Saturday, December 19, 2015

The inbred, cult following, douchetards are adopting for real

These two goddamn, bible thumping, ignorant hillbillies are adopting another kid. Maybe more than one kid. (HERE.) This just isn't right. What kind of judge or social workers or whatever would give these assholes more children to brain wash and fuck up? Seriously, this is fucked up. No child should be put into the Duggar home.  It's just all kinds of wrong, just like their overdone sucking ice cream sodas through two straws photo. Knowing what we now know, this shit isn't cute. Actually, it never was. That used up pose always made me feel kind of nauseous. These people give me the heebie jeebies. How in the name of Satan does someone hand them another kid???


Jane said...

They just have to find some way to be in the media. Just so tired of all of them.

Kitty said...

I couldn't handle even half the kids they have. Why do they think they need to adopt? Isn't that defeating the whole purpose? Let another family adopt, one who will still be able give the child quality time and attention. And where their older children won't have to raise them.

Dirty Disher said...

The whole philosophy of the Quiver movement is so wrong and sinful in itself that I get enraged thinking about it. If you've ever researched it, you would be pissing mad too. It is so demeaning and degrading to women and so cruel to children that it should be illegal. There is a link on here, no longer quivering, it's by women who have escaped the cult and it is heartbreaking. Check it out. If the state of Ark. willingly gives children to members of this fucking known cult, famous for child abuse, I will scream on this blog like never before.

Kitty said...

I've checked out the website some before, mind-boggling stuff. Nothing but a cult of control.

What if the state told them something along the lines of 'No, we are sorry. You are not allowed to adopt due to the excessive amount of children under your care at this time."? Because I think they most likely will.