Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Oh my goodness! Look what Janet did!

Janet layed her first egg today! We're both pretty excited. She laid it right on my doorstep. She wanted to be as close to me as she could. I heard some mild squaking and I opened the door and there was little Janet with her egg, right on the doormat. She kept looking at the egg and then looking at me, like, wtf is happening? I bent down and made over her, 'Oh, my, Janet, you did so good! You're a good girl, your the best chicken ever!' Then I petted and cooed at her and went in and got her some grapes. Once she saw grapes the curious egg was forgotten and I picked it up. It is so perfect. Sorry, but, this is just so cute. She had no trouble at all, even though she's little. She was bred to be an egg layer. She's a Sex-Link chicken. Dumb name, but, Janet and her mate Robin are very cute and very mild mannered.

I have two Roosters and sadly, one must go. Since Janet and Robin are a little flock of their own, it's got to be big, hilarious Sherry, renamed Jerry Lee. Aww, I hate to see him go, he's so damn funny, but, now that he's lost his hen, he's a bit off his nut. He keeps trying to steal Janet from Robin and she won't go for it. My cousin has a flock of free range hens and he said he'd love to have my big pretty red Rooster. I know Jerry Lee would flip out getting a whole flock of hens all to himself, so that's where he's going. He will never end up in a frying pan, he'll have a huge area with a pond and a nice chicken house and all the hot chicken sex he can handle. And I will have two quiet well behaved little chickens, one who lays eggs! An egg a day is more than I need. Such a pretty little egg. Well done, Janet.

Get well, Cousin, so you can come and get Jerry Lee. He's twice as big as the egg layers. He was a meat chicken too, but, luckily he was a pan fryer. So, his proportions are perfect. But, he is unusually muscular and strong. And he is the funniest chicken I ever met. If it moves, he chases it. He should have his own comedy show. I will miss him, but, I won't miss breaking up all the fights he starts now that he doesn't have a hen to boss around.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first egg!! That is awesome stuff, and it is still like a treasure hunt (after a number of years) going out to look for eggs! It's like they all are so pretty, and it's still fun finding them.
Your little girl is very cute. Um. . . she does not look like a sex-link to me. She looks like a Plymouth Barred Rock pullet. Are you sure somebody didn't put her in the wrong bin?
I love my barred rocks. They are very pretty girls, and good egg layers.
I am sorry that you are losing a fun roo! It's wonderful that you found him a good home with a flock of babes he can call his own, though. He is going to be living the life.

Jane said...

"Dammit Janet!" Good job you lil zebra chick! We had chickens when I was young, but as an adult, I never realized there were so many breeds of chickens. I knew that some were bred for short lives and more meat, but it never really hit me. Got to say Jerry Lee is a good looking dude! Yeah, he needs his babes.

Jane said...

Christina, what do you do with all those eggs?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have sold them, many times I have given them to neighbors, but right now I am up to my eyeballs in them. I literally have a flat-side bucket full to heaping on my kitchen counter, and 3 or so dozen in the fridge. Oh, and some sitting on the counter as the bucket is full.
I think that I might do something with them tomorrow. Or maybe tonight. I don't know. I am very agitated because I tried to postpone the arbitration for our divorce, but George will not hear of it, so we are going forward on September 4th. Tomorrow afternoon I have a meeting with my attorney, and I think the upshot is that I am going to maybe keep my retirement, and maybe get back my mom's estate, but will lose the house. If that happens, I will be seriously bummed. I don't know what will happen to my chickens and dogs. I wanted to stay here and work on my home, but that may not happen.
Anyway, I have occasionally (rarely, really) used a pound cake recipe that takes an entire dozen eggs, I love egg salad, I like eggs for breakfast, or hard or soft boiled, or in tuna salad. I am thinking of trying to pickle some, but I am too agitated right now to say for sure if I'm going to do any pickling this year. Last week I think was the time of the yearly produce sale at Wilco. The last few years I have gotten boxes of cucumbers, pears, peaches and tomatoes, and a big bag of onions, but I just don't know if I am up to it this year. I still don't know where I will be, or if I will have any animals with me.
I suppose that I should just believe that where I end up is where I am supposed to be. I'll work on that. Let's take a vote. Should Christina drink tonight? Who says yes?

Jane said...

I can't believe you haven't been drinking already. I would have started back when George first started showing signs of insanity. But I do have an idea of what to do with all those eggs---come Sept. 4th. I would even leave some out in the sun to get good and rotten. I am a vindictive person. I believe in an eye for an eye. You push me, I push you back. You push me again and I'll beat the shit out of you. Does that make me a bad person?

And I love pickled eggs.

pan said...

George sounds like a bully. Fight tooth and nail for everything you want. If your lawyer won't fight, find another lawyer. You no longer have to put up with George pushing you around. Don't let him wear you down. AARGH! I really hate most men.

Do you freeze any of your eggs?

Anonymous said...

I hope Jerry wasn't too hard on the big heavy chicken who just died (forgot her name). Sounds like they were sadly mismatched. I miss the posts about her but she's better off after living in such a cumbersome body.

