Saturday, December 23, 2006

Buh bye losers

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The King Of Queens will end it's nine year run in May. The babyish UPS driver, Doug (Kevin James) , and his nasty little wife, Carrie, (Lea Remini) will be finding somewhere else to annoy me, no doubt. But, I will relish the 30 minutes of silence on CBS when they take off this little piece of garbage. Doug is not cute. He's one of those childish lazy men who never helps his wife, never listens to his wife, and lies to his wife. Constanly and about everything. When he's isn't lying, he's whining, crying, and acting like a slow four year old. Not sexy. Carrie, the stupid wife, has a heart of steel, lies to everyone, screws everyone over to get what she wants, and has a shrill voice that makes paint peel off my walls. If this is supposed to reflect the average American, then it has made us all look small, mean and stupid. Good riddance, and don't even get me started on that old hairy wart Jerry Stiller. And people wonder why I watch reality shows. Pffft.


Elaine said...

awww, i LOVE this show.

Dirty Disher said...

So does my mom. I think it's Lucy and Ricky on crank.

crystal said...

lmaoo @ Lucy & Ricky - you got some explaning to doooooo Pat :)

I used to like the show at the beginning, but actually I started quickly to not stand it.

I found they just started to argue and who needs to listen to that lol.

Dirty Disher said...

They're mean to each other. And that old guy makes me want to vomit.