Finally have the time and strength to post. I am so sorry for slacking, but, man, this move is killer now that I am such a wrecked relic. I'll tell you about that later. Right now, I want to get on the paranormal update and it's different..odd...even for me. I wrote the whole damn thing out and hit publish, and I'll be damned if the whole post didn't vanish and gibberish appeared. The fault of the comp, blogger, power surge...or something supernatural. I have no idea, but, I'd guess the last one. Simply because it was getting so bad, so bizarre and so blatent. There are many spirits in my life, I am a medium, it's expected. Most of them are normal former people. Some are the Earth spirits I believe in, the Fey or Shadows or Ancients or whatever you call them. I don't know how else to be on here, but, straight up and blunt. That 'thing' that was bothering Lis and then me, which was not human (never was) realized we were leaving and it basically had a fit and hit us with everything it could muster up.
I was sitting on the pot over there, taking a packing break and much needed pee, when I saw the edge of the heavy throw rug flip up. I thought, oh, shit, the animals have made a hole in the had been weak there for awhile due to a water leak that was repaired, but, I wasn't going to pay to fix the floor..I was moving! I figured it would hold awhile. So, anyway, I saw a gray paw snaking right out from under the rug. It was daytime, and I had a tiny window and no light on, but, I could see. It made me laugh because I thought it was Tooney, he was outside. He must have ran under the house and decided to fuck with me. I took my foot and kicked it a couple of times and growled. You know, to play with him. He (it) responded and I called him a stinker. But, then a strange unfamiliar shape began to come up from the floor under the rug. It was strong enough to pull the rug out from under the heavy waste basket. Unknown animal in the bathroom with me. I jumped up and yanked up my leggings. Then I watched this thing, plain as fucking day, slink around behind the trash basket. It was fucked up. It had a long body, like a Ferret, but, a Raccoon tail. Didn't get a good look at the head. A bunch of stuff was running through my mind. What the hell IS that? How fucking big is that hole they made in the weak subfloor?? And, oh, shit, it's between me and the door. I calmed myself by breathing deep and said to myself, 'Pat, you dip, it's just some kind of small animal, wtf are you panicking for?" But, I tell felt wrong. It felt cold. It felt like a bucket of NOPE, Well, fuck, I decided I'd just turn the good sized trash can upside down on it and trap it, then figure it out. It was right behind the trash, next to the sink. Easy target, if I moved fast. I could see gray fur here and there, it kept moving back and forth. I squatted down, grabbed the can and went to count to three. But, I also bent my head down a little to look at it. My mistake. It took the heavy burlap backed rug somehow (this seems so impossible) and it flipped one whole end up into my face and head. The fucker hit me so hard that later, I had a goose egg the size of a real egg on my forehead. I yelled, oww and jumped back. It came slinking out, I had a full view in the window light. Jesus fucking christ. This thing was made of dark gray smoke, not fur. It seemed like it was having trouble maintaining it's shape. Smoke was wifting off it. It had a small rat head, a gray cat's body and a raccoon tail. My hammering heart told me it was unnatural and dangerous. But, it broke apart then, with a snarl and just drifted away in parts, ass first, then head, then the fucking dark gray smoke. And then, nothing.
I was shaken. As you know, I am a medium yes, but, I do not usually see things. I hear them, I feel them and I do not work with inhuman spirits. I respect them, but, I do not mess with them, good or bad. It is not in my comfort zone. This thing has been bothering the kid upstairs for months. I believed her and let her sleep with me, even though I hate sleeping with anyone. It has dared to actually touch her. Unaceptable. It has touched me, but, not in a creepy way. Well, you know what I mean. I hate that it touched Alissa and scared her and I believed her and threw protection spells around her. They worked, but, then it started with me. My neck, my hair, my thigh, nothing horrible. I ignored it. I didn't think in a million years it would hurt me. It hurt me. My head was so noticeable, people were commenting even though I have bangs. I laughed it off to me being clumsy. I had no intention of discussing it with anyone, but, you guys and not until it was safe. Sometimes when you give things like that attention, it makes it worse.
