Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Hot or not?

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Jessica wants us to forget she ever sang at the Kennedy Center Honors. I want to forget I ever heard it. We all want things. I really want people to stop telling me she's hot. Maybe from the neck down..pffft.


crystal said...

I vote NOT HOT LOL. I have never thought she was as gorgeous or as hot as all the tabloid have said.

I think she should be thanking her lucky stars Nick introduced her to the world.

Dirty Disher said...

Her 15 minutes is up. Someone tell her.

Anonymous said...

The dumb blonde act got old a long time ago.

Dirty Disher said...

I don't think it's an act.

Anonymous said...

someone should find her active brain cells and introduce them to each other. she fucked johnny knoxville from jackass. JOHNNY KNOXVILLE!?!?! THIS IS A STEP UP FROM NICK HOW? WHAT AN IGNORANT BITCH.

Anonymous said...

dirtydisher said...
"I don't think it's an act."

I guess you are right. But, isn't she a fake blonde? or is she for real?

Dirty Disher said...

Good question..I need to find some childhood photos of her. Though I think she wears wigs almost all the time.

Anonymous said...

she's a natural blonde. and thanks for rooting her unintelligence to her hair color, way to seek out the root of her problems. pfft. she doesnt have issues, she has VOLUMES.