American Idol put this guy through last night, to the top 24 I think. I didn't watch the beginning shows, I found them too painful. Horrid people dressed for The Price Is Right who were tone deaf and slow. It was ghastly and humiliating. But, last night I saw this Sundance guy go through. I was like, wtf? He doesn't sing all that well, and he's really stupid. When they picked him over another contestant he turned to the guy and said "When I hit it big, I'll make you my body guard." He was serious. Insulting and stupid. And ugly. The judges also put some chick through who couldn't carry a tune if her life depended on it and she was not pretty. I don't get this show. I doubt I'll watch it again.
Oh, and don't write me all pissy because I back the judges right to judge partly by looks. If you are making or spending millions to promote an American Idol, you damn sure have the right to make sure you pick someone who looks commercial. Not some slob assed douche like this guy.
I was a bit surprised too that Sundance moved on and this is only my opinion, but I think the judges were biased.
His father was a famous singer in the 60's (can't remember who though lol) and I think they advanced him thinking he has music in his blood.
It will be interesting now because the "public" don't necessarily advance the best voice, charisma, looks, clothing all come into effect.
I personally think from what I have heard from the beginning, I liked the 24 year old girl who has a 4 year old daughter.
I agree. American's are shallow. American Idol is looking to make money. So they have to pander to shallow taste i.e. good looks. It's just smart business sense.
I liked the girl with the kid too. She belongs on Broadway with that voice though..not Idol.
This show makes Americans look stupid. I don't care if we're shallow.
I wanted the other guy to go thru, not this one. Same with the last two girls. I wanted the other girl to make it.
I missed the show the other night, dammit all! I liked that chick from New York that got up at 5 every morning and went jogging and lost about 20 pounds, she was all attitude so I knew she wouldn't make it far. You can't be an "Idol" with alot of piss in your veins, but she was cool. I did want to see what happened to her. So if you know, let me know! :)
I THINK I know which one you mean and I think she got cut..but not sure. Go to the Idol site to find out for sure.
yes she did get cut, at least I am 99.9% sure lol. They made a note about her getting ready for it, but it was the end of the road for her.
I also thought the last 2 girls - both kind of stunk, but that one that advance missed her words AGAIN and got through - yeah real fair lol.
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