Saturday, December 19, 2015

People pay to see Khloe's ass??

You can go to Khloe Kardashian's website to see the new ass photo she's been hawking. stops you on the second click and makes it clear that you have to join her site and pay a fee to look at her ass photo. However, someone has already stolen it and posted it for all of us peasants who can't afford to look at Khloe's naked butt. I found it, there you go. You're welcome. You can tell it's photoshopped. God, those K girls have big asses though. Man. Still, I find it hard to believe that many people will pay to see her ass, when these chicks have already shown us their ass a million times. It's weird. Men are weird. It's also weird to me that showing your ass can be a job. "So, what do you do?" "Me? I let someone take photos of my gigantic butt and put them on the internet." Wouldn't that be strange? But, if you called her a porn star, she'd be insulted. The world is a strange place to live these days.


Jane said...

I've heard people actually bleach their asshole. Looking at that pic, either it's not bleached evenly or there is a strange makeup application.

On a different note, can anyone tell me why wine glasses are so large if they only serve you about a fourth of a glass? Is it to let the wine breathe?

Dirty Disher said...

I know bleaching your asshole is a popular thing now, like botox and pussy waxing. Personally, no thanks. Aint no one seeing my asshole anymore. I might have done it when I was young though. I think my asshole looked fine though. I don't know about now, I never look at my stuff anymore, I just wash it and call it good.

Yep, to let the wine breathe. Former bartender here. It still bugs me when I go someplace and see red wine in the cooler. Big nope. Red is always served at room temperature. I always want to tell the bartender, then I feel uppity, so I never do.

Jane said...

I'm such a hick about wine. If I say i want a glass of wine, give me a whole glass and stick a straw in it while your at it.

Speaking of wine, I've been looking to plan another trip. I'm thinking Italy this time. I've been 2 times before but never made it to Rome. Why is travel in the U.S. so expensive? You can book 10 days in London for less than a week in D.C. and surrounding areas. The plane ticket is way cheaper to Europe.

Anonymous said...

That is a huge ass in that picture. Oh, and she has a big butt, too.

Kitty said...

Looks like they super glued her cheeks together.

Anonymous said...

The ass crack is strange. Its .... long.


iambriezy said...

Why are her ass cheeks so far apart? You could fit a Buick in that canyon.

Anonymous said...

I've become averse to shared water. Can you imagine all those K gals in a pool and they all fart at the same time? I wouldn't be anywhere near any water they were occupying. You'd get drenched from 10 feet away.