Thursday, February 22, 2007

Britney pounds on Kevins door

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Seems Poontang showed up at Kevin Federlines house last night. He refused to let her in. He had the kids inside and just couldn't let her come in all messed up. Britney was very upset, but, Kevin cancelled the emergency custody hearing because she went back to rehab. Fark! He's just going to have to reshedule it tomarrow. She won't stay in rehab. Have you learned nothing, Kevin? His soft spot for her is showing.


Anonymous said...

whatever. just slip her into the tight shirt and toss her into the psychiatric ward already.

crystal said...

I would think Kevin now standing up to her is going to get her to go through a tremendous meltdown real fast. Maybe that is what she needs to realize she could seriously loose her kids.

Anonymous said...

Brit is a lit firecracker ready to explode...maybe when she does she will finally realize she needs help now/fast/intensively.