Alissa came in after school and asked what happened to my head? I told her the truth. She responded with anger and said, "I TOLD you, grandma, I told you it was dangerous and wanted to hurt us." I told her she'd been right, but, that the whole idea was just so crazy and bizarre. She said, it's mean and it's mad and it hates us. Whew. You know, I'm just so used to spirits of all sorts, it's my life, you know, and very, VERY few times have I ever ran into anything dangerous or even evil. It's so rare. And why in the hell did it hate us? Sure, it had been around a long time, but, I know for a fact, it is not attached to the house. The land perhaps. It won't talk to me, so I don't know. But, spirits manifesting in a physical realm is rare and I don't see that often at all. And knowing this was an inhuman made it super creepy. It was clearly trying to look like my animals, only the fucker got them all mixed up and it looked like a horror. I tried to tell Lis, but, she couldn't quite understand what I had seen. Oh, well, done for now, I told her to go pack some clothes and I'd feed the outdoor animals. When I stepped out the door in the late afternoon light, there it was again, big as you please, still trying to pull off the pet look. The small yellow eyed rat head on my gray striped cat's body was particularly hideous, the coon's tail added no aesthetic value. It was on the ladder right next to the door. I yelled at Lis to come quick, I yelled like a maniac and she did. She said, 'whut'? In her drama queen voice and I pointed, ''Look, look there it is!" She stepped out the door and looked. She yanked out her earbuds and said, "WHAT IN THE UNHOLY FUCK IS THAT!?" I said, man, that's IT, it's trying to blend in with the animals. She noped the fuck out of there and slammed the door to get away. Later she puked. It was really weird and sickening. It just sat there on the ladder watching me and snarling. I went and got the old lady. She's slower than fuck and irritating, but, by the time she got out there, the fucker was still there! I had to point it out twice to her because it's not like it stuck out like a sore thumb. It was in the shadows, in the vines, on a ladder rung, but, by gawd, it was there. When she finally understood that she was looking at something not human, not animal, not alive, not possible, yet clearly there, she let out a yell and backed clear up to her door. We both watched as it seemed to struggle to keep the façade up and then it faded out in whisps of smoke again and was gone. I grabbed a broom I keep out there and 'swept' the air, chanting and throwing protection. My mom asked a million questions, I kept saying, "I don't fucking know!" Contrary to people who think mediums know it all, we fucking do not and sometimes we get seriously fucked with. Because they know we can hear them or sense them. Somehow, they can use our energy to manifest or move things, but, it is so very rare. It is not something every spirit can do.
I found out from Lissa that this same spirit also manifests itself as a very tall, large human shadow 'wearing a weird hat and way too long of arms.' I believe her, though, I haven't seen that. But, us sensitives usually know when we are in the company of a spirit we have previously dealt with. So, I guess this inhuman doesn't do people any better than animals. I'm not sure why, but, I don't believe it's very smart, or perhaps it hasn't interacted much with us before so it's just not sure what to show us. I do know that it wanted me to think it was a harmless and much loved animal. I do know that it hit me. I also know that it meant to and that's mean and potentially dangerous. I had wondered if it just felt threatened and struck out in fear, but, the second time I saw it, it let me know that it hated me and was trying to figure out how to get me again. Sorry, butthole, one dumbshit move per day is usually my limit. I hope I don't freak any of you out, believe me when I tell you that any spirit, human, inhuman, animal or whatever, causing harm to humans is so fucking rare most people who work with spirits have never seen it or had it happen. I won't say it's the first time I have encountered something bad, but, this is the first time anything has seriously injured me. And the bump and bruise went away in about three days. I did suffer a bad headache and some nightmares, but, no lasting damage. Just pissed off and in one of those, not gonna put up with it moods. Oh, and I think I got the best it can do. I don't believe it's powerful. But, obviously, it's determined and able to learn.
That means I have to leave it behind. Witch is the name others gave to people like me. I just work with the spirits, it's my thing and makes people happy or at least entertained. I am a Pagan and I do practice spell work, so the title Witch is fine. I don't mind it. I witchied it up good, before Samhain, during and after. I have that powerful Moon water from that harvest Moon too. I worked very hard. Now, I am not so powerful that I can destroy an inhuman, but, I can most certainly make sure it does not follow us and is not allowed on our new property, let alone in the house. And it worked.
The new house is so peaceful. I have met one spirit (there are two that I know of, both fine.) She is a lovely, loving woman who says 'hello!' to me in a sweet, cheerful voice when I come through the door alone. She also rocked my chair the night that other thing gave me a bump and a headache. She is very caring, but, quiet. I have never actually seen her. Hardly hear her unless she wants to help or comfort. We left that thing in that other place and whoever moves in there can deal with it. Or maybe it won't even bother them. Some people can't sense them at all. Alissa has said to me, 'Grandma, this house is like, so much, I dunno, lighter and I don't feel mad all the time here like I did over there.' I told her I felt the same way. That place has a darkness that people like us should not be exposed to. My anger is gone too. I have a feeling it wasn't even our anger. We didn't own it. We had it put on us. It was also going for serious depression as well, but, it started too late. Any fears or premonitions I had, I put aside, because the bustle of reality can let things like that hide and build. You kick yourself and think you should have seen it. But, when you're living in the middle of something like that, you just don't know until it becomes very obvious. You get caught up with life and you're busy and hey, maybe this is normal? Then you move, you see the darkness actually lift, things get light and airy. Colors come back, you start talking and laughing instead of yelling and bulling and you realize you needed help a long time ago, but, now, you're just glad you're gone and you can start over. Some things really are insidious.
