Saturday, December 19, 2015

I need a title. But, I can't think of one. Sorry.

I have three cats now, but, that yellow one has to go. I am not living in a house with three tomcats. Nope. He's a nice cat, really sweet. Someone abandoned him. People are such assholes. But, I've been feeding him for awhile now and he finally got tame enough to come in. He's a very good cat with a cute face. I'll put him on FB and see if I can find him a home. These guys keep me awake at night, yowling and fighting and I always wake up to something broken. This morning it was an old glass canning jar. Nice old jar, dammit, and glass all over the kitchen. So, two tomcats are enough already.

Indie, chillin'. My handsome boy in his tux cracks me up. He does not allow any other cat on my bed. They fight over that too. But, Indie is a Guntown hoodlum, he always wins.

I wanted to show you this old, odd hanging lamp I got for $5.00.  I thought it was some old 70's thing, but, kind of pretty/funky. But, when I really looked it over, it was way older than that. I don't know what era this would be from...anyone know? Or guess. It's sort of Deco-ish. Anyhow, it's totally cool in my hippie dippy, goth bedroom. It also adds more weight to the attic door so the attic monster can't get me. I need to change the bulb to a colored bulb and make it more erie. I can see it from the living room if my door is open, which it usually is. I enjoy it. I love lights, I seem to have a thing for them. I hate sleeping in the dark, it freaks me out. Maybe that's why I have so many small lights everywhere.

Things here are good. I feel much better, got my back patch refill. The animals are all good. The kid has been in no trouble this week. We got Netflix, so we decided to watch Orange Is The New Black together. We're almost through the first season, which I've seen, but, she hadn't. It was okay because that show is so good, I don't mind watching it over again. Lissa really got into it. I'm glad she did, it's something she and I can do together. We don't spend much time together, now that she's 'grown up', you know. She's visiting her mom tonight and that's a nice break for me. Not really a place I want her to go, but, how can I say no? I can't. I did talk to her mom though, about what I expect, so I think things are cool. I hope. It's a nice quiet night. Casey and Dan stopped for a visit, it was nice. I hadn't seen my son in law for awhile and I just love him, so it was good to see him. I get to stay up late, watch movies I want to see, eat my stash of candy and sleep as long as I want. Love it. What are you up to?

Oh! I forgot to tell you that I had dinner with an Internet friend. Nancy from Texas. She found me on FaceBook. I didn't know her, but, she said she used to live here when she was growing up and we went to school together. When I saw pics of her as a kid, I remembered her! Anyhow, we've been net chatting on FB for about a year. She was up this way from Texas and they swung over to say hi. It was very cool, we had a great time. It's nice when you meet someone from the net and they are what they say they are and look just like their photos.

I have to show off my grandbaby Lila Snow. She's our Christmas baby, she's one year old this month. I haven't seen her for awhile and I'm missing her. It will be so awesome to see her and Gabe for Christmas. Isn't she just so farking cute!?


Angie said...

I have three Tom cats in the house. They drive me nuts with fighting and yowling. I doubt I'd do it again.

Family Christmas tonight. It was really nice, great food, lots of booze. Everyone is drunk, but me and my ready to deliver daughter. I figured about the time I started, her water would break. That would be my luck. No matter, because I have a headache amyway. Sympathy hangover?

Angie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dirty Disher said...

Three toms!? Then you know what I was talking about. They all want to be the alpha male and it can drive you nuts. All nice animals, but, jesus.

That is so awesome that you can actually enjoy your family get togethers. I hate mine. You HAVE to tell me when that grandbaby comes and send a pic! So exciting.

Jane said...

Lila Snow is such a beauty. I bet Gabe is a protective brother. We need a pic to see how big he's gotten.

I wondered why you were up this late. Where were you and your friend when you took that pic? I'm just curious as to what that screen is behind you.

Anonymous said...

CAT-astrophe. Good one huh?

Unknown said...

Yay! Youve got Netflix! It has seriously kept me sane this year. I loved Orange is the New Black but Marvel's Jessica Jones is the best thing I've ever seen. I just love a strong feisty female character and Jessica Jones is absolutely awesome. Lissa will love it too. There just arent enough powerful femae roles about. Yesterday I watched great Expectations and Gillian Anderson as Miss Haversham was just incredible. Happy viewing!

Anonymous said...

OITNB for a 4th grader??? OH MY WORD!
So inappropriate. Of course you don't see it that way. Rated R for mature audience.


I will remind you of all your screw ups when she gets an STD next year, pregnant the next and OD's the next.

You are entrusted with that CHILD!

Anonymous said...

why would you want to contaminate this childs head??? Really. Why not let her be a child?

connie45 said...

Oh my gosh! Look at that beautiful baby! A big dose of baby love does a heart good.
So glad you got to spend some time with a friend. Chill, eat and talk - nothing is better.
Love that hanging lamp - it definitely looks like something from Pier one or Cost Plus.

Tamales are made. Most gifts bought. My kids have been shall we say, challenging, since the moment school got out. Negotiate, patience and more patience will be needed for the next 2 weeks.

Noreen said...

The lamp looks like an antique Louis XVI gilt bronze - believe it or not, it could be quite valuable. I've PM'd you on Facebook a site I think you should check out. Even if it's a reproduction, you got quite the bargain! Nice find :)

Anonymous said...

