Sunday, December 24, 2006

It'll last forever...

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..or maybe 'till New Years eve..IF they're lucky. Arron Carter says of ONE week old relationship with Kaci Brown..

"Now I'm in a great relationship. I've only known her for, like, seven days, but I have a connection with her that's like nothing else I've ever experienced," he told PEOPLE. "It's really amazing."

Ummm, this comes right on the heels of his broken engagement to the last "love of his life", a playmate who used to sleep with his brother Nick. He dated that one for three whole weeks, ask her to be his wife, then called it off two days later. The kid can't even get his ass out of bed to house train his dogs, how is he ready for marriage?

Do you get the feeling, like I do, that Nick Carter will tell Aaron when he can get married and who to? I think Nick's the only reason Aaron showers and brushes his teeth once a week.


Anonymous said...

Who are these people?

Dirty Disher said...

LOL..yeah right.

Anonymous said...

12 year olds shouldn't have fiancees in the first place. Second what is it with love-desperate teens *cough*20yearolds*cough*????? Kids, you are too young to be playing house. Go back home to mommy and daddy and have them read you your bedtime story, seriously you need it. Aaron, honey, wait after you come out of puberty and then get laid.

Dirty Disher said...

The Carters don't have a mommy and daddy. Sob. All they have is big brother Nick.

Anonymous said...

AWw I didn't know, well there's the explanation why he's all needy, with that jerk big bro and his anger issues. But still.

Dirty Disher said...

Thier parents are alive, they just aren't there for them and they had a real dysfunctional childhood. But, didn't we all? I still won't let dogs poop all over my house. Aarons such a baby.