I am not done with the house yet. I am so fucking slow and hurting like a little biotch, but, I only have a few big pieces of furniture left, cabinets etc. I've done some crazy hippie, gothy pagan decorating. Oh!! I found a cool couch someone threw out..I grabbed it. Yay. Free couch. Lots of beaded sheers and oh, flour and feed sack curtains in the bathroom. I took a bunch of pics to show you, but, I have misplaced my camera cords. I put all of them keep them safe. I forgot what though. Old age and moving madness sucks hairy balls. I'll look again in the morning. I'll just say, I LOVE my cute, sweet old house all painted up and clean. It's a little paradise. You know what else? After seven years of serious insomnia in that other place, I sleep just fine here. And without any pills! You stay safe, tell me what's up with you. And feel free to put any weird experiences on. I'm promising you, I will believe you after what I've been dealing with.
BTW, That's it's photo up there. That is real, no one dicked with it and my camera doesn't do that shit. It never has, anyway. And I know it looks like I used some photoshop tool on it (the ripple marks) but, I swear on my Tooney Boy's life, I never touched it. That's the rat head look and that's it fading, smoking out. Anyone on here who has photog skills, PLEASE take it, blow it up, look at the pixels and let everyone know what you think.
PS..I forgot to say, there was no hole under the bathroom rug. No hole anywhere in the bathroom floor at all. That piece of nasty materialized right through the subfloor and lino without leaving a dent.
Yay! You're back!!! Now to go read what you wrote. . .
Yikes. What in the hell is that thing? What kind of thing would you think it is? That picture just feels deeply wrong. How awful to have been living with it, and just all kinds of nope that it came up from under the rug, and then hurt you. That is truly scary.
It is amazing that being in your new place has lifted depression, insomnia and anger from you. That is a gift, and I am very thankful that you have this new place in your life. Despite the fact that it has been a lot of hard work, and you are not quite done, the new place is giving you the peace and energy you need to finish the move. It's interesting that Lissa has expressed a real difference in her mood since moving, too. She may be a lot easier to live with now. Not that you would ever regret having her with you, but it just may be a lot easier and smoother with this change.
I don't know if I posted it here or not, but my range gave out, and since we had some work done on it already, a few years ago, I decided to replace rather than repair. I bought a range I really like, and arranged for delivery. They literally unpacked it in the driveway, and one of the guys came in to move my old range and look at the outlet. Surprise!!! The outlet is not behind the stove, it goes through the cabinetry, and is probably somewhere behind the dishwasher. At that moment, the drain plugged, and the dishwasher flooded the kitchen, so that nothing could be done. The guy told me that I would have to have a new outlet put in behind the stove. So far I have had the drain unplugged, and I have an appointment with an electrician on Friday. I hope everything goes well. It is all expensive. I think it is $135 for the first hour, and then $104 per hour after that, plus parts. I just found out today, that any electrical work requires a permit from the county, and possibly an inspection. I didn't know that. Another expense. In the meantime, my washer failed. I am thinking replacement on that, too, but I am a little reluctant to do that immediately, since the refinance is not going well. There are a lot of areas of "deferred upkeep" is what they call it, and clutter in all the rooms we are using for storage. I was notified through the attorneys, that George wanted to pick up his stuff last week, but he never did. The appraisal would have been different if his stuff was moved out. I have refused to do much of his packing for him. He contacted me yesterday about this weekend, and wanted to know if he could use the truck, so I am hoping that is more of a positive sign. It is so frustrating to sit here with all of his crap, and not be able to do anything with so much of it. I think he isn't going to take that much, but I could be wrong.
We didn't have a single trick or treater, but I think that is partially because of the nasty weather that night. It was pouring rain, cold and windy. I wouldn't go out in it with kids. I did decorate my front porch though. That was nice. The doggies were so curious about my little distressed round table with the variety decorative pumpkins, witches sparkle hat, banner (they sniffed that every time they went past), and lots of candy in a skull bowl. I had a distressed glitter Halloween sign on the door, too. If I am still at this address next year, I will do more, but it's the first time in years I have done anything more than a sign on the door. I put the candy outside as I was alone with the doggies, and didn't want to open the door to just anyone who came by. We are pretty isolated at the end of the street. Andy and his cute little girlfriend were on an overnight trip to Seattle to see his favorite band in concert. They had a great time, but I was on my own. (Nothing wrong with that, but on Halloween, I would have liked to have him around.)
So how was your Halloween?
this is a lot to take in, I'll have to read it again.
wow Pat. and omg it was messing with Lissa too. just nope. not the child. u've got amazing instincts and skills and I appreciate how much u share with us, and also how much u teach me and help me understand my gifts. I'm speechless, gobsmacked at the extent of its manifestations and how desperate it tried to fit in. terrible pain and loneliness from that thing, and alienation, but it is beyond help, redemption or transformation to a higher being will not happen, poor unfortunate soul deformed being, if u can, and if it's safe perhaps a releasing spell to leave this plane. but do not let that color ur perception, if u feel it's best for it to be bound to that space eternally, so be it. some beings must be cut loose, some bound, when there's a child nearby, again nope, no second guessing, loose the beast the way u r most comfortable.
very good to hear from u. moving is so hard on a body in pain and a mind that must cope with it. bravo to u. u r one tough cookie woman.
when u can, pics would wonderful. and so happy u r both resting and sleeping easier and ur critters r safe in their new home, that u r all safe and well in ur new home. what a relief this must be.
take good care Pat, thnx for the update.