What you're doing is WRONG letting Lis watch OITNB. Very irresponsible on your part, Pat. Naturally and expectedly, it's the Pat Parade of blind followers that won't even call you out on this.

Kitty said...

Um, try 6th grade? An eleven year old wouldn't be in fourth grade. Unless she's already in 7th.

Anywho, we've got just one tomcat and he's very sweet. The female dog we have beats him up though, but I thinks he enjoys it. We try to separate them and he gets mad, lol. I couldn't imagine THREE tomcats, so I hope that sweet tabby finds a great home.

I'm loving that lamp, very medieval looking I think. I've got an art deco lamp and it's like a dancer or something; she's also got a tambourine and is laying down with her feet in the air. I got it from the antique store around the corner a ways. Antique stuff like that always makes the best decor.

And yay for a Christmas baby! Maybe the baby will decide wait a few days?

Anonymous said...

Three cats period would be an issue, let alone toms! But you are doing a good thing. If you don't find him a home can you make him be an "outside" cat?

I think the lamp looks morrocan ... very cool!


Anonymous said...

Romans 2:1
Therefore you have no excuse, O man, every one of you who judges. For in passing judgment on another you condemn yourself, because you, the judge, practice the very same things.

I'm sorry...I just couldn't resist. I get such a kick out of this anon who seems to be so offended by the upbringing of this kid and in the same breath, says deplorable things about her.

iambriezy said...

I thought that baby was a doll before I finished reading the post. She's really beautiful! Glad to hear you're doing well. That lamp looks like it might be worth something...get that sucker appraised! Love meeting up with internet friends in person! I've met a few from this blog.

Anonymous said...

NOREEN I love the picture. It looks just like my dear dog I lost over a year ago. I miss her so much.

If you get the males neutered does their behavior change enough? I guess I wonder if that would help or if they'd already been fixed. The new one is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

are all of them neutered? they should not fight as much. take a look at a show called "my cat from hell" . there is a lot of tips on how to integrate new cats to the family.

Noreen said...

BORDER COLLIE- thanks! I'm sorry for your loss- I am the proud "mommy" of two of those handsome boys. Border Collies are the smartest and the best- probably why I always like your posting name LOL-

Unknown said...

I'm glad we stopped by. I think both of you really enjoyed having adult conversations, lol. I'm not much of a politics person, so Dan doesn't get to talk like that very often.

Unknown said...

I'm glad we stopped by. I think both of you really enjoyed having adult conversations, lol. I'm not much of a politics person, so Dan doesn't get to talk like that very often.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, we were at a nice restaurant/lounge called The Ice House. It seems like every place has to have a big tv now, I hate but, whatever. I used to work there for like 7 years, and now they have a nice new building. It's kind of fancy, yet all you see is that fucking tv, lol.

Dirty Disher said...

PS..I will put on pics of all my family soon, I have some good ones. Gabe is adorable, you should hear him talk. OMG he is so cute.

Dirty Disher said...

LOL Dan. Pussyfried.

Lia, I just started Jessica Jones and love it. I wondered where Kristen Ritter was and my SIL told me to watch it. Man, it's the shits!

Anon, Lissa is NOT your typical 11 year old. And I will make the call on what she can see, so kindly bend over and suck your own rancid cunt. Thanks.

Connie, thanks. I think Lila is seriously one of the most beautiful babies ever. She's really sweet too. Their parents raise them to be polite and decent little people and it makes me proud. They're doing it right which it much harder than these losers who let kids run rampant. Hey, can you email me your addy again? Lis wrote to the girls and I forgot to send it. I can't find your addy now. I suck, but, I seriously can't find my ass with both hands some days. I hope your girls have the best holiday. Hey, did you get another cat yet?

Dirty Disher said...

Kitty, she's in 5th, but, the kid has seen it all. She lived a rough life with her mom and most of the time I treat her like you would someone who is 16 or so, because that's what she is in her head and body. It's hard to know how far to let her go, but, I can't treat her like she's 11. That would be ridic. It would never work, so we balance. Like, she can't date, but, she can have a net relationship if I can monitor when I want. She can't go out after dark, but, she can walk to the store or park with a friend in the daytime. It's all a negotiation.

Dirty Disher said...

Briezy, I love the people on this blog and I want to win the lottery so we can all go on a private cruise together. Maybe stop at a haunted castle for a night of foolery, wouldn't that be awesome? Thanks for noticing how adorbs Lila is. She IS a tiny doll.

Border, I wonder that too. Indie is a full on fighting, mousing, destructive tom, yet he IS neutered. Yet, Ouija, my Chi Chi boy is just a playful kitty and he has his balls. I don't know if I need to neuter him since he doesn't do anything tom catty except play fight with Indie. He doesn't spray or yowl. I have no idea. As for the new one, he has HUGE balls but, he's so mellow and sleeps all day. More on him later. I just don't know.

Dirty Disher said...

Noreen, your dogs are gorgeous and I enjoy your animal posts on FB. I can tell you have a way with all animals.

Casey, I love talking to Dan, we think alike. I wasn't up to snuff that night because of the fentanol. That stuff is powerful! Tell him to come back soon and I will lay off the drugs so we can fix the government.

Dirty Disher said...

PS..I have seen My Cat From Hell and none of them have jack shit on Indie. I love him and he loves me, he's loyal to me, he protects me and alerts me just like a dog, but, goddamn, if he doesn't get his way, he will literally tear my house to shreds. I can not even tell you all the shit he has broken.