Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From the wtf file

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I just found out that when ParAss Hilton went to Hawaii on Christmas vacation, with her boy friend Stavros, she also brought along Brandon Davis. Who does that?? Was Stavros thrilled to see this wanker step off the plane? Can ParAss even go pee without greasy Brandon? This is stranger than the stripper pole in her living room. Brandon gets my vote for ugliest shirt of the year and who wears an evening gown to shop in?


Anonymous said...

Apparently she's now in Australia pimping beer. Would hate to see Brandon sweating in the heat... EWWWww

Dirty Disher said...

Ohhhhh pimping beer! I must get pics! :)

crystal said...

I am sure Stavros parents were happy

Dirty Disher said...

Oh man, can you imagine? They already think she's a moronic whore.

Anonymous said...

Gawd. I can't believe the Aussies need P. as a role model for lauting beer... "aimed at the eastern suburbs" aka P. wannabes.


Dirty Disher said...

If you're an Aussie, I though you guys were born drinking. I always thought your umbilical cords were hooked to a keg. No offense, just Oz people seem to like to party.

Anonymous said...

ozzies can hold their piss, thats a fact. and if you have ever been to aussie, then you would know that a majority (not all, for you freindly aussies who dont promote this behaviour) of aussie women act alot like parass. slutty, drunken, disorderly, so having parass pimp beer in aussie would be like having shitney rears pimp beer in, say, america. wait, hasnt she already done that?

Anonymous said...

ok, something has been bothering me. parass went to hawaii to spend christmas with her boyfriend, whose parents hate her, and she brought along her permagreasy sweating elvis friend, and for what reason? i have to voice a possible conspiracy theory. i think parass got a free trip to hawaii, her supposed b/f provided her with enough vicodin or whatever to give her a nice short coma, and the two guys spent the holidays gay-lover style. any takers?