Monday, August 31, 2015

"Catfishing" on the Warrior River

People are unbelievable, these two dudes are heros. Good job, guys.


Unknown said...

That's the best cat fishing I've ever seen.

iambriezy said... sweet. I wanna know what happened to these kitties.

Dan Zinski said...

Kittens fry up good.

Angie said...

I'd like to believe that they took them home with them. Guys that will rescue kittens wouldn't just turn them out :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like they were both possibly adopted by a family:

Anonymous said...

So sweet. They were waiting for a chance to be rescued and swam out to the boat. Glad these men were there. Also glad for good news to come out of Alabama. I live in Alabama and we're not all cousin-marrying, uneducated, wear-your-pajamas-to-wal-mart, toothless idiots...just some of us. LOL.

Angie - They took the kittens to a vet for a checkup. The guys knew a family who wanted to give the kittens a loving home. This family has two daughters.

With all the bad news we hear everyday, it's good to hear good news for a change.

Kitty said...

I'm so thrilled they saved them. And the cats knew to swim out like that, they wouldn't do that for just anything. These guys are awesome and should feel good about what they did. If I was them, it'd give me an awesome feeling for the rest of the week!

pan said...

Reading the Youtube comments, GoPro, the company that makes the camera this was filmed with, was so impressed with these guys they contacted them and gave them a GoPro gift set for fishing. It was the first time I've ever seen Youtube comment on a video too.

Jane said...

I would like to grab the people who left them out there. I'm so glad they were rescued by some good people and given a good home. Those guys deserved a treat for that. Good for GoPro and Youtube.
Those cats were smart. They knew they had to go for help and get in the water. I'm not sure all cats would do that.

sandy said...

that's so cool - good guys!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad those guys were there and were willing to pick those kitties out of the water. Poor little babies were desperate to get out of that area or they wouldn't have taken the chance to swim like that.
I'll never understand why people do things like this to animals. I wonder if they were the only ones dumped, or if there were more that didn't survive.
I hope they have long, happy lives from here on.