Monday, August 31, 2015

Tree nap and first bite

I've been letting him climb trees and I sit and wait for him. It doesn't come natural, like you'd think. It's something they learn. He can go up a tree pretty fast, but, he's just recently learned to climb down pretty easily. I put a lawn chair under the tree and smoke and wait for him. He's pretty well hidden, isn't he?

There he is. He had a blast eating wild plumbs and pissing off Blue Jays. I let him play up there for two hours, then I got tired. I called him down, but, instead of obeying me, he deliberately stretched out on some high branches and went to sleep! I was irritated, but, not pissed. I said, 'I'm leaving Tooney' and I went and sat on the porch. When he realized I was gone, he got scared and came down to find me.

I could see him coming down from the porch so I walked over to get him. I reached up and he decided, fuck me, he was going up again. I said, no and took hold of his collar.

I could tell he was pissed. He let out a low growl and tried to get away. I knew what was coming, so this time it was no surprise. I tried to let go of the collar and throw my arm across him, so he couldn't climb and would bite my arm instead of my hand. But, I wasn't quick enough. With a swift twist and a growl he bit my finger. Hard. Oh, he's bit me lots of times when we play, he even draws blood. I have tons of scratches and bite marks on my arms, but, he has never really bit me. Not in anger. This was for real. I'd wondered when it would happen. It always happens eventually. It's my middle finger. The tip of it. The back, the meaty part is badly bruised, but, the front has one puncture mark that goes to the bone. He nailed me good and I HATE having my fingers bit. Anyhow, I cleaned and bandaged it after I took him in and put him in his cage. He's all sweet and lovey now. He's sorry and everything is back to normal. But, I know it will happen again and next time will be worse. This is how they put an emotional distance between themselves and their mothers when they get ready to be on their own. Oh, and mothers kick the shit out of them. I didn't, but, I didn't let him have his way either. You have to stand your ground with them, bleeding or not. That's being a good Raccoon mother. Next time I might slap him in the head. It's not out of meanness, it's just what they expect. Leaving mom is hard. It's hard to explain too, but, it's their nature. He's nearly ready to be on his own. He's a fine big healthy Raccoon and I love and admire him. There are no hard feelings.

Of course the chickens came and got down by the tree and tried to intimidate him. Tooney is not intimidated by them anymore. He doesn't like them. I don't know if he'd hurt them or not. Male Coons aren't much for hunting, they're sort of lazy that way. But, they really piss him off and he outweighs them by far. He's a heavy Coon. I've made sure he's well fed and fat. I know that will help him when he's out there alone. I also know he can find food just fine. He'll have a couple of months to find Winter shelter. If he can avoid predators, he should make it.

This is nearly the end of this Raccoon adventure. It's sad, isn't it? But, exciting too because he made it and he's ready to be a wild animal again.


connie45 said...

I so enjoy the updates on Tooney. How about writing a series of Tooney's Adventures books?

Jane said...

I'm not ready. He can't leave yet. Maybe he could wait until next fall. Or just let him live in your tree where we can keep an eye on him.

Dirty Disher said...

Connie, I thought this was the

Jane, yeah, then he can go to the neighbor's and tear off their screens or tear out their duct work. Or scare the shit out of them. Naaa.

Kim Kardashian said...

That tree looks almost as bushy and full of termites as my twunt.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! I love the picture of him holding the middle finger of the tree. What a handsome boy. You are such a good mama to him. I don't think I could handle the biting and scratching. I am a weenie that way.

Anonymous said...

You may want to take off that collar. He could easily get caught up in a branch. You may not reach him in time. bima

Unknown said...

I tried 3 times to post on the Janet topic and it didn't go thru for a variety of reasons. Got tired of retyping. So hi, I'm proud of Janet and Tooney is a bad boy, time for him to be on his own soon. I'm so sorry about your finger, really. Hurts like hell. I really hope it heals without infection and that it doesn't hurt too much for too long.
Hey on another pointless award show Kanye announced he's running for president in 2020 so Melvin will have a good time posting, and Kim will regale us with tales of FLOTUS.

Anonymous said...

Anon is right. We lost a cat that way.....

pan said...

Pat, you're probably fortunate it was your finger. A good chomp on your wrist or arm and he could have hit an artery if he's biting that hard.. As sad as it is, it's probably time to send him on his way. I would hate to see him hurt Lis, the cats, or your chickens, especially if he already doesn't like them.

Don't be angry for me saying this. I'm a huge animal lover. I just don't want to see anyone hurt.

Kitty said...

I guess this is like teenage years for raccoons? Then kicked out into adulthood. He is a good and fat little coon, though. And I've enjoyed all of his antics.

Dirty Disher said...

It's a break away collar. He can get out of it, it just gives me an edge because he doesn't know it's a safety collar.

He won't bite Lis or the cats, it's not meanness. He isn't mean. It's challenging his mother. It's ME and only me he will go after. I'm not worried, I've been there before. The finger bite was more than they usually do and I don't think he meant to really hurt me. Usually it's a bluff. He just got caught up in the moment and man, he's sorry now. He's been kissing me and being real cute. Trying to make sure I'm okay. I tell him it's fine and kiss him back.

Teenage C Oon, yep. I'd like one more month with him, just to get him to be a bigger size. But, if he challenges again, I will release him. I am checking out places. I want a place where I can go check up on him.

Jane said...

OK, let's say he terrorizes the neighbors. Would that be so bad? Remember who your neighbors are. I couldn't let him go. That's why I could never do a rehab. I'm too selfish. Look at his widdle sweet face.

Dirty Disher said...

I'd hate to see him shot or something because he fucked with the wrong people here. He stays close to me now, I don't worry about him as long as I'm with him, but, it will change. I don't think he can stay here. I know, I hate thinking about him on his own, but, I do think he can make it. Not right now, but, soon.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute and getting so big. I love the picture of him sitting in the tree with his arms around the middle finger. Adorable picture. I will be sorry when he is ready to go. The stories about him have been so much fun to read.
Is your little kitty still a psycho? I've been wondering if she will grow out of it.