Christina, I am sorry you're going through that. When HIS clutter is untouchable and he won't get off his ass, it DOES affect your life and mental state. Man, I hate wiring/plumbing problems. That rig they did on your stove is ridic. Who the fuck would do that? Some lazy DIY asshole probably. Instead of a new outlet, the dunce probably thought it was cheaper and easier to drill a hole and run more wire to an existing outlet. My other place was like that all over and nothing worked right. I made sure this one is done right. Plus I have plenty of outlets!! I have 6 in the bathroom, lol. I had none before. I have one more plumbing issue, not enough pressure in the shower, but, I think it's just a pipe that needs replaced. I left some of the old iron and copper because it's usually indestructible, but, that one water pipe is probably full of iron build up. It's an easy fix. The furnace is great here, it heats the whole house really well with just one vent in the kitchen. (The center of the place.)Joey had stolen the ignition, thermostat and burner, etc, but, we rebuilt it with new parts and it kicks ass. Plus cleaned it, cleaned the chimenies, screened the tops and bought new smoke alarms. It feels so much safer. Just seemed to take forever and even now, every day I add something to the list of things to buy to make the place run better. Towel racks, surge protectors, ceiling hooks, cup hooks, a darkening blind, new hook locks for the screens, 2 new window locks I have to install, camera surveillance for back, motion lights, extra door locks, on and on. It takes years to feel like you really have it done. I got a new microwave yesterday, plus a temp bed for me. Lis got a really nice bed, her first brand new mattress. Need more I haven't had to buy any curtains, it seems I collected them for years. Nice ones too. And good rods. All yard sale stuff bought over the years and stored. I must have known, I'd need them. Tons of nice rugs too, found in storage, some big and new. Sale items. I need soft yellow paint now, for the trim and purple dye for Lissa's bed curtains. I got the ceiling hooks today. Her room is going to be so nice. All the animals are so happy, love the yard, the trees. Tooney has taken to sleeping on top of the big hot water heater. Must warm his buns. LOL. It gives people a start, I'll tell you, when they walk in the back porch. Even the goldfish got a new girlfriend. Keep me updated, I want to know what HE does. He should man up and take it all.
Thanks, Race. Don't feel sorry for it, I don't know that it has a soul. These things have been around since time began, I don't know what they are, just that they are. They are part of the Earth and nature. Most are pretty wonderful. Some aren't. They never leave this plane, as I understand it. They can't die, because they never lived. Some put religious names to them, I won't. I don't believe that stuff, they just are. Part of our world. They go unnoticed by most people, yet still cause them harm. They are a feeling, a fear, and anger, but, they can be contained. Ancient cultures spoke of them a lot. There are many kinds, they all look different, most are fascinating. But, I never get too close or make the mistake of thinking they are friends or pets. They are entities. They are enigmas. But, they are real.
PS Halloween was nice. I'll put Lila and Gabe's pics on. They were so cute. Tooney gave Gabe a kiss and Gabe gave him a tootsie roll. LOL
Holy F-balls! I can't even wrap my brain around what you've gone through. It's like one of those awful horror movies come true. Hollywood would love you. Bravo to you and Lis for surviving that! I'm so glad you are moved safely and happy in your new house. I'm even more happy to read that you are sleeping well and feeling better.
We had a great Halloween. Billy was an astronaut. He was so excited about it. He is obsessed with going to the moon. It is the cutest thing. I am exhausted because I got it in my head to throw a Halloween party for Billy and his friends and parents. So I worked for a month to get my house party ready and clean. Then had the party and my house was a mess so then had to work again to get it all cleaned up again. I'm tired! But it was worth it. The kids had a great time. We had a bounce house. And mummy hot dogs, bat and ghost grilled cheese sandwiches, Frankenstein marshmallow pops, and red velvet cupcakes. So yummy.
Looking forward to more posts and hearing about the new house!
Im scared just reading that! Im so glad you and Lissa have a safer haven to wrap yourselves in. Marina is going to love to read this too! I look forward to seeing more pics of your new abode.
Halloween was fun for the girls. Marina went to a party and hubs and I took turns taking Roxie trick or treating and sitting on the porch handing out candy. I always make sure to have full size candy bars on hand to pass out to the kids in fantastic costumes or who are extra polite! Roxie was a Musketeer. Very cool but expensive costume.
Also - this past Monday, we moved my Father into a nursing home. Its lovely and has a good rating and great reputation. Still, its very sad and my Mother is not handling it well, though she knows in her head its for the best. Im taking her to the Doctor tomorrow, we think she is suffering from depression and exhaustion. His decline and increasing needs has taken a toll on all of us.
That picture was so interesting that I dropped it into google search. Boom. Found the original unaltered photo.
