Sunday, March 6, 2016

Spiritual trouble big time

I put this on big, so you can click it and see how big that tree is. It is one of Guntown's most well known and oldest trees. Since I was a kid, we have always called it 'the coon tree'. It was hollow but still alive for years. In the last couple of years, it has died and become dangerous. It had to come down. Many, many Guntowners stood and watched as they sawed and sawed and pulled and pulled all day long, yet the tree resisted. Finally, it cracked at the base (not where they sawed) and crashed down with a deafening sound and an explosion of wood parts. I admit I cried a little. But, I really felt bad when I examined it.

At the huge base of the completely hollow old tree was the body of a young Raccoon. The owner said, 'OMG, did we kill it?" She had waited until she knew all young would be gone. I picked up the body and turned it over and recognized it as that young male who came and ate at my door and played with Tooney. Under the Coon's body was a block of blue rat poison. Also, he was in rigor already, which meant he was dead before the tree came down. I cried and so did some other Coon lovers who were there. Some bastard threw poison into the Coon Tree. Who could do such a thing? We were all looking around the crowd, but, no one seemed suspicious. There were so many Coon lovers there. They had even listened to the tree carefully before taking it down to make sure none were in residence. So, now we not only have a poisoner in our midst, but, the tree spirits are confused and some are angry.

I know many of you do not believe, but, I have seen them. I have been both awed and tormented by the spirits of nature. Some are tiny, light and beautiful as you would imagine the Fey to be. But, others are dark and huge and have nothing but bad in them and they scare me. It is my belief that I can make this right. The owner of the tree does not fully believe, but, she respected my advice that I take some of the remains under the dead Raccoon, which is all sawdust due to the dead tree, and I must use that medium to replant another place for the spirits of the old tree. The danger is..that tree was so old, so big, so well known as to have a name, that it held dark and unpredictable spirits. It held them safe and close and now they are free. I have to replant and call them in. I am a little afraid and I don't mind telling you that. This house, this property, is so spiritually balanced and so good to me that to upset that would be my personal hell.

There is another problem. I have no legs right now. Actually, I have one leg. The feeling and circulation came back in my right leg, but, my left leg is gone. It is a block of wood that I drag behind me. How can I plant a tree?? I have the perfect tree. There is a small Blue Spruce that I need to move. It is in the way of my new driveway. It is beautiful and too young to have attracted too many spirits. But, because it will be a mighty and strong tree someday, it can hold the old tree's attachments. If I do everything right. The right Moon, the medium I saved from the old tree and the right words. The words must be forthright, truthful and heartfelt. I must show no fear. I must call and gather them and attach them to the new tree. My neighbor helped me  gather the medium and I brought it home on my walker. People just parted and let me through. No one said one word in jest. They were nothing but, respectful. Now I just have to put it all together and get a hole dug. But, I'm telling you, an ill wind is blowing. It started as soon a the Coon Tree hit the ground and has not stopped yet. The animals hate it. Even the birds stopped singing. I must get this done soon before it's too late. Send me all your good energy. Thank you.


  1. Sending all my good energy for your success, and my healing thoughts, prayers and energy for your body to completely return to normal, so you can safely do what needs to be done.

  2. Best wishes to you Pat, I hope you get help at the doctors apt tomorrow and I'm sending my good vibes and energy your way
    to help you recover your mobility and to see you through to moving your tree. I admire your resolve to do the right thing in this case with the fallen big old tree as well as the spirits (now detached) to provide them with a new dwelling. However , please be careful with the digging Pat.

    All the best to you.

    Kiki :)

  3. So sorry for your health issues. I have also been diagnosed as diabetic and am just starting to have the foot nerve pain.

    Positive vibes and thoughts coming your way.

  4. I'm sending good energy to help to heal yourself so that you can help to heal the imbalance caused by the death of the tree and the horrible animal poisoner. May the spirits deal with him and he gets what he deserves.

  5. My heart breaks for the playful little coon. Poor, sweet little guy.
    May the pea-brained sack of shit that did this, die a very painful death. I hope this person is found out, and the secret made public.
    I hope the tree planting goes well, Pat. Please be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself trying to do the job right.
    It's been a weird night, here. I usually go out to put the chickens to bed, and the doggies run around in the yard, I hear insects, frogs croaking in my yard and around the neighborhood, the chickies talking very softly to each other, etc. Tonight, nothing. No frogs, insects, etc. The chickens were silent. The dogs stayed right by me, and I saw exactly one small moth. It was pretty eerie. It felt really weird, though I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I certainly didn't hang around out there any longer than I had to.
    Good luck with the blue spruce. I hope it all goes perfectly.

  6. off topic...I have been wondering about this since the Super Bowl commercials. WTF is "puppymonkeybaby". And why?

  7. Sorry. That was me.

  8. Your comments made me smile and I have now idea what puppymonkeybaby is.

  9. The PuppyMonkeyBaby is the name of a CGI character created by Mountain Dew for a TV commercial that aired on February 7, 2016 during Super Bowl 50. The ad features a computer-generated mash-up of three things that the public generally finds to be cute or harmless; a Pug puppy (the head), a monkey (the body and tail) and a dancing baby (the hips and legs).

    Remember that horrid thing that popped up from under rug in DD's bathroom?

