Monday, February 12, 2007

Another fashion tragedy

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Britney Poontang Spears, still dressing like a two dolla hooker and drinking until she pukes. I have more photos of her puke than I do of most stars portraits. I promise this is the last time I post one, unless she actually manages to spew on someone important. Hey, Timberlake, aren't you proud to have spent years with this chick? Uhh huu, yummy. Looking at her hand placement in that pic, the first thing I thought of, was that old joke "Do you smoke after sex?" Oh, and...Sorry to have insulted two dolla hookers everywhere.


Donald said...

so is that a recent puke pic?

why does this chick drink still? she has all this fame and fortune and she is totally acting like she doesnt give a shit about her life.

Dirty Disher said...

Yes, that's very recent puke. Last night, I believe. She's sad, huu? Had it all, and blowing it..with chunks.

Dirty Disher said...

Correction..this was last Sat night. Last night she puked at a diff club.

Anonymous said...

Eww! She is so fat!!!

Anonymous said...

She's not fat! A tragedy maybe, a craptaculous dresser for sure...a non makeup putting on former pop idol for definite, but not fat.

Dirty Disher said...

Ehhhh, she's a little fat.

Anonymous said...

Well then, I'd like to be as "fat" as she is. She's probably a size 10, if that. I'll take it.