Saturday, December 23, 2006

The obsession continues

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These pics are are from last week. They weren't funny so I ignored them 'till now..heh. But, when she cleans up and isn't showing her poon or throwing up sushi and Quervo, she still has one of the most beautiful faces. Don't you think? Gowd, she's such a dumbass. And yeah, I like the tweedy coat, it's stylin' with that Baroque buckle, but, who the hell wears winter coats with open toed shoes and no stockings?? It makes her look..slow. Also, she's in Cali, there's ferns and Horsetail rush behind her (we call those weeds here) so how cold could it be? Hire a stylist! No, for real..hire a stylist!

Okay, I'm off to my real job now, because I can't convince anyone to pay me for this..yet. See ya at midnight. OH....hate, hate hate that gold snake necklace thing. Tired of those things.


Anonymous said...

That chick only gets worse and worse. I can't get it thru my head how a mother of infants can act like that... Seriously, she was so preocupied with still being a virgin while with JT, and now that she is a mother she's just acting like a full time whore and not even getting paid for it. At least if she hits the streets cause she can;t do anything else, would be making some money to support her family. But she's doing nothing. And she gets upset that "people waaa waaa say horrible waaaaa things waaaa about me waaaaaaa". You are a public figure you dumbass, your life and intimacy belongs to your fans the minute you are famous. If you don't want people talking bad about you then start getting your shit together and be productive.

Dirty Disher said...

She's a complete puzzle to me. She used to be a slick marketed product, and she understood that. Now, she's just bizzare and obviously not bright. Still rich though.

crystal said...

I still think she is pretty when she isn't trying to be lol. I think she has a very young, innocent smile (yes I know she is far from innocent) and I think people will overlook her crazinest and put it down to being pregnant and cooped up in the house for 2 years and being so young, but she needs to smarten up real quick.

She has gone around and said how people treat her like she is a child and she isn't, she is a mother and a responsible mother - well it's time she ate her own words then.

Dirty Disher said...

Speaking of mothers. Brits mom said she could not stand in the way of her daughters dreams and ambitions of show business. She said that when Brit was two. TWO!