Sunday, December 24, 2006

December bikini pics

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No, I have no idea what she's diggin' out of the baggie.

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Big bruise and a scrape on her thigh.

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Another bruise.

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The other knee.

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She looks like a picker to me. Leave those alone ParAss and they'll go away. Seriously, she's always bruised lately. I've never heard much about it, but, it makes me wonder. Does she fall down alot? Is she into rough sex? Does she have some disorder that makes you briuse easy? What? Usually it's her arms that are bruised. Her knuckles are even banged up. What's going on with her? She seems all alone on the beach..where's Stavros???

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Okay, this is just amusing. If you're ParAss Hilton and you know the photogs are watching you in a bikini, you turn your crotch thier way and open your legs. Hey, Merry Christmas ParAss style. Some guy made a mint from these pics. That's the true meaning of the holiday for ParAss.


Anonymous said...

Is that clear bag a bag-o-weed????? Seriously, I did not want to see the crotch pic. You scared the shit out of me. Shame shame shame. tsk tsk tsk.

crystal said...

now Pat, we know that her legendary pose lol. I think she gets so many brusies because she gets drunk too much and can't remember where walls are lol.

Dirty Disher said...

Maybe. Personally, I think she's a beautiful girl, wonk eye or not. She's just so wierd and dumb. And used to love..I reduced that crotch pic to 30% of the original. It scared me too.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, I'll remember next time to wear my fake eyelashes to the beach.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! I caught that too and found it hilarious.