Dear Abby had the old familiar 'family is taking advantage of me' letter on today. She has them every time thanksgiving comes around. The comments, which are usually sane, are FULL of other people who solved their outrage over the same predicament. So, some uptight pilgrims shared some Indian's food a bazillion years ago after the Indians taught them how to fish, hunt, and grow corn and they all sat down and thanked...god? Shouldn't the fuckers have thanked the Indians? Oh, wait, didn't they slaughter the Indians later? Whatever. It's a christian religious holiday and a bogus one and I ain't doin' it. I could do it in the name of the Fall harvest being completed, but, fuck that.
You do what YOU want. Some people really dig it, the doing and the eating. Even the family thing. It is not my thing, and I'm out. I hate it. I type these same words or a variation every year at this time, but, now that I have my own house, I can mean it. SHE won't walk this far to convince me I simply must be there. Or to shove plates of her overcooked, under seasoned food at me through the door. I feel kind of joyous about it. Maybe I'll make something I like. If the kid stays here, I'll make something we both like and we can hang out and watch movies, never getting out of our pajamas. If she decided to go to a relatives house (she has plenty), then it will be just me in my jammies, eating MY choice of food and watching whatever I want and clean up will be so minimal, I may not even have do it, if I'm slick. I'd love a whole day where I get to do NOTHING. Doesn't that sound like nirvana?
Anyone want to bitch about it, their family or anything else about thanksgiving? I will give thanks, to me, that I said, fuck this noise and meant it. Thanksgiving has got to be the stupidest holiday christians have ever come up with. Throw my family, football, parades, and great greasy piles of dirty dishes into it and you have hell. Nobody like turkey that much.
What have you got planned, or do you live in a saner country? Oh, Tooney woke me up at 5am again, he weaseled his way into the house this time. I let him visit and fed him good, but, I kicked him out after about an hour. It was storming too and I didn't feel a bit guilty. He was dry as a bone and his coat is so thick it's like a fur mattress now. Is this going to be a daily thing? No school today due to PTA meetings, so he didn't do me any favors. The alarm clock wasn't set. Still, it was good to see him in such high spirits. I'll bet all the garbage cans in Guntown will smell pretty good after thanksgiving. Might be worth going out late with a camera.
I enjoy Thanksgiving. Much less pressure than Christmas, I think. We can just eat and enjoy the company. It gets stressful when trying to coordinate when all can be there at the same time, but it's worth it.
...and I love mashed potatoes. Love them. Eat them like it's my job. That kind of
Okay now he is just a pain in the ass, LOL. Like kids who move out, but then show up to do all their laundry and empty your fridge. :)
Canadian here...we already had Thanksgiving. You guys have it too close to Christmas.
I wrote a lengthy note on the raccoon picture post, but google informed me that I would not be able to leave that message as something was wrong with my brackets. I will post again, here, later. I'm just tired, but glad to see you posting again.
If he comes back like that, can you get a pic of him? I think we would all like to see his big boy almost wild pic. I hope his life will be safe and he has a good time. But will miss the boy. I'm still wiping away tears.
I'm so glad you're away from the crazy and can enjoy your day however you want. I love Thanksgiving. I love to cook the meal and especially love the way it makes my house smell. I have family coming this year and it's gonna be crazy and a tight fit in my little house, but I don't mind. We'll eat and drink too much and play board games.
I am from Australia and we don't have Thanksgiving!
turkey is foul. nope never been a fan of the bird or the "holiday". I like holidays that don't involve stinking up the house with a 25 pound carcass. my fav celebration is New Year's Eve. nice fire in the fire pit, burn the old bring in the new energy.
decided husband and I needed a break, on my time table for once. so he's banished to the north woods of Wisconsin. he's fine. he winterized the family cottage this summer, his fam cottage, how convenient. so yeah, his home for a bit. I need breathing room, kids don't need his critical demeanor ghosting about the house making them feel like shit or just not good enough. fuuuuck that. i'm starting to breathe again. find me after 35 yrs of marriage were I always felt wrong because I march to a different drummer. he's not a bad man, he's been a good provider but a hull of a human and a bit dickly, and I have no room for that arrogance anymore. it's not easy, but I don't think it's impossible. I'll need to refi the house. we bought this house, I insisted on this house 13 yrs ago because the lay out allows all of us space, I knew 15 yrs ago kids incomes were not going to be enough to provide them flight. so they help with expenses, we'll ride this horse for awhile, that's all fine for us. so I'm thankful for my foresight and thankful we had the finacial resource back then to buy the house. wow I said something positive about me, ha, I've always laid my gratitude at his feet, silly me to forget my worth, I think I've brought him back to earth, well maybe in the spring he'll appreciate it, when he's no longer walking on air feeling like the martyr, and then we can have real talk.
anyway, so happy to hear u r in ur new house. it doesn't matter what the naysayers say. be happy, be u, I don't judge. enjoy pj time, relax with ur kitties, find new homes for ur belongings and enjoy the journey.
so very happy to hear Tooney is out and about and happy, u did good with that little guy. take care Pat.
Angie, you're one of the few I know who like this holiday. Do you always host? Do you do it all or do others pitch in? I too, eat mashed potatos like they're my job, or at least part time income, ha, but, you can buy them already made from fresh now. In those plastic tubs. It would be too expensive for a big dinner, but, for 1-4 people, they're perfect and taste no different than my own. I also confess, that except for white trash hamburger gravy (a meal in itself) that I love gravy from a jar. Problem solved there. Leftovers are way better than thankgiving's real dinner for me, so a turkey breast and stove top stuffing are the way to go. Some canned cranberry sauce and I have my beloved not so leftover turkey sammies.
