Lucy Lawless wrote on her official website that she has accepted a role in ABC’s pilot of “Football Wives.” The last time I saw Lucy was on that horrid singing show..I can't remember what it was called. It should have been called "Has Beens That Can't Sing." I was embarassed for her. I loved Xena. Yeah, straight chicks can love Xena too, shut up. I hope this show is good, for her sake, she deserves it. I also hope they finally let her keep her real Kiwi accent. It's so cute. Someday maybe someone smart will remake Xena and Lucy can give her war cry again.
Whatever happened to Gabrielle- Renee O'connor? She was so cute.
DD, I just love it when you say "shut up". It's cute.
Awww, I get embarassed.
it is pretty good.
I do. It's cute.
Oh hey, another straight chick here who totally loves Xena. :D I found your blog through a blogsearch under "Xena" actually... lol. Would you by any chance be interested in a Xena forum I co-mod, Xena Online Community? It's a fun, friendly place to be if you want to hang out with other Xena fans -- a lot of smart people and great discussions ranging from deep and serious to funny and frivolous (Xena-related and not). Different opinions are respected and a good time is had by all. :) Hope you come by for a visit and stick around! And let me know if you have any questions about signing up.
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