Here's the screaming headline..Beyonce is 2nd african to do sports illustrated cover!
African? That bitch is from Texas. File this under more shit I don't get. And don't start that DD is a bigot crap. Not even, but why do we have to label ourselves anyway? If Beyonce is African, then I'm a friggin' Indian princess. Piss off.
Beyonce and Tyra are among the most annoying dumb chicks. Plus they both have bleached themselves to the max.
They suck whatever color they are.
Fantasia was born and raised in North Carolina. I can tell you like her, but, how is she African? Charlieze Theron is African. She's from Africa. See my point? And no Fantasia is too decent to pull a Beyonce.
lmfao Im a nigerian one my grandad came from there so i must have some rights too hehe
You are a princess in any country Aleiss.
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