Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry ParAss style

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Sources in British media are reporting that ParAss Hiltons music career is over. They say that since her album bombed (did no one see that coming??) that there will never be another one. Merry Christmas to all of us with fucntional hearing. I don't quite believe it yet, but, I was more interested in the photos from her Christmas party. I've seen the inside of her house before and it boggles my mind how you can spend so much to live so ugly. Silver lame' walls and white on white everything..but, who the hell puts a stripper pole in thier living room? For real..who does that?? And what is that chain hanging from the ceiling? (Not mentioning the dwarf. Uhh uhh.) I guess it's tradition in the Hilton house to entertain your parents with drunken pole dancing. I'm just sitting here

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