Sunday, December 24, 2006

Got plans?

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Get your tickets now, Brit's hosting New Years at Pure, in Vegas. I wish I could go, but, I look foreward to some scandal, drunken chunk blowing photos and tipsy make out sessions with coatail riders. Wooo! Brang it!


Anonymous said...

I plan on going on top of the hill with hubby and watch the space needle fireworks...wouldn't trade that experience for anything. uuuuuhhhh errrr ahhh well...mmmm....I don't know...... If I want to see barf I'll just pound down the 'ritas and blow my own.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! I'll bet youre a blast. Take some pics of the space needle fireworks for us to post!

crystal said...

Is this her colour of the day and sticking to it for at least a week - did you see in a week she had 3 diff colours - blonde, then dark brown, then her agent said it was too dark, so he highlighted it a chocolate colour.

OMG I bet you Kevin is laughing to the bank.

Dirty Disher said...

Yeah, she's had at least 3 colors in the last month. But, I think that photo they used on there is old anyhow. Kevin is playing it cool.