paid off for them. And that's what people hate.
It's jealousy.

And so what if it's all about how pretty they are? since when is that not enough?

either way, I will watch. and good for her, and good for Zahara.

Unknown said...

Hey I just watched a film called The Dressmaker. It's an Aussie film so you may not catch it overseas although it does have Kate Winslet and Liam Hemsworth in it which might make it global. I thought it was brilliant! I think you'd like it Pat.

Unknown said...

I just love Brad and Ange so I'll definitely be seeing it.

Jane said...

Wow! Things have been going on while I've been gone. Hope your move is going OK and all the little things are falling into place. With winter coming, I know you will be so glad to be there. Hope all the "babies" are doing well.

We have been going to Birmingham, Al. a lot lately. My nephew is in an epileptic study there. We are hoping there may be some help for him. The people at the Medical University are the greatest. They are so kind and helpful. I think one of the rules for working there is you must be friendly and smile. Whatever, they are really wonderful. The place is huge and I think there is a center for anything that can happen to the human body.

Jane said...

Troll, it seems like you are having a problem quenching your thirst for blood. Why don't you go find a rat to suck on? You are getting boring. Can't you see, we don't care. We are here because we enjoy it (except for you). Why don't you just go away? Because we are not going any wheres. We enjoy Pat's comments and those of each other. We enjoy each others company.

katy said...

Um, Angelina Jolie has prove time and again that she has no depths whatsoever. So watching a movie written, directed and starred by someone shallow is like trying to drown yourself in a puddle. Why would anybody even try to do that to themselves?

Unknown said...

I'm really sad that you guys are doing all this shit to Pat. Why don't you just fuck off and let Pat have her life, write her blog and let us simply enjoy it. It's not really such a big ask. Just move on.

Anonymous said...

Oh, take a fucking hike you puke stain. One of these days ALL of us will be gone (as in dead). You are no different, although it will be difficult to tell, as there is always some sanctimonious twit who will become "the voice of reason" to educate all the rest of us, while hiding cowardice behind the label of "anonymous".
As has been said many times, many of us enjoy being here. We like this place. (Now trying to put this in small words so your tiny brain, and black little heart will understand.) No one here needs you to police the content. If this place makes you unhappy, move on. It is not necessary for you to belittle us in doing so. By doing so, you reveal who you really are. I hope you find a hobby. Soon. Doing this doesn't count.

Dirty Disher said...

Thanks guys. I deleted the troll, I have no time for that shit and we all know who it is. It's that slave of Miss Cunt, who does her bidding. I have no idea why or for what I have been 'outted'. That was the worst outing ever, since I already told you everything and have never lied on here. Why would I? The whole point of blogging, to me, is making friends who accept you as you are. Lying about anything would eventually fuck that up, so it seems stupid to me. Lies always catch up to you.

Hey, man, seriously thanks for the movie recommendations!! I noted them and put them in pic files so I can look them up. And yeah, the reviews for this movie are bad, but, sometimes, most times, I disagree with critics and I like Angie's choice of roles almost always. So, I'll see it.

dogma said...

"The whole point of blogging, to me, is making friends who accept you as you are." So you created that whole shitstorm to sort the sheep from the wolves, and now you're being coy about it. Nice.

Anonymous said...

There are none so blind as those who will not see. I reckon this is just another Pat game. Sad. She is someone who needs attention very desperately and gets it through this blog. She's conniving, deliberate and bold with her lies. You people who support her are enablers. That's nothing to be proud of. Your blind faith and support aren't helping Pat.

Unknown said...

Bwaaaahahahahaha... enablers! Love it! Is that the worst you can make of us? Enablers. Thats piss weak. And why do you care so much anyway. What's your investment? Haven't you got better stuff to do than to enable me to take the piss out of you? As well as to use the word piss three times. Oh... I get it, you like attention too! But you're not gifted with the creative writing abilities needed to keep a highly entertaining blog going for almost two decades. So you have to ride on Pats shirt tails and write nasty messages about her in the comments section instead. Oh I have to stop. I'm starting to pity you. Well... You got my attention anyway, for what it's worth. Hope it helped.

Beth said...
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