Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Raccoon tries to wash cotton candy, but it dissolves instantly

That is one heartless trick. I want his addy so I can send him a case of marshmallows.


Anonymous said...

Poor baby. I never even thought of anything so evil to do to an animal. Funny tho.

Jane said...

Would he wash a marshmallow? I guess sometimes it pays to be a little dirty.

iambriezy said...

Poor coon! Life is cruel, lil buddy...

Dirty Disher said...

They don't really wash things, they're all just obsessed with water and if water is near when they eat, that's what happens. They will just naturally drop anything in water and then fish it, apples, tomatos, marbles, sticks. It's a tactile thing, their whole world is wrapped up in the tactile. Makes for cute vids, like "Coon washes dishes" etc.