Thursday, February 22, 2007

Perez gets sued..again

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Perez Hilton is being sued again, this time by a studio for copyright infringement on a topless photo of Jennifer Aniston. I'm glad I was lazy and only put a link to it. Anyway, they asked Perez to remove it and he didn't. All he had to do was remove it, we all have to do that sometimes. Why didn't he just take it off??? And we've all seen Jens tits, ass, and other stuff on beaches and in movies. I don't understand why her little overexposed boobies are so important.

To the person on here who claims to be "Perez's spy", tell him he should have removed it because it was stupid anyway. Boobies..all this fuss over boobies.


Anonymous said...

Umm yeah, nowadays celeb-boobies are nothing.

Anonymous said...

Stop spreading your lies, Dirty Disher. Perez is innocent! Everyone is out to get him because of envy and jealousy! This whole thing has been cooked up by Jennifer Aniston because he calls her Maniston and hurts her feelings! Don't believe the Dirty Disher's propaganda! Perez is God!!!!

Dirty Disher said...

How are you Perez?

Anonymous said...

God? Lmaoooooooooo I don't know him and he sounds like an idiot. Jealousy? Envy? yeah, sure.
DD is a Goddess..beat that cry baby!


Anonymous said...

Dirty Disher is being paid by a secret cabal of Hollywood stars who want to get rid of Perez. That's why she keeps attacking him on her blog. Don't believe the lies! Perez forever!

Anonymous said...

Wow..he is lame


Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha ok that was the lamest accusation,too funny. DD attacking Perez......I can only try to imagine that and the picture in my head is just hilarious. Good try, spy!

Anonymous said...

Dirty Disher runs a sex-slave ring from her basement!

Dirty Disher said...

I have to find that basement.

Donald said...

wow the basement comment was good. how does every body know about that?

u think that is the real perez commenting dd?