Also, all of your posts get published into feedly even if you delete them after. They leave your blog but the feed holds them. The first post was deleted by you after you published it.
Original photo link
Just stopping back by to see if my comments have been deleted. I'm sure some readers have seen them by now. I'm not a troll and I've been a reader here for years. I enjoy your blog. However that photo was so obviously shopped I had to go there. Curious on what your response will be. Much love. No hate here.
I've been wondering how you're doing and checking in every day to see if you've posted yet.
Holy shit.
I'm SO glad you're moved in and away from all that negative energy. You sound peaceful and hopeful. I can't wait to see the pics! Have all the animals followed you?
I'm happy for you, you sound so much better. This house has been the best possible thing for you and Alissa. I can't wait to see pictures!
It was nice to read this post and get a good idea how you're all doing. Once you leave a bad place, it's easier to see how effed up it was and wonder how you put up with it.
Btw other anonymous - the pic you linked to isn't the same photo as dd's. Look at the white marks on the head - very different, plus the head is angled differently.
Hi I am the third anonymous. The first anonymous is absolutely correct. Same picture. Run it through a photo program and it matches up perfectly. I enjoy Pat's column as well as you all but I roll my eyes a lot at some of the stories. I just consider it harmless ghost stories.
This really resonates with me!
light and airy. Colors come back, you start talking and laughing instead of yelling and bulling and you realize you needed help a long time ago, but, now, you're just glad you're gone and you can start over. Some things really are insidious.
First anon here.
Second anon: It's the same exact photo as in the link I posted its just altered. It's easy to find... learned it from the show Catfish lol.
Sue (third anon), I also immensely enjoy this blog as I mentioned... "ghost stories" and all. I only searched and posted because she challenged a check into that photo otherwise I would have moved past ot like usual on here.
The straw in the picture is a dead give away. Does DD have straw on her bathroom room floor? I think not.
A reverse image search on that photo does reveal it to be the image of a Norwegian rat, which prompts the question: Why would Pat feel the need to be so disingenuous about the picture in the first place? She's posted pictures of paranormal stuff on here before and hasn't felt the need to doctor them, so why fabricate this one? It seems a bit disrespectful to her friends on here to attempt to pass off a bad Photoshop job as something supernatural.
I just find it a little disappointing I guess.
Posts like this are what concern me about Lis and that troll. I believe you but the state probably won't. I am concerned they are watching your blog. With all the pets, the injuries you get, the spirits I feel you have given them more than enough to get her taken away.
I am a friend, and I say this out of loyalty, please stop writing about stuff like this.
Anon today
I have been a long time reader as well. NOT A TROLL! I have suspected Pat's stories to be fabricated for some time. I simply do not believe a word from her anymore. I think she is mentally ill. I do however, agree with the troll in that I wonder how the state thought Alissa belonged in a home some unfit. I don't believe she has full custody. I think she sees her sometimes. For those of you just finding out that Pat is a liar, a bunch of us were fooled.
Anon 6:16 She has posted many photos that were questionable. However, I never challenged it until she asked it to be. She seemed to defend and protest doctoring that one in particular too much in that post. It was just too obvious.
Anon 6:52 you are dead on balls accurate.
Oh, fuck off anonymous. All of the anonymouses. Pretentious mutual back patting asshats. Just fuck the fuck off. You all make me so damn tired. Why don't you have a hobby instead of coming here to post and then answer yourself? Jackasses. Numbskulls. Dipshits. Derp parade.
Wow! Me thinks thou doth protest too much. Facts are facts. The proof is in the pudding. I guess if not wanting to be a Jackass, numbskull, or dipshit then I'm guilty. You, my friend, have become a sheeple. Brainwashed. I wish only the best for DD. I think she needs attention but most importantly, she needs some psychological help. You can lead your own Derp Parade full of naive followers.
@ Christina - right back at ya, fucknuts.
Pat has been - in this one instance at least - caught out in an obvious lie. None of the anons on this post have called her names, or insulted her, or wished her any harm; we're just pointing out the proven fact that she has presented an obviously manipulated image as evidence of paranormal manifestation. Therefore, since said image can be easily discredited with a simple Google search, why is it so wrong for us to wonder why she would do such a thing?
Another Anonymus here. I've been reading DD for years (with a few short gaps, so I'm not up to speed on everything, but I always come back) but have never commented before. I'm actually disappointed. I have never seen or heard anything spooky myself and have never really believed in that sort of thing, but Pat was so matter-of-fact about it it made me wonder what's going on around me that I just haven't seen. But this story is so over the top and the photo is so amateurish it begs to be called out. Seems like she wanted to be caught faking. I was surprised to check in today and see two more posts from her, not mentioning this at all. I hope she and Lis will be okay.
Christina reminds me of Tia....rambling, foul-mouthed and insulting.
Oh shut up troll. You are a troll, you know. You hide behind "anonymous" and try to cause trouble for no other reason than you have no life. I have news for you. Hiding behind a generic label doesn't hide ugly. You are a coward.
