Sunday, February 11, 2007

Shop 'till your phone goes dead

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ParAss Hilton was shopping and crying. She was on her phone saying " I don't know what to do." And the waterworks were seen by everyone as she used a tissue to blow her troubled nose and sob. However, as she cried her poor little hieress heart out, she also continued to shop for Valentines day, buying some edible underwear, heart candies with dirty messages and a pink vibrating tickler. Heartbreak is one thing, but, dammit, don't get in this chicks way when she's shopping. You'd be bitten faster than a candy heart with the words "eat me" engraved on it.


Anonymous said...

Not sure who wants to get with her herpes infested ass. This is one nasty stinking ho.

Anonymous said...

Fuck her too.

Dirty Disher said...

No ty. But, I wonder if Stavros has dumped her??

Anonymous said...

I think everyone should start acting like they have never heard of her. I hear someone's ego slowly deflating....