There's Lindsay Blohan leaving rehab to attend an AA meeting. I thought that rehab WAS an AA meeting, but, I guess you have to leave a place where you can't get high, to go to another place you can't get high and be told not to get high. The only reason this stupid pics on here is because Perez Hilton has decided he's the moral compass for all of us bloggers and has asked us not to run these photos. Fuck off Perez, I don't care what skanktarded starlett whores ass your nose is stuck in..I run whatever I want to. Goofy fucker needs to go draw some cum and coke noses on babies and stop pretending he's not an asswipe.
perez is not an asswipe. he's a turd burglar. he's a male vagina, and as for moral compass? when he stops chugging cock and taking it in the pooper, then he can worry about telling others what's acceptable and what's not. until then, why dont you post photos of him with coke noses, shit mustaches, cum drool, and big fatties up his ass. that, at least, would be accurate.
oh, oh, and blohan is SUCH a positive roll model...vomit.
I's completely arbitrary. It's okay to draw coke noses on children but hey...hands off the Blow, man.
I wonder if The Blow and Paris are friends again. That would explain why Perez is all up Lindsay's ass again. Ugh.
Perez is like Rosie. Both need to shut the fuck up.
I keep defending the guy and he turns against
dID sHE aSK hIM nOT tO rUN tHE pICS??? dont tell me he did it on his own volishion
So Lohan is just a female impersonator ater all - must be for Perez to want to get that far up her butt ;)
Obviously DD you are neutral, you ran the pics but you didn't pay for them so you are equally dissing she who gains from publicity and those who gain from her publicity seeking.
Free for all F* em all! You go girl ;)
Me? I'm still stunned that anyone wants to read my crap. Heh.
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