Thursday, February 15, 2007

Jim Carrey says TC is a joke

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Jim Carrey has been talking....a lot. Jim to CNN..

"Everyone gets to be the big joke for a year. That's this business. Last year it was Tom Cruise. I could be the next Kathie Lee Gifford. "

Geez, I thought he and Tom were friends..he was at the big wedding. But, it's true and we all know it. The only one who actually knows Tom Cruise and has the balls to say it, is Jim Carrey. I do like Jim in roles that aren't full of his face stretching and "ha cha" antics. So, I'm going to find a clip of his new horror movie and post it later, but, right now, I'm looking at that photo and wondering..Is Jim Carrey secretly a hot dude? Naaaaaa, it's gotta be a trick. Or my Nyquil. Heh.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love, love, LOVED him in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Who knew he was so versatile?

Dirty Disher said...

I loved him in the Andy Kaufman story. He was so spookily like Andy, it freaked me. I hate his dumb toilet movies though, like What About Mary. I hate that ignorant stuff.

Anonymous said...

Get rid of the nyquil :)


Anonymous said...

He looks kina cute on those pics. Maybe he is secretly hot.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Jim Carrey. :D

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO @ Miss Eliza.