Anonymous said...

I checked out more sources online, and as I previously mentioned, this is most likely, a barred rock. Cute little girl, too. When sex-links are created, the females from that combination do not have this look at all. I think this is a pure bred, and she will be a great egg layer. Awesome.
You know, if things got really crappy in this country, like I keep hearing will happen in September (because of the cycle of years, repeated occurances of blood moon, civil unrest,etc.) and you have a rooster who knows his job and a laying pullet, you could end up not only getting eggs, but also having fertilized eggs that can be hatched, and keeping your family in meat and eggs. That is the survivalist or prepper in me, talking.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, you're right. Maybe. I looked up barred rock and boy, she fits. But, I looked up sex link and sure enough, some of them look like her. So, I dunno. I know there were no barred rocks offered. Only meat chicks and sex link layers. And ducks. Pretty sure she aint a duck, but, I could swear mama cass was a giant awkward quacker. But, it's just a local farm store, so who knows? Robin definitely looks like the typical sex link. I don't care, Janet is cute and litte and sweet and she's healthy. That's the important thing. Big roo is at her all the time. She comes to me to protect her. I just locked him up so she can have some peace and I'm making a nest box for her out of an old milk crate. I'll have a nicer one made later when I winterize. I think like you. Two healthy chickens are nice pets, but, if something happens, yep, we can make a flock. I am not as prepped as some, but, I do have the basics. Now I have a wood stove too, which makes me feel safe.

Dirty Disher said...

Anon, he was. Every time I turned my back he was on her and she squaked in pain. I'd go grab him and lock him up, but, it's his nature to breed constantly. He also took care of her. He'd find a fat worm and call her over, waiting patiently because she was slow. Then he'd stand guard while she ate, watching for danger. They slept together, they always did, from the time they hatched. In his own way, he loved her, and he's just mourning her. He misses her so much, he's lost his wee brain.

Oh, for fucks sake, the Coon is inside the chicken feed bag. I bought a hundred pound bag. Fuck, I have to go grab him or sweep all day.

Dirty Disher said...

Pan can you really freeze eggs? How do you do it? I just found out last year that you can freeze milk. It thaws out with no change in taste. You just have to take a bit out for expansion. Oh, and it takes forever to thaw, but, sure comes in handy when your snowed in with a kid who eats nothing but cereal.

Dirty Disher said...

Christina, listen to Jane. It's a waxing Moon, perfect for spelling for things you need, deserve, desire. I will have the cauldron going tonight. I have some special things I thought of using to try and help you. Yes, George is an insane asshole. You do not take a woman's home. It's not right. Let's see if we can put a block on that. Think positive tonight and light a candle. I hope everyone here joins in, light a candle, look at the flame and say, the house belongs to Christine. Every time you walk by it or notice it, look at the flame and with all the passion you can call up, repeat, THE HOUSE BELONGS TO CHRISTINE. I'll keep it going tonight and then candle it the next day too. Tell me, if you can, what is yours? What do you need and want more than anything? If you can email me a house photo, that would be good.

Tonight the waxing Moon bonfire, full force. It's been awhile since I've done any spelling so, this should be a great release. Three by Three, so mote it be. (You guys can add that to your candle chant, if you want.

Dirty Disher said...

Jane, yes! Dammit Janet! But, no Brad, he was an asshole.

Anonymous said...

So when you were looking at the sex-link chickie pictures, the barred ones I come up with, say "rooster" or refer to "he" in small print. Is that what you are finding? Locally, I only see the yellowish red or black ones.

Dan Zinski said...

I've frozen eggs before. Not on purpose. But cause I had a shitty old fridge and anything you put in the upper shelf close to the freezer would fucking freeze.

Jane said...

Melvin, did you thaw and use them? Or did you just move them lower in the fridge and then use them? Glad to know about milk. I always loose milk.

Dan Zinski said...

The eggs all became cracked, I had to throw them out.

shelly said...

Well done Janet! She sure is a pretty girl. There's nothing better than a fresh egg too, they taste so much better than store bought. Let us know how it is Pat.

Jane said...

We just passed the 10th anniversary of the flood of New Orleans from Katrina. I've seen footage from other TV stations that I hadn't seen before. I don't know how the people who went through it can bare to watch. But N.O. is growing again. I didn't hear any mention of the mayor--Ray Nagen--at that time. He's in jail in Texas for all the shit he did and stole (with his family) after the hurricane. Of course the jail is called the country club because of the easy life there.

Erin, didn't I read that you were just there?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, Jane??? He stole stuff after Katrina? That is about as low as it gets. He seemed like such a nice guy from watching him on the news at that time. I guess you never can tell what a person's like from that sort of coverage, but man, I would not have pegged him for that. I guess politics attracts a lot of people like that. Scum sucking leeches.

Hey, Pat
I hope everything is okay, and that you are just busy taking care of normal life.

Dirty Disher said...

Just busy.

And Christina, I am not sure about the second rooster now. Today it looks like a hen! I am keeping Jerry Lee. Because, and you won't believe this, my mom begged me to. She loves Jerry Lee.