Ramble on, Christina. If you can see the truth when it smacks you in the face then I feel sorry for you.
Should say CAN'T see the truth.
I consider Pat to be an entertainer. She is a talented musician and a talented creative writer. She believes in spirits. I don't care if her prose is fact or fiction. To me its just dam good writing. I completely resent those of you who have labelled her a liar and insane. That's libelous and discrimanitory.
Oh and I just love her wit!
And she is the best bull shit detector I've met.
Yes, she is a wonderful, talented STORY teller. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. That's my beef.
Well I think Pat should do what she does best which is keep us all entertained with her amazing insights and wit and dam good story writing ablities and completely ignore the Anonymai. It's entirely up to you to decide whether you want to let someone pee up your leg, so just suspend your beef and allow Pat to entertain you.
You guys must be so fucking narrow minded, uncultured and CONSERVATIVE!
Gosh, Lia, give it a rest. Only one person said she thought Pat was mentally ill; several have said that they like Pat and have no ill will toward her. And what does being or not being conservative have to do with this? "The Anonymai" have merely spoken the truth.
Another Anonymous
And I would advise against anyone trying to pee up anyone's leg.
Yes you're right Another Anonymous. I did get a little aggro there. I think CONSERVATIVE people are very quick to slag off other people when they (the other people) step outside the square.
I think Pat is a highly intelligent person. Well able to care for herself and her loved ones and has this blog as a creative outlet. I think she is very brave in exercising her right to freedom of expression regardless of the enemies she might make. And in solidarity with Pat I'm not anonymous. Although I respect your right to be one. Sorry for my multiple posts, I just keep thinking of more stuff to add. Anyway, I have grown very fond of Pat over the years and really admire her as an artist. And since some of you felt compelled to out Pat as a bullshit artist I just felt that I wanted to counter that by shouting out my support.
Another long-term reader here. Why have I been a regular reader for so many years? Because I enjoy reading Pat's posts. Simple as that. This post was yet another good read and the comments have educated me about reverse image search which is a bonus and I am sure will come in handy in the future. My feeling is that Pat is overflowing with creativity and she is in a tough environment that isn't always supportive of creativity. The origin of the photo does not necessarily affect the validity of the story, and I shall continue to read the posts with an open mind and a pick of salt. With best wishes to all, Machoufleur
Whoopsadaisy! I meant pinch of salt. Machoufleur
She is a fairly decent FICTION writer.
I used to read and comment but got tired of Tia and have just started reading again. It's a choice we have to either let what we read upset us; I choose to not let it alter my mood one way or the other because all of our opinions amount to nothing to anyone but ourselves. That being said; I have had experiences with supernatural/oppressive entities.
My younger brother and my Mom are both sensitive. My brother much more so than Mom, and has had negative experiences all his life with something manifesting itself through dreams and sometimes by moving things in his room. Always when he is alone. He tells me still about the time we were both young and shared a room, that he would see shadows peeking in from the doorway and also about the feeling of something standing behind him so close that he could feel the energy. Once I was waiting for him to come back from college and the energy in the house was intense. It was the feeling of anticipation. As soon as he got home and unpacked his bags he came into the kitchen and asked me to look at his bedroom armoire. All of the handles on it had been raised and were now upside down.
My asshole smells like ass right now.
Who cares? Pat is alright and not hurting a soul with her posts. And she loves and cares for animals, which shows compassion and altruism. And every single commentator here has told a tale tail, fibbed a fib or flat out lied in their lifetime, so stop with the sanctimonious attitudes. The web is a big place; if you don't like the posts Pat writes, then go somewhere else. Sheesh - so simple.
It's not that simple. Pat told her supernatural stories in the same voice she used for stories about her family, her problems, her life--stories that readers empathized and sympathized with and that encouraged them to share their own stories. She never hinted, OK guys, you know to take this with a grain of salt, right? The psychic stuff was part and parcel of the Pat we thought we knew--a very unusual but honest woman. Maybe we didn't all buy the psychic experiences, but I think most of us thought they were true in Pat's eyes.
Then she posts an over-the-top story about an entity and challenges us to check the veracity of a badly faked and traceable photo. So what does that mean? Was she just stringing us along, finding it hard to believe how gullible we were, until she just had to say, Wake up, girls, it's a joke? Did she start out thinking we all knew the score, or was she laughing at us? Is it all fiction? And if not, how do we separate the true from the false? How different is the Pat we see now from the Pat we thought we knew?
I just really wish she would speak about this.
Jane in Virginia
I think I have been following Pat for close to 15 years. I challenge anyone to keep people entertained and connected on a daily basis for that length of time. It is a extraordinary achievement.
Yes it is, but that's beside the point.
Jane in VA
Who cares? Pat is alright and not hurting a soul with her posts. And she loves and cares for animals, which shows compassion and altruism. And every single commentator here has told a tale tail, fibbed a fib or flat out lied in their lifetime, so stop with the sanctimonious attitudes. The web is a big place; if you don't like the posts Pat writes, then go somewhere else. Sheesh - so simple.
