Sunday, December 24, 2006

Sloshed Posh

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This story made me laugh out loud. Victoria Beckham, out drinking LOTS of champagne with her girl friends, gets potted and starts yammering about the size of J-Lo's bum, in front of all kinds of people. She didn't seem to realize anyone outside the conversation could hear her.

"An onlooker added: Vic was going on about the size of JENNIFER LOPEZ’s bum. Victoria said it really is big when you see it in the flesh."

I can just picture Poshie looking in horror at J-Lo's ass. It was probably like a train wreck, or a fun house mirror to her and she couldn't look away. Jennifer Lopez and Victoria WERE going to start a new fashion line together. Somehow I think that deal might be off now. I wish Posh would drink more often.


crystal said...

well they could make a clothing like for different size butts - I bet you Victoria would loose out though lol.

I wish she would smile at least once a month lol.

Dirty Disher said...

I think she's a robot. I still enjoy her though. I always liked robots.