Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kiefer Sutherland - Not Enough Whiskey (Official Music Video)

I listened, fully prepared to support his new career. Nope. Buckets of Nope. Did he write this mung? It's awful and his voice is so unremarkable. Nope. Dude can do whatever he wants, but, how is anyone going to respect this?

And don't tell me it's because I'm a punker. Nuu uhh. I love me some Hank and Hank jr. This shit is a joke.


  1. Wow. That is the sound that I expect to hear at any holding cell in any jail along the Texas-Mexico border. I can sing better than that in the shower. He sounds like he got busted in the jaw and can't work his pie hole properly. What a joke. I've heard better in a school bus after a game.


  2. That was a simple little ditty, but it wasn't a true country western. He didn't say anything about his mama, prison, his truck, a train or his dog. Nope, doesn't qualify.

  3. It's unbearably monotonous like a lot of C&W, but I'm pleasantly surprised by the timbre of Keifer's voice. Kinda like Tom Waits on quaaludes. It would help if we didn't actually see The Keef singing, as his mug is so inescapably assocatiated with the tv drama "24". Given the dreary tempo one can't help but fear this lifeless ditty might dirge on for the next 24 hours.

  4. If ya can't sing, pick a pouty fight with the DJ radio host to divert attention from the obvious. (A lesson learned from Billy Bob Thornton.)

  5. There's not enough whiskey to make me listen to this entire song.

    & hey Pat just read through the blog mess, yikes. Hope you are feeling better. Stay strong, spring is here, bask in some sunlight when you get the chance. :-)
