Sunday, February 11, 2007

Give the war cry again!

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Lucy Lawless wrote on her official website that she has accepted a role in ABC’s pilot of “Football Wives.” The last time I saw Lucy was on that horrid singing show..I can't remember what it was called. It should have been called "Has Beens That Can't Sing." I was embarassed for her. I loved Xena. Yeah, straight chicks can love Xena too, shut up. I hope this show is good, for her sake, she deserves it. I also hope they finally let her keep her real Kiwi accent. It's so cute. Someday maybe someone smart will remake Xena and Lucy can give her war cry again.

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Whatever happened to Gabrielle- Renee O'connor? She was so cute.


Anonymous said...

DD, I just love it when you say "shut up". It's cute.

Dirty Disher said...

Awww, I get embarassed.

Donald said...




it is pretty good.

Dirty Disher said...

I do. It's cute.

LadyKate said...

Oh hey, another straight chick here who totally loves Xena. :D I found your blog through a blogsearch under "Xena" actually... lol. Would you by any chance be interested in a Xena forum I co-mod, Xena Online Community? It's a fun, friendly place to be if you want to hang out with other Xena fans -- a lot of smart people and great discussions ranging from deep and serious to funny and frivolous (Xena-related and not). Different opinions are respected and a good time is had by all. :) Hope you come by for a visit and stick around! And let me know if you have any questions about signing up.

Xena Online Community