Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Marge simpson gets implants

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America's favorite houswife (of the non desperate variety) will be giving in to the pressures of Hollywood and having some plastic surgery done. Marge ends up with giant boob implants and scores a modeling deal. Oh, Marge, you used to be the voice of reason. If she really want's Homers attention, she should just have two big donuts put on her chest. Shouldn't we all?


Anonymous said...

I saw that episode! She gets bazongas..hehehe Homer even takes her to Moe's to show her off. Too funny when she flashed the crowd...Gowd I love the Simpsons!

Dirty Disher said...

Ohh, I thought it aired this coming sunday..damn I'm behind in my cartoon watching.

Anonymous said...

heee heeee heeeeee!!!! you are so busted!!

Dirty Disher said...

Yep. :)

Anonymous said...

that episode is like 5 years old

Anonymous said...

Good post.