I agree with marymary completely.
What your expectation was and what you are entitled to are two different things in this case. Blog owners owe nothing to anyone. She writes, we are not coerced to read what she writes. This is the internet. Mary Mary is right. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. It IS that simple.
This reminiscent of a few years back when explanations were DEMANDED and DESERVED. Get over it and get over yourselves. Why do you care? I doubt it has a strong bearing on your day to day life. Or does it?
It's Pat's blog...she can say what she wants.
Damn double posting. Anyway, let's get on to hearing about the little house. I'm patiently waiting for pictures of that.
Who are these delusional idiots who believe they can school us on what we think or believe? Not your job.
Put that effort into your own sorry pathetic lives - get happier or more miserable although you find your happiness in being miserable.
You idiot Anonymous pendejas wanna feel like Internet Truth Heroes? Tie on a cape and jump off a roof.
Lol! At first I read your comment as "Internet Truth Herpes". I think you nailed it, Connie.
Wow. A whole flock of sheeple.
Who the fuck is trying to "school" anyone on anything?!? All we're saying is that Pat tried to pass off a fake photo as real, and that maybe - just maybe - these might be the actions of a person who is not entirely compos mentis at the moment. Either that or she's a liar. And since Pat herself explicitly invited interrogation of the suspect photograph to begin with, why the fuck is everyone so surprised that this has been the result?
Pat, if you're reading this, I wish you and your family only the best. That said, some of your mindlessly-devoted acolytes need to go do something more productive with themselves, like maybe press their clits against the searing hot tail pipe of the nearest idling eighteen-wheeler until their twats become welded shut.
Not sheeple...just people that come here for its intended purpose. I'm not interested in fact checking, just interesting conversation. Fact or doesn't matter to me.
I really liked "Internet Truth Heroes"...clever :)
So Christina, Angie, Connie, Frimmy, et al., are you saying that you knew all along that Pat was writing fiction? You didn't feel a bit shocked and betrayed by this incident at first?
Jane in VA
No, not shocked at all, but I don't come here for truthiness. It's a cool place to visit and I like Pat. I mentioned something about my sister having cancer and Pat responded with kindness and asked me to keep her posted. That was not fiction and that's why I come here. I'm free to accept or not accept what I read here and Pat is never threatened by that. Most of the anon comments were polite and well spoken. That's respected here, but disagreeing with what someone has said is just that. Disagreement. It has nothing to do with declaring a side, and I doubt the sincerity of anyone who turns it into that. Oh, I disagree? That means I'm a blind follower? Yeah right. Sorry that's the only way you see the world. For the record, I do not believe in ghosts. I'm allowed that. No judgements. Here, in this place, some things are black and white like caring for animals and kids but mostly it's a whole lot of warm and comfy shades of life in between. Nothing wrong with that.
Also we regulars have become quite adept at skimming past troll comments. We've been here a long time. The intent of the writer manifests very quickly and the rest of the comment goes unread. I have no interest in allowing vitriol to get a purchase in my mind. Been there, done that, she's finally gone, never going to give another troll a voice.
I don't care what the anonymous posters are saying. You have to care for their opinions to count.
I don't tell other people what they should feel, think or believe, nor who they should be friends with in life.
That's the beauty of the internet, there's something or someone for everyone.
I guess some people just don't care about being lied to. If Pat is writing fiction, she should be honest and say so. Because she doesn't, she's disrespecting everyone who reads this blog.
And yet, everyone returns to this post... No new comments on her newer posts. I guess this did strike a chord.
I think that, because she did ask her readers to look at the picture and confirm its authenticity, it is only fair that people did so and followed with their findings and comments.
I have read here for many years too and have for the most part enjoyed this blog. Her blog-published extraordinary stories are a great read and could continue to be so if she did not call in the reader for confirmation of a fact.
She mentioned that she could not post the pictures of her house as she could not find the cord to link her camera to her computer; however, she did manage to post a picture of this "presence". As long as she respects the readers' intelligence, it is all fair play and I enjoy reading her stories. And as many have said, her love for animals and her granddaughter makes her a-ok in my book. I have never doubted that she is a capable, caring and strong woman.
I remember, a few years back, when a war broke out between Tia and some regulars. It had to do with money being collected and gifts being sent or something of that nature. Anyway, I remember Pat saying that she loved the war going on and she just sat back and enjoyed the show. That, right there, told me a lot about her personality. I think she baits people. I think that's what's going on right now.
I found the pictures of eggs so I'm allowed to talk now.
I was thinking something similar. It occurred to me that she might be wigging out and this might be a cry for help, but her post-entity photo posts have seemed completely normal. . . . Then I thought, maybe she's bored and just wants to stir things up. Whether just for her own amusement or to find out who loves her enough to follow her , , , to the gates of hell? . . . if that's the case it just makes her look petty.
