Tuesday, January 5, 2016

More pics of my gorgeous kids



Duck lips, one must have at least one duck lipped selfie per hour.



Nap time for Daddy Alex. Giggle time for Lila Snow.

Alex and Sara, sittin' in a tree, K-I-SS-ING!

Hats are in this year. Lila Snow told me.

Why yes, she is a fashion icon and the IT girl..

But, she loves her some December birthday cake.

Dennis, Casey J and her daddy, Dave in painting class. They took Alissa once. I don't comment. I do not say one word. Nope.

Okay, the blog says no more pics right now. I have to go give Google some head or something.


Anonymous said...

As a casual reader I know it's really none of my business, so I can only hope you don't mind me asking....but I'm a little confused about Sara and Alex's relation to you .... as in, branch of the family tree.....is Sarah your daughter or DIL?

Anonymous said...

Oh shut up commenter number one.

Dirty Disher said...

Sarah is Gabe's dad's wife. Lila is her and Alex's bio daughter. Alissa is Gabe's other bio sister. They are all brother and sisters. They are my kids, my grandkids. Because we are a family.

Dan, you prolly called that right, but, you know me.

Anonymous said...

in your eyes.
white trash

Jane said...

AW!!!!!!! Such great pics. I love Gabe's wrestling suit. I wish I could see that. It must be a hoot. There's nothing better than watching little ones participating in anything. And Lila is such a cutey.
As for the lip ring, I will lay odds that Lis will remove it after a while. I've heard they are aggravating when you eat. But then, maybe she doesn't care that much about eating. Can she wear it ti school?

Anonymous said...

I have herpes in my anus. Now what, whore?

Kitty said...

Aww, everybody is just beautiful. What a gorgeous family you have!

And if the way your family works makes you white trash, then sign me up with ya. Because apparently some people haven't heard of the word 'love' or 'family'.

Anonymous said...

Great happy pictures of all of them. How delightful to have such good spirits around. They make life worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

"Commenter number one" here again...

@ Disher - thanks for the information. I was a little confused about the family connections which is why I asked.

@ Dan Zinski - I hope a swarm of Legionnaires'-carrying bacteria burrows into a rip in your glans rendering you immobile and capable only of drooling in agony whilst an army of termites infests your rectum and rots you away from the inside out, you nasty, bile-spewing slab of moldering stoat ejaculate.

Angie said...

I love seeing family photos.

iambriezy said...

Commenter number one may need a half tab of Xanax. Cute family, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Commenter Number One, you made my day. You telling off and putting a curse on someone is beyond compare. I need your help to give appropriate curses on people!!!

Unknown said...

You've grown a beautiful family Pat!

Anonymous said...

Good grief. For what it matters, I'm the authentic "commenter number one", and none of those following comments were made by me. Thanks for clarifying the family relationships. It really was just an innocent and interested question.

Anonymous said...

Except for what I said about Dan Zinski. I totally meant every word of that.

Anonymous said...

Lol, nice try. You really are a mad genius when it comes to drumming up drama. Who else would be monitoring comments so closely as to hop on in less than 5 minutes, hmmm?

Anonymous said...

And please don't impersonate me again; you're only making yourself look foolish.

Anonymous said...

Nice try once again. Don't you have anything better to do with your life? Yeesh...

Anonymous said...

Wow... those last two weren't me (original commenter number one) either. Troll is getting more desperate it seems.

Anonymous said...

I'm the authentic commenter number one, but at this point who cares?? It's high time we anonymai just admit we're a single living organism... like slime mold, lol... we can live independently as single cells, but aggregate together to form noxious multicellular structures. C'mon, let's hold hands and buy the world a Coke.

Anonymous said...

Or a Pepsi, if that's the way you swing.

Anonymous said...

You just don't give up, do you? How sad.

Anonymous said...

I don'think anyone should give up, but I do think you should get a grip. It was one thing to be mistaken as the purveyor of your Legionaires-carrying, rectum-invading, bile-spewing perversity....I can live with that....but I draw the line at Pepsi.

Jane said...

Will all you ANONs place pick a name. Even if it's just a number, like Anon 1, Anon 99, or whatever. This is more confusing than "Who's on first!".

Anonymous said...

Okay, Jane, I'll play along... I'm on first because I'm the original commenter.

Anonymous said...

And on and on it goes... (the REAL original commenter here. At least I think I am...)

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! Original commenter, it's just that I have explained it so much, you were mistaken for a troll. My apologies. I love talking about them, actually. They all have their shit together and it amazes me how normal and productive they all are. And all are very dedicated to their spouces and family. Pets included.

Dirty Disher said...

Coke! NO petsi.

Anonymous said...

Lol...glad we got that settled.

Anonymous said...

Such a beauitful family. Lissa is so pretty. I can't believe how much she has grown up

Karen from Il.