Thursday, February 22, 2007

Dolce & Gabbana crosses the line

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Just cross Dolce & Gabbana off my list of designers I like to watch. I realize I'm not the least bit funny today, but, there is nothing funny about this kind of image. There is nothing sexy about this either unless you're a sick sexual predator. It disgusts me.


Anonymous said...

looks like gang rape to me. that's not art.

Dirty Disher said...

It's offensive to women.

Anonymous said...

There's lots today that people like to pass off as art. I think there's a fine line between art and nudity for the sake of sex.


Dirty Disher said...

I don't object to nudity in any form. I object to the implication that rape is attractive.

Anonymous said...

Looks like crazy orgy to me.. not rape.

Shawn said...

Honestly, it doesn't offend me. I don't think it looks like rape or violence even it looks more bondage-y, BDSM to me. Especially the clothing/shoes she has on.


Anonymous said...

More than the monkey skin coats they parade up and down their runways? Well if you have to draw a line I suppose it should be somewhere between animal mutilation and campy ad campaigns. Way to be moral dude.

Anonymous said...

Don't call Dishy "dude." And by the way, I like monkey-skin coats. I have two of them. I'd have more but the little buggers squirm around so much, sometimes they pop right out of your hands and get away...

Dirty Disher said...

If the ad featured bondage, wouldn't she be bound and grinning lustily? Pfffft.

Anonymous said...

yeah - i do not get a rape vibe either. she is niot lusty looking because all the model whores look like that when they are photographed or runnig down the runway - a mix between upset and brainless
plus the men are all gay

Anonymous said...

Looks like somebody agrees with the Disher.