I've lost respect and now I'm starting to lose interest.
Another Anonymous
I agree. I have no respect and no interest anymore. I've read here for years but I don't like being played and I won't drink the Kool-Aid. Good-bye, Pat. I wish you only the very best.
Goodbye Pat. I'm leaving now. Try to get along without me.
Bye bye Anonymai. Have great lives! :-)
Mega eyeroll.
Good grief, I have known Pat was a liar for years. I suspect she has a mental illness, with the hoarding, the animals, etc...I read the blog like watching a train wreck. This is fiction made up by a woman undone. She likes the attention. I doubt she has many, if any real life friends and I would place money on her having her granddaughter full custody. I just do not believe 90% of what she writes. I don't care if she is crazy as fuck. That's why I read this blog. Real life crazy.
And yes, Tia was even more crazy, if there is such a thing. But Tia was intelligent, on some levels. I think her illness makes her think in black and white. She got pissed off when her "friend" started lying to her. Tia was a huge threat to Pat. I believe Tia still posts here, and on this post too. I can imagine it is very difficult for Tia to post as a calm and sane person.
Just know what you are reading. Real life insanity and a whole lot of bull shit.
I have had welfare checks done on Pat. She knows that. The state is very involved with her keeping the animal hoard at bay and all the trash. Her home was condemned which is why she is moving to another, better shack.
Another chicken shit anonymous. Sure. You are in charge, and policing Pat's life. How upstanding and self-important of you. The world thanks you for your insightful input. Please bend over to receive your reward.
Christina (not afraid to use my name)
Yep! Christina... I'm with you. I love Pat. She is a positive person in my life. I wish the rest of you haters and do gooders would just fuck off and let us enjoy this blog without your sanctimonious intrusions. Just bugger off!
Lia, you are just as sick and crazy as Pat. Wouldn't IM or Skype work out better for yall?
Well, Anonymous, that just go pes to show that you are full of shit. You have no idea who I am, you have never met me, and I'm betting you are not qualified to diagnose someone as being either sick or crazy. Just wild, stupid accusations. Crawl back under your rock and stay there.
Sure. You are in charge, and policing Pat's life. How upstanding and self-important of you. The world thanks you for your insightful input. Please bend over to receive your reward.
Christina (not afraid to use my name)
Christina, you're hilarious. And you expressed my sentiments exactly, but better than I could. I can just imagine this sanctimonious twat and it's not pretty.
signed The Original Anonymous (too lazy and too unimaginative to use a poster name, but I used to be pretty much the only Anon so I was still uniquely labelled - till a bunch of snigglers got embarrassed to use their usual handles )
I like shoving caramel corn into my twat.
Years and years ago when I was still young, I remember how aggravated and bamboozeled I felt when I discovered (through appreciative attention to detail) that the "sworn truth" autobiographical accounts of Zora Neale Hurston (whose writing I had loved--and believed) were in fact half-truths and lies. It was my first introduction to the literary concept of The Unrealiable Narrator, and I admit it came as a shock. To this day I don't feel quite as admiring of Hurston. But it doesn't alter the fact Hurston was a good writer. My ultimate conclusion regarding these little creative shenanigans of Hurston and others is that some writers, perhaps especially amateur writers, just never learned to break free of the first-person narrative, which is an easily intuited yet often confining narrative structure in which "I saw....I said....I did" sometimes begs to be believed more than raw creativity allows. That said, over the years First-Person Unreliable Narration has become my favorite form of narrative storytelling as it challenges the reader to do some of the heavy lifting. Nabatov's "Lolita" and Jose Saramago's
"All the Names" come readily to mind as two good examples of this.
Yet Another Anonymous Contributer (to the Mayhem)
I like being the last post in an ancient thread because when I brutally misspell something like NABOKOV there's less chance of anyone seeing it, lol.
Hi again. I've been reading about the Norwegian Rat. Under the original photo of the rat (not the photoshopped one) it states the following:
• Rats can fall 50 feet without injury.
• Rats can jump 4 feet horizontally.
• Rats can jump 2 feet vertically.
• Rats have been documented swimming up to 1/2 mile in open water.
Now lemme ask ya'll sump'n.
If a Norwegian Rat looked you straight in the eye---without blushing, no quivering chin, no tail crossed behind its back--- and made these same claims about its own remarkable powers in the first-person narrative..... would you believe the rat?
Yeah, it's me again. I'm still reading about the Norwegian rat. Because when I get ahold of something I'm like a terrier on a... well, you know.
As my contribution to this fact-finding mission, I feel its my duty to report to all concerned that the Norwegian Rat (according to wikipedia) is also known as the common rat, the brown rat, the street rat, and/or the sewer rat.
So lemme ask ya'll sump'n.
Suppose this rat, so common and brown, ambled up from the sewer, looked you straight in the eye, tapped its chest, and said "I'm a NORWEGIAN rat".
Would you believe the rat?
(still lol'ing)
straw in the pic because i took it outside, you donut.
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