Tara Ried is livid about Joe Francis saying she was the worst sex he ever had. If you remember sleezy Joe slept with ParAss, Lohan, Kim Stewart and other Hollywood hos and said Tara was, well, the worst lay. Seems Tara ran into Joe at a pre Grammy party (so, yes, this is a "hours" old) and Joe yelled for her to come over to his table. Tara blew up and told him to "Get away from me. Never talk to me again."
First, why is Joe Francis so stupid? Does the Girls Gone Wild producer actually think you can insult a woman in public like that and then make nice? Tara shouldn't be so mad at what he said because no one believes his crap anyhow. She should be mad and upset because now we know for sure she actually woke up with Joe Francis at least once. Talk about a friggin' coyote date. I'd have chewed my arm off, checked for cameras and then put a pillow over his face before I left.
awww, no one cares about poor Tara. Sniff. :)
True, but a lot of them did.
She should have denied to the end. Ew. whoever wanted to sleep with that monkfish Francis. What a bottom feeder.
That guy really is a big ol' scumbag, ain't he?
A huge one. I think we should put him on a small deserted island with a a large jar of vasline.
Sleeping with him was obviously a mistake but at least Tara was smart enough to make him wear a condom. (Y)
Oh, that's true. None of the others did. TY for reminding me of that.
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