Pickles, yep. Well, as a Pagan, I have celebrated New Years already, (Nov. 1st) so I know dates get weird. Like you've already done something and the news is now full of it, like the Twilight Zone. Yep, he IS a pain in the ass now. But, he only gets me up half an hour early, so, I will adjust. He HAS to stop drinking out of the toilet though. He leaves prints all over the seat. I leave at least two big bowls of water out, but, apparently mom's toilet water is delicious. Yuk.
Jane, he'll be back. I WILL get pics. I slyly left the cam at the back door, he now prefers the front door. He's such a contradiction. But, since he does love coming in, I'll be sure to get photos. He's HUGE.
Cgristina, I'm sorry. Blogger does that shit to me too. I hate it, but, I can't control it. Free blog, their dumb rules. Please, keep trying.
Briezy, who all comes? A huge bunch or just your family or? Board games are kina fun at times like that. I love trivial persuit with my smart ass son in law and granddaughter. Cut throat and insulting are we.
Deb, you live in a sane country. Thanksgiving is as stupid as black Friday, neither of which I understand.
Race, are you a writer? You write so beautifully, I found myself enthralled by your comment. You ride that horse, I am reminded of that country song by that Tillis woman, "Let That Pony Run". Have you ever listened to that? Good message, nice tune. I think he has a nice set up and you planned well. Everyone should be happy with that. You have many years under your collective belts, perhaps some distance will bring you closer or closure. Either one sounds good. Keep me posted.
With our Dad now living in a specialized Alzheimer's facility, Thanksgiving will be very different this year. Im hoping that this difficult experience has brought all of us a little closer. We'll see.
Please tell me about Lissa and volleyball! We're dying to hear!
Giving it another try, here.
So, I love Thanksgiving, but then Fall is my favorite time of year. When I was growing up, we were pretty poor, but my parents grew everything. All kinds of vegetables, and fruits. We kept rabbits for meat, and had a couple of chickens and some goats. My mother preserved all kinds of fruits and vegetables, so there were lots of really good canned goods and fall was cider press time. So, when Thanksgiving rolled around, it was a truly great meal. Us kids couldn't wait, the smells in the house were so good, and we loved to see that beautiful browned bird. We lived on leftovers for a good long time afterwards. I have such good memories of the holiday. It was actually a ritual for us to go to a local farm with our parents every year (after school) and pick out our turkey. The turkeys were shrink-wrapped, and in a small barn, sitting in individual wooden boxes, in straw. It was very cool.
Once my dad was gone, we still kept up the dinners, and in the past few years, most of the time, dinners were at my house. I love having as many people over as possible, and I love cooking and baking for this meal. I don't mind the clean up, either. I love being able to fish all those leftovers out of the fridge and make up whatever configuration of leftover Thanksgiving suits me at the moment. (On a side note, this is also the time of year that I start watching Starbucks for their holiday hot sandwiches. My favorite is the turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc.)
This Thanksgiving is going to suck. My sister's husband has had prostate cancer, and it appears that it is returning. He has chosen not to seek treatment. They are going to take their minnie winnie to Eugene to visit his sister for Thanksgiving, then go to the beach. I will probably not see her kids, either. My brother was in a terrible bike accident on Tuesday. He is very into fitness, and was doing his usual morning 15 mile ride, when he hit a pothole, and went flying. Concussion, fractured right shoulder, fractured ribs, and fractured pelvis. He is now home, but is wheelchair bound, and not going anywhere. Andy is working the holiday until 3pm, and his girlfriend is a vegan, and having dinner at her mom's. I will probably fix a small turkey, and maybe Andy will eat with me. I don't know yet, but with the way other things have been going, I am not sure how it will end up. I will just try to enjoy it as best I can. If luck is with me, I will have my new range (another story) by then. I hope.
Being from the Midwest, I love my turkey and dressing sandwiches. I have quite possibly the best recipe ever created. I'm not even going to pretend to be humble about it. Ask my peeps about it...they
I always host, which I don't really love, but if it's at my house, I must make everything. I can't stand when people bring dishes to pass at my get-together and they aren't up to my taste standards. I'm a picky bitch, this is true.
Thanksgiving. It's a time for giving thanks.
Fiction and made up comments by Pat....
Another sad little cry for help from "anonymous". Please, please pay attention to meeeeeee!
Pat,you made up Thanksgiving? Damn girl, you're good! Can you make up a holiday where I get a million dollars?
Give up troll!!! We don't care!!!
I'm looking forward to pumpkin pie.
Side note, my cat is on a diet and the vet said to give her a little plain pumpkin (no sugar added) in addition to her kibble to help fill her up...she loves it!
Just read that France is fighting back. Good for them. I hope they are able to make a big dent in ISIS.
Pat I do write, have all my life, when I become an author I'll let u know! thank u for ur kind words. I don't know the song, tho it sounds familiar, I'll look it up.
hubs is well and healthy where he is, I am fine here, my kids still under the roof working steady, finally breathing, he manages to make them feel incompetent and not good enough when he's around. that most def had to stop.
yes we have a lot of yrs, 35 of marriage, yrs of living together thru college. hard to imagine that's gone, I hope for an amicable resolution.
he doesn't seem to known who I am, doesn't know his kids. he's missing out. again he's not a terrible human, but he's so very incomplete in personal relationship and connection to the big and cares little to expand and grow.
take care Pat, when u